168 Moaning

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Michael: All you hear is the bed banging against the wall repeatedly. You grab the nape of Michael's neck and pull at it. You feel so close; you let out this loud moan. "I love you so much," Michael whispers as he continues.

Calum: You just kept moaning. From the start Calum told you to be quiet or you'd get punished. You just couldn't hold it in. You couldn't take it anymore. Moans started pouring out of your mouth. Calum groans and takes his free hand and uses it to cover your mouth, "I told you not to make a sound." As a punishment, he slams into you even harder than before.

Ashton: You both just came home from dinner. You both were teasing each other the hold night. Right as you walk in, Ashton instantaneously locks the door and then slams you on the wall. He presses his body up to yours, you being sandwiched in between him and the wall. He starts kissing you furiously, like he is practically sucking your face off. Meanwhile, moans fly freely out of both of your mouths.

Luke: Luke has been teasing you this whole night. You were out eating dinner with friends when he starts rubbing your thigh. By accident, you let out a moan as you're chewing. Luke smirks while people look at you to ask if you're okay.

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