61 you fight but he tries to win you back

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Ashton: "Come on, just tour with us. For a month," Ashton begged over the phone. You sighed heavily before shaking your head no. "Ash, I told you I can't. I can't just leave all my schoolwork and my family and friends behind," you refused. You could hear Ashton swallow hard on the other line and his sweet tone was instantly changed. "You don't want to spend time with me on tour," he whispered, the question coming out as a statement. "Ash-" "No, I get it. Is it someone else? Some normal kid who goes to your school and doesn't have to spend his year touring with his band? Is it a guy who can hold you whenever he wants and take you out on dates without being bombarded by fans?" The crack in his voice rang through your ears and so did the light sobs that soon followed. "Ash-" "I have to go." After the two of you hung up, you curled up under your duvet and let your sniffles be the soundtrack to the remainder of your night. The next day, you explained the troubles to your Mother and Father and, after a long time trying to convince them, they allowed you to go on tour with them. It must have been a coincidence when your phone rang, the caller I.D informing you that it was your boyfriend calling. "I'm sorry for overreacting," were the first words that he had spoken before you waved it off. "Ashton, it's okay because..Because I'm going on tour with you!" You squealed excitedly! "Great! Because..I need you to look outside." Confused by his words, you hopped off of your bed and stared out the window, surprised when you saw your boyfriend standing there. "Surprise."

Calum: "Don't you dare touch her again!" Calum roared, obviously enraged with the stranger who laid on the floor, nose bleeding and eye beginning to turn purple. "Calum!" You shrieked, tugging on his shirt to pull him away from the scene. "What?" He demanded as he turned to you, his light brown eyes dark with rage. "We're going home," you demanded as you pulled him away, apologizing to the many people who stood watch. As you reached the hotel room, you threw your bag angrily on the chair that sat in the corner of the room and staggered towards the bed, sighing heavily as you let yourself drop. "Are you actually mad at me?" He whispered as he struggled to rip his shoes off. "Yes, I'm fucking mad, you punched a guy who didn't even do anything!" You yelled as you sat up. "His hands were all over you!" "That doesn't give you the right to punch him in the face! Twice! You could have just ordered him off and everything would have been fine!" You protested. "Fuck it, I'm going to spend the night in Michael's room," you sighed, getting up and grabbing your things, slightly slamming the door behind you. You explained everything to Michael as the two of you sat and ate pizza, a movie playing in the background. "Hey, he loves you. You know that right? He was just trying to protect the love of his life," he reassured you just as Calum entered the door. "He's right. I was only trying to protect you." You swung your head towards the door and rolled your eyes as you watched Calum. "Babe, please. I was jealous and I wasn't even thinking. You know how much you mean to me. I just didn't want his grimy hands all over you. I know next time to not do that, I promise," he sighed as he stood in front of you, Michael watching the scene unfold. "Calum, you know I love you-" "So will you forgive me?" He questioned, hope evident in his tone. You couldn't help but nod your head yes at his puppy dog eyes. Your lips connected instantly and Michael slowly left the room, letting the two of you be.

Luke: "This is (Y/N)!" Luke introduced as you stepped into the frame of the twitcam, waving. Questions instantly poured in, most of them wondering if the two of you were dating. Even though you were, Luke refused to tell the fans. Of course, you were nervous being in the public's eye. But tonight was the night that Luke came out about your relationship. You heaved a breath, nodding at Luke to go on. "She's my..My.." he trailed off, biting his lip as he avoided eye contact with you. "She's my friend. My best friend!" He cheerfully covered up, a smile on his face but a scowl on yours. "I'm going to be with the other friends," you mumbled as you stood, leaving the room. You walked into the living room, Michael playing video games and Calum and Ashton sitting on the couch, rooting him on. "Hey (Y/N)," Calum greeted, a concerned look on his features. "What happened? You look tense?" "Luke was supposed to come out about our relationship on the twitcam but he quickly introduced me as 'just his best friend'." He shrugged his shoulders at you with sympathy before he grabbed his phone out of his back pocket. "Sorry to hear about that. The fans must be thinking otherwise though," he mumbled as he watched Luke's twitcam on his cell phone. "I lied. (Y/N) isn't just a friend. She's my girlfriend. We've been dating for five months now. Please don't send her any type of hate? I really care for her and the reason I didn't want to tell you guys was because of that. Because I didn't want you to get all mean when it came to her," he confessed. Calum's, Ashton's and even Michael's eyes caught yours and you jumped off of the couch and ran into the bedroom. "Luke?" You grinned, his own grin matching yours. You tackled him, not caring for the twitcam anymore and let his soft lips meet your own, your arms round his neck and his fingers rubbing circles on your waist. "You're not mad?" He whispered against your lips. You shook your head no, your noses rubbing against each other. Within minutes, gifs of you tackling and kissing Luke were all over the internet, not one word of hate being sent your way.

Michael: "You're just a slut who wants me for my fame!" Michael spat at you, completely shitfaced. The words definitely stung and you couldn't help but refer to the phrase "drunk words are sober thoughts." You instantly brought your hand up, slapping Michael across the face as hard as possible before turning on your heel and walking out. "Call me when you think I'm not in love with you just because of your fame you fucking asshole," you muttered as you slammed the door behind you, Michael rubbing his reddened cheek. As a few days had passed, you hadn't heard a word from Michael. You recieved calls from the other boys begging for you to come back, for Michael wasn't the same without you. You responded with "not until he comes to me himself." You had to admit, you hated being without Michael. He was the light of your life and you swore that he made you happier than you were before he came into your life, but even as these thoughts crossed your mind, you didn't give in and call him first. It was that weekend that you found Michael standing at your doorway, a bouquet of roses in hand. "I love you and you know that I didn't mean what I had said," he began, you opening your mouth to speak up but instantly being shushed. "I'm sorry that I called you a slut, it wasn't right and I didn't even mean it in the first place. You're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and I would hate to lose you over a drunken fight. I'm sorry," he finished. "Come here you asshole," you muttered before grabbing his neck and pulling him towards you, your lips connecting in one passionate kiss.

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