183 Mornings

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Ashton: Ashton would wake up just as the sun started to fill the room. He would turn over and see you laying face up with your arm rested against the pillow, near your face. He would smile while moving quietly next to you. Ashton would prop himself up on his arm while his other hand brushed away the hairs that were scattered all over your face. He would admire the way you look... so peaceful. Leaning forward, he would lightly press his lips to your forehead and gently rub circles with his thumb on your shoulder. Just as he pulled away, your eyes would flutter open and the first thing you would see is him, smiling down at you.

Calum: Your eyes would flutter open and look at the window because the sun was shining. You would feel Calum's hands gently caressing your stomach since he was resting right behind you. He held you like that throughout the night because he found that the most comfortable position and plus, it made him fall asleep a lot faster knowing you were there in his arms. You placed your hands over his, giving them a squeeze before turning over to face him. His eyes would still be closed but he would give you a sleepy smile and press his lips to your forehead before wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling you into his arms. 

Luke: Luke liked playing music while you two slept and it was always something you enjoyed waking up to. He played slow acoustic songs that relaxed you and made you smile as soon as you woke up. Once the sun entered his bedroom, you would hear the faint sound of Ed Sheeran playing and you tossed to face Luke who, to your surprise, was already awake. You smiled as you watched him. He was staring up at the ceiling, tapping his fingers on his stomach, singing quietly along to Ed's song. You shifted closer to him until he turned to you with a smile on his face. Luke would lift his hand off his stomach and separate his fingers, waiting for your hand to fill the open spaces. When you glanced down at his hand you would place your own in his and watch him raise it up to his lips where he placed a light kiss on your knuckles.

Michael: Turning over to face Michael, you saw him sleeping the way you left him last night – his back rested against the headboard with the PS3 controller sitting comfortably on his lap. Shaking your head, you sat up, rubbed your eyes and reached for the controller. You placed it on the nightstand beside you before lightly shaking Michael's shoulder. Your lips placed featherlike kisses on along his jawline to help wake him and seconds later, his eyes opened. He would see the way he fell asleep and shake his head and pout. Smiling at him, you fluffed up the pillow he rested on and watched him slide underneath the blankets so that he was now in a proper sleeping position. Luckily the sun didn't fill the room all the way through which meant you and Michael still had some time for a proper cuddle.

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