172 Taking a break (PART 2)

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Michael: "Are you here alone?" Jason asks you. "Actually I'm here with a few friends," you say. "No boyfriend?" he asks. You laugh and are right about to answer when you get cut off. "She's with me," you hear a voice announce as it grabs your arm and pulls you away from Jason. You look to see Michael. "Who are you?" Jason asks. "Her boyfriend," Michael says. You look at Michael with hopeful eyes, "you mean it?" In response he leaves a lingering kiss on your lips, "I missed you."

Ashton: Ashton looks at the guy standing in your house. "Who the hell are you?" Ashton asks this guy. "A friend," you answer for him. "What the hell is he doing here?" Ashton screams. "Can't I have friends that are guys!" you scream back. "Not when I'm not here!" Ashton says. "I didn't know if we were going to get back together. I just needed someone to talk to," you say, lowering your voice. "We had so many problems in our relationship, Ashton. I don't know if it's fair to either of us to keep going with this relationship." "But we can work through our problems. I love you too much to just break off what we have. I've been dying for the past week because I didn't see or hear from you. I'm so in love with you, it's crazy," Ashton says. "Now mate," Ashton faces the guy who is still in your apartment watching you two, "get the fuck out before I punch you in the face." You giggle, "I love you, too, Ash." 

Calum: "Calum," you whisper. "What are you doing here?" "I came by to see if you had a moment to talk with me," Calum says. "Oh yeah, hold on, let me go tell Jake I'm leaving then," you say. You run over to Jake, give him his ball back, and tell him that you're going to go talk to Calum. You say bye and then go back to Calum. "So I assume you want to talk about us," you say quietly. "Yeah," Calum says as he sits down on a bench. "I'm sorry," Calum says, "I didn't want things to go like this. I thought it would be easier to see how our lives would be without each other but it's very obvious that it's not easy at all... Well on my part, that is." " I feel the same," you say looking at Calum, "what do you say we call  of this stupid 'break' and just get back together?" you ask. "I'd love that," Calum says. 

Luke: He looks down feeling guilty. "Luke!" you say. "Answer me!" "I'm sorry." Luke says. "That's all!? You're just sorry!? Do you know how many days I was stuck in my room crying? You told me that you'd call me when you thought things through. I thought this whole entire time that you just didn't call me back because you hate me and want to end it for good! Do you want to end it? Because if you do I can just walk out of that door and out of your life forever!" you say. You sounded like a complete bitch. He deserves it, you think. "I don't want you to think that way," Luke says. "I love you, I really do. I didn't want to hurt you. I don't want you to walk out of my life. I was just afraid that you might have moved on quickly. I didn't call because I was scared. I don't want to be replaced." You looked at Luke and started to feel bad for yelling. "Nobody could ever take your place, Luke. I love you so much. I just want my boyfriend back," you say. "I'm here," Luke says, "forever and always."

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