52 You play/sing on stage with the boys

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Luke: “It’s not my fault he got sick last minute!” You heard from the backstage area. You had no idea why your boyfriend and his bandmates were arguing, but it was clearly very heated. “Well who is gonna play for him?” “Y/N knows how to play.” “Does she know his part?” There was a silence before Luke entered the dressing room you were sitting in. “Hi babe.” “Hi. What do you need?” You got up and stretched as he leaned against the door. “Do you know all our songs on the guitar?” “Yeah, why?” “Michael got sick and we don’t have a back up. Would you mind?” “Of course not,” you said taking your own guitar out of its case. “Just…like what do I do?” “Well,” he said taking your hand and nodding for the other boys to go up to the stage. “I’ll start playing ‘Green Light’ and then you play when Michael is supposed to come in. Got it?” You nodded as you walked towards the other side of the stage. Needless to say, the show went better than expected, and everyone agreed you played better than Michael.

Ashton: “This song sounds like shit,” your boyfriend said into the microphone during sound check. “There’s only four of us able to sing at once what’re we supposed to do?” “We could go find someone else really quick?” You looked up from your seat on the floor at the arguing boys up on the stage. “Who do you expect to be ready, last minute at that, to go and sing three sets.” “I could!” You called out loud enough for them to hear you. “Babe are you sure?” Ashton said as he met you at the edge of the stage. “Yeah, I can do it. I’ve had choir concerts with harder lyrics.” He smiled before helping you up on stage. “What songs are you singing?” Calum showed you the set list and you shrugged. “I can help.” They showed looks of excitement as you began singing along with them. “Thank you,” Ashton says as you go to get ready for the show.

Michael: “Well…you’re the one who needs to hit the high notes!” Calum rolled his eyes and flipped off Michael. “I’m not a girl I can’t fucking sing that high!” “Well then who’s gonna sing the damn backup for us?!” Luke chimed in as they were in their dressing room. Right on cue, you walked in holding two pizzas and a six pack of beer. “Hey guys!” You walked around them and put your purchases on the table. “Why do you all look so pissed off.” Michael looked at the other boys and they all nodded. “Hey, baby?” “Yeah?” You said opening your beer. “How high can you sing?” “I dunno like a really high C why?” They all looked at each other again before smiling. “Do you think you could sing with us tonight?” “What?!” “Come on, just like three songs. Please baby.” You knew how much performing meant to the boys and you didn’t want to let them down. Sighing, you brushed the hair from your eyes and looked at your expecting boyfriends eyes. “Okay. But you owe me big time.” You went off towards the dressing room, chugging your beer. “Big time Clifford!”

Calum: “And I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the- FUCK!” You looked away from the person you were talking to and saw Luke being rushed off stage, his hand bleeding. “Luke what happened?” You asked as he was sat down. “I was playing to hard and I cut my finger,” he said as his finger was being bandaged. You looked at the guitar strings and noticed how they were to tight. “Your strings are to tight,” you said fixing them. “I can’t play, my hand hurts to much.” “Well who do you have as like a back up?” He had a blank face as he looked around. “You seriously have no one?!” “I didn’t think that I’d have my damn finger cut!” “Y/N!” You turn around and see your boyfriend running towards you, the lights on the stage cut so no one sees the boys trying to fix the problem. “Take his other guitar.” “Calum, I can’t play in front of a crowd like that.” “Yes you can, I believe you can.” He slung it around you and placed it in your hands. “You’ve always wanted to play for people, and this is your chance. Are you gonna take it or not?” You looked at Luke in his fragile state, then back at the stage where thousands were waiting. “Well?” Your only response was starting over Heartbreak Girl and watching as Calum smiled before going out to sing the opening lyrics.

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