62 His parents catch you

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ASHTON : The two of you were spread out on the bed, the sliver of sunshine that beamed through the window and onto your cool skin and the feel of Ashton’s hand carefully running his fingers up and down your spine waking you up. You, however, didn’t want to move from your spot and so you stay laying there, hoping to fall back asleep. But when you felt Ashton shift over and stick his legs between yours, wrapping his arms around your waist, you knew you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. “Good morning beautiful,” he grinned, kissing your shoulders between each syllable. You groaned in annoyance but it was quickly contorted into a light moan as his lips reached your neck. His hand slowly began to rub down your stomach, reaching your core before his thumb began to rub you through your panties. You gasped lightly at the feeling but was quickly quieted when Ashton’s hand shot up to cover your mouth. “You have to be quiet, Mom is sleeping in the room over,” he whispered flirtatiously at you before he flipped the two of you over, his legs on either side of you, trapping your body. As he kissed down your stomach, the door flung open and both of your heads shot up before you quickly covered yourself. “Shit, ah, I was just reaching for something on the, uh, nightstand,” he lied before reaching over and grabbing your phone before quickly removing his body from yours. “Uh huh, well, sorry to inturrupt but breakfast is downstairs. And Luke’s been calling the house phone looking for you,” she mumbled awkwardly before closing the door behind her. Ashton gave you a light smirk before his lips met your throat. “Where were we?”

CALUM : It was your date night. Due to Calum being in quite the famous band, you couldn’t exactly go anywhere without girls shrieking, fainting, and bombarding the two of you with questions. So instead, the two of you sat on his couch, a movie playing, and your bodies pressed against each other, cuddling the night away. As the movie progressed, a scene came up, the two actors in the shower and performing some very unreligious acts. Calum looked down at you, a smirk on his features before saying “we can do that.” You examined their form before your eyes caught his. “We can try,” you laughed before his lips found yours. You straddled his waist before he picked you up, carrying you to the shower, and slamming you against the bathroom wall. Your head banged onto the wall pretty hard and you reached your hand up to rub the sore spot. “Baby are you okay?” He asked before his mother had opened the door, surprised to see you on the wall, your legs wrapped around his waist and Calum’s hands on your bum, “I, uh, just got home. I heard a bang and I thought someone was..in the..house- I’ll, um-” “Bye mom,” Calum muttered, his cheeks pink and yours a deep red.

LUKE : It was a tiny party that Luke had decided to put together. His family were out for the weekend, a family vacation. His family knew that Luke couldn’t leave due to band practices and inspiration and whatnot. And so Luke took the opportunity and threw a party. Music bellowed throughout the small home and you, Luke and a few other friends were sitting in a circle. “What you do is you have to try and get the piece of paper around as much as possible without letting it drop from your lips,” a flirtatious girl instructed, sending a wink to the guy who sat next to her. “I’m not one for parties, you whispered to the male next to you. “This is the reason why.” “What? You don’t like a good game of..whatever it’s called?” He retorted, nudging your side. You turned to face whoever you’d be playing with and was surprised to see big blue eyes and blonde hair. “I could get used to it,” you grinned, before the girl had called “Start.” Luke quickly held the piece of paper with his lips and waited for you to lean in to take it. Instantly, he dropped the paper and your lips crashed against each other. Whoops and hollers sounded around the two of you as the kiss grew deeper. You could taste the alcohol on his tongue and he could probably taste the few shots you had downed earlier. His hands found your waist and you were straddling him instantly, ignoring the shouts from the people by you. The music came to a sudden stop, as well as the chatter, as Luke had laid down. “LUKE!” You heard, before looking up, finding an angry mother standing in the doorway with the remainder of his family. “I’ll just, uh, call you,” you muttered before standing, leaving the house with the rest of the party people.

MICHAEL : You knew it would be a bad idea. You knew but you let Michael go on anyway. His hands rubbed your core under the table as your legs spread open lightly, your hands covering your mouth as his mother continued to tell you stories. It wasn’t the first time you were at dinner with Michael’s parents and, in fact, you and his mother got along swimmingly. She’d taken you out shopping before and the two of you always had a laugh when in each other’s company. He moved your underwear to the side and two fingers soon entered you, gasping lightly before downing your glass of water. “Are you alright, love?” She questioned, placing a hand on yours as her brows knit in concern. You nodded your head, beginning to grow a bit flustered. “Yes Mrs. Clifford! I was just thinking of something,” you lied, trying to give her an innocent smile. “Dinner is ser- MICHAEL!” You heard behind you, Michael removing his hand from you and the two of you turning to find his father staring down at the two of you with a large plate of ribs in his hand. “At the dinner table?” He groaned before placing the plate on the table, you sinking in your seat due to embarrassment and Michael rubbing his forehead in annoyance.

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