16 He has to ask another boy for a Condom

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Luke: As he got himself ready, you put a hand on his chest. "Do you have protection?" You whispered so the other boys wouldn't hear you. He rummaged through his drawers, only finding junk. "Let me go ask Michael," he said. Shortly after he left, you heard a loud laugh followed by a slap. You muffled a laugh as Luke came back in holding a wrapper. "I'm buying some tomorrow so that doesn't happen again," he mumbled against your lips before positioning himself again.

Ashton: He was treating you to birthday sex, but he had the misfortune of not buying condoms in advance. "Shit," he muttered. "What babe?" You said rubbing his shoulder. "We can't because I don't have a condom," he said rubbing his head. "Just go ask another boy," you said looking at him. He sighed before getting up and going in the direction of Calums room. "No...please I'll owe you...thank you!" He sort of shouted before he ran back into the room. "I just have to make him food for the next week," he said putting it on and getting you ready.

Michael: You couldn't keep track of all the fail opportunities you and Michael had for having sex. But one day you finally had an open window and as you managed his pants down he hit his forehead. "I don't have a fucking condom," he said. "I think I saw Luke with some," you said. He quickly brightened up and pecked your lips before heading off to Luke's room. You waited patiently but then you heard shouting. "Yes!" "Michael give it back!" "It's one you twat, I'm busy." "Michael!" "Respect your elders!" He yelled, running back into your room.

Calum: Cal decided to celebrate your high school graduation with some sex. As you laid on his bed having a heated make out session, he fumbled around in his pockets but grunted when he couldn't find a condom. "Be right back, I'll ask Ashton for one," he said sliding off the bed. You waited silently under the covers until you heard horrible singing. "CALUMS GONNA GET SOME YEAH BUDDY!" He yelled and you blushed as Calum ran back into the room and shut the door. "Ready to live while we're young babe?"

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