Loopy Gas

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(Okay so I did something like this with Loki and it will probably be similar. I'm sorry I couldn't resist. For this everyone will be teen-agers hence the Bucky picture I used. I hope it's worthy lol. Enjoy)

Another day in the tower to be lazy. Everyone was in the living room doing their own thing. Pietro was watching Vision and Wanda from afar. They were talking and bring all cute. Tony and Bruce were doing some experiment while Rhodey (can't spell sorry) watched in fear. Tchalla was looking at cat pictures. Natasha and Clint were being cute too. Peter was sleeping. Steve was busy drawing. Bucky just sat beside you and you tried to massage your stupid wisdom teeth that had been bothering you all week. Bucky was relatively new to the group and you and Steve were the only ones that really cared. You helped him progress and he became your best friend instantaneously. You cornered yourself so no one could see you sticking your fingers in your mouth.

"I'm bored" Pietro dragged.

"Let's play some sorta game" Wanda added.

"What do you think y/n?" Steve asked.

You weren't paying attention. You were to busy messing with your teeth to notice everyone staring at you.

"Oh she's messing with her teeth again. Oooo how about we play who's gonna take y/n to the dentist" Tony said.

"What dentist teeth no no I'm fine. Let's play a game"

"So who's gonna take her?"

Everyone began to say not it. Unfortunately Bucky hadn't been taught about not it so he was at a disadvantage. But he didn't care because he had a tiny crush on you. More like major.

"Well tin man looks like you get to take geeky gal to the dentist." When Tony said this nickname for you, it made Bucky boil and he clenched his fist.

"I'll tag along too and drive since I know where to go." Steve commented.

"Wait where is y/n?" Steve asked.

While everyone was talking you ran to your hiding place. Don't cry you have to be brave it's just the dentist. Just breathe.

"I'll get her." Bucky said. Hiding in your secret place probably wasn't the best idea because you told Bucky about it, and you both would go in there to breathe. You even let him go there on his own time if you weren't around and he wanted to be alone.

"Y/n. It's Bucky. I know you don't want to get your wisdom teeth taken out, but if you don't do something soon it will only get worse. Trust me I waited to long too and my jaw ended up swelling so much my ma had to help me eat." Bucky's voice was soothing and you stepped into the light.

"Ah there she is. You know y/n it's not that bad. Yeah it's scary but as soon as you get it done you won't have to worry about it ever again. Oh and you can eat tons of mashed potatoes. I know you love those as much as I do, and thankfully ma did teach me how to cook em so I will make you as much mashed potatoes as ya want."

"Well I do like mashed potatoes but" then you took off sprinting unfortunately you couldn't run well and Bucky well Bucky was an all star runner. He caught up to you and picked you up.

"Put me down put me down please" you yelled as you cried.

"Please don't cry y/n I just want you to get better. Steve's coming to and he'll drive, I'll sit in the back with you."



Bucky got to the car and put you in. Then he sat down beside you.

"Bucky there's some Kleenex back there let y/n have some." Steve suggested.

Bucky found the Kleenex and gave you the box. You took it and wiped your eyes then blew your nose. You leaned your head on the window looking out trying not to cry again. You closed your eyes to block everything out and soon fell asleep.

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