Soft Kitty

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You walked into the living room after going shopping with Natasha and Wanda, something you all did when you were bored. That's when you saw someone with a blanket draped over their head. You walked closer to inspect. They lifted their head up only to reveal the puppy dog eyes of your boyfriend.

"Buckybear? What's wrong?"

He pouted grabbing your hand. "I missed you... And my sinuses are acting up."

"Why didn't you call me or tell me this morning?" You sat down taking the blanket of his head and wrapping it more around his body.

"I didn't want to ruin your shopping day."

"Oh Bucky you, sugar, are more important than any shopping day. You wouldn't have ruined it at all. Now let me take care of you."

He looked up at you and lazily smiled, "I love you y/n."

You giggled pecking his cheek. "I love you too Buckybear."

You honestly wished he had told you while you were out however you were here now and you intended on helping him get rid of his allergies as best as you could. You went to your bathroom to get some Mucinex then proceed to the kitchen to get him a glass of water.

"Bucky, have you had dinner?"

He shook his head.

"Want some soup? Broth? Crackers?"

"I'll have uh... Soup and crackers please." He had fully stretched out on the couch.

Before you started his soup you went over to him. "Come on Bucky, let's get you to your room. I think it's best you retired to your bed." He nodded again and you helped him reach his room, which thankfully was right beside yours. You fluffed up two pillows placing one on top the other then he laid down.

You went to your bathroom getting some Vicks vapor rub. You rubbed some on his chest and nose as well as underneath his nose. Then you got some of his socks rubbing Vicks on his feet before putting the socks on.

"That feels nice doll."

You rubbed his head placing a kiss on his forehead, "I'll be back with your soup, crackers, water, and medicine in a minute okay. Here's your remote so you can watch some TV."

He nodded his head "Thank you y/n."

You looked at him one more time mouthing you're welcome, I just want you better, before leaving to start his soup. You walked back to the kitchen getting the soup and a pot. You turned up the heat pouring the soup in. You put it on low heat so you could bring Bucky some water and check on him. He said he didn't need anything and was watching one of yours and his favorite shows. The Big Bang Theory.

You went back to the kitchen turning the heat back up just enough so it would finish cooking. You put it all in his favorite bowl and searched for some saltines. Then you grabbed the soup with a spoon, crackers, napkins, and his medicine.

"Thank you again doll."

"You don't have to keep thanking me eheh, but you're welcome now eat your soup before you take your medicine."

"Yeah ma."

"Hey." You grumbled.

"I'm just kidding darlin'. Can you stay with me?"

You acted like you were thinking about it then watched as he gave you those big ole puppy eyes again. You laughed and pulled the covers so you could get in with him then put the cover over the both of you again.

"This soup is really good."

"Yeah it took me forever to make it put it in a can ship it find it in the store and heat it up." You held his metal hand as he giggled.

"Did I ever mention how nice and cool your hand is."

"Only a thousand times."

"Yup and I might say it again." You cuddled into his side as he gave a weak attempt of a laugh. Once he finished his soup and was done munching his crackers he took his medicine. Then you went and got him more water. When you returned you nuzzled back into him and you both watched the big bang theory marathon.

It stayed like that for a while. Just you and Bucky, the silence of the room that was only being filled with one of Sheldon's sarcastic statements. You rubbed his hand with your thumb and when he felt good enough he'd kiss the top of your head. Then you began to hear him yawn.

"I think someone is getting sleepy."

"Yeah... Y/n... Can you stay tonight?"

"Of course just let me go to my room to put on my pjs."

When you came back he was barely keeping his eyes open. You went back beside him bringing your own pillow then you kissed his forehead.

"Y/n... Can you sing me Soft Kitty?"

"I... Well I guess I can sing it wether my singing is good or not I guess is up to you." You looked down.

"I know it'll be fine. I just want my gal to sing and maybe when I'm not feeling as bad I'll sing it with ya or to ya.

"Okay..." You looked at him. "Soft Kitty, warm kitty, little ball ball of fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr." (Credit to the owners of the song yup)

He giggled, " that was adorable and made me feel better."

"I'm glad. Now let's get some shut eye." He nodded his head. And you gave him a soft quick kiss on the lips.



"I love you."

"I love you too Buckybear."

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