We Gotta Do Something: Part Two

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Well part two is finally here. I know it's been a while since the first, but here we are. I hope you enjoy.

Despite Tchalla saying he wouldn't help get you and Bucky together, Shuri somehow convinced him to help her again. He shook his head as he walked around looking for you. He finally found you reading a book by one of the pools.

"Hey Tchalla. How was the date?" You sat up after placing your bookmark in its place.

"It went well. You were right. I just needed to be myself."

You nodded as you sat cross legged to face him. He seemed like he was thinking of something he needed to say. You decided to wait and see if he was going to say something before you spoke.

"You know what's funny? Nakia told me she wants to go on a double date. She seems to forget all our friends don't date." He awkwardly chucked a he looked down.

"Tchalla... You know me. I just... I don't care about that stuff. It's not for me." You rolled your eyes behind the cover of your sunglasses.

"Well can you go, and Nakia can set you up ... You can do it for your friends..." Tchalla smiled.

You laughed clutching your chest like your brother Steve would often do. Then you gave him a deadpan look. "You're hilarious. We're friends, yes. However, I'm not letting my first date be a blind date. I'd rather know the person before I go out with them."

Tchalla was shocked. He actually got you to say something about dating. "Really? I think I feel the same. Me and Nakia were friends for a long time before we began to date."

"Tchalla... Can we talk about something else. All you talk about lately is dating. It's really boring." You rolled your eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm just excited about all this. I know you don't really care about it."

You smiled shaking your head. "It's okay Tchalla. I can tell how much you both care for each other. "

After Tchalla talked with you, he walked back to Shuri's lab. He was going to scare her, but she shocked him with one of her gadgets before he could do so.

"You know you can't scare me brother. Now how is the mission going?"

"Well, I've lead y/n a bit closer to the water. She admitted if she went on a date, she'd choose someone she already knew."

"Which is good because they've known each other since they were children. Speaking of you would think she might crush on him too since they've been friends so long." Shuri sighed as she began to clean up her work area.

Then Tchalla had an idea. "You should have a slumber party like you had when we were younger. You could invite y/n and Nakia."

She turned around and smiled at her brother, "For once you have a good idea. While we do that, you and Bucky can do guy stuff like go fishing."

The siblings agreed and they both headed off in different directions.


You were surprised when Shuri sent a group text to you and Nakia asking if you wanted to have a slumber party in her room. You packed a small bag of things and teleported over.

Shuri was glad that you even came. While she and Nakia waited for you, she told Nakia of her plan to get you and Bucky together. She also told her how Tchalla had been helping, and now Nakia wanted to help.

"Sorry I took so long. I brought snacks, movies, spa stuff, hair stuff, and yeah I got carried away. I haven't been to a slumber party in a long time." You bounced as you walked to one of the couches.

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