A Force

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You walked down the long dark corridor hoping to escape the party. Finally you escaped the noise reaching a balcony.

The air was relatively fresh, and you watched as ships flew by. You were ready to leave the planet mainly because you couldn't see the stars.

"You love the stars?"

You jumped and turned around. In front of you was a hooded figure who had a masculine voice. Then you calmed down.

"You're a force user too aren't you?" You spoke.

"Yes. I was one that was  able to get away, though it came with a souvenir." He raised up his left arm revealing a metal arm.

"I'm sorry." You frowned.

"It's okay. I knew it was coming since I was a child. Call it destiny, but my family is known for getting limbs chopped off." He sounded like he was laughing.

"Is this why you're not a Jedi or sith?"

"I guess. I didn't really want to be either anyway. I just want to live you know."

You leaned on the railing looking down. "I know exactly how you feel. I was supposed to be a Jedi, but the place got blown to bits before I could be sent there."

That's when you felt him tense. "That's where you were wasn't it?"

"It was." That's when the man raised his arms up and took down the hood.

"You... You look just like."

"Luke Skywalker. Yeah I get that. He's my dad. Appearance wise I'm almost an exact copy, so they say." He sat down, and you decided to sit beside him.

"Do you... Uh... Wanna talk about it?"

"I have nothing better to do. Don't get me wrong. I love my dad, but he became distant when Mom died. In fact he never talked about her. Just like my grandmother, my mother died in childbirth with me. Dad... He never told me anything about her. Instead he focused all his attention on the force after he found out I was a force user. I tried to learn for him. It came across easy, but it just wasn't for me. Then it changed when my cousin came. Good ole Ben Solo. Dad loved how skilled Ben was in comparison to me. He focused his time on Ben. Years passed and Ben went crazy. He turned to Kylo Ren. He burned everything. He's the one who cut off my arm. Yeah cousin Kylo thought it was smart to kill me off. I used it to my advantage though. I pretended to die. Once everyone was gone, I hopped on the nearest jet. Surprisingly there was a medic on board. Gave me this arm here. Been traveling the galaxy ever since, and here we are now."

"...... I.... I don't know what to say."

"There's nothing you need to say. Anyway you're the first person I've told that."

You blushed looking down. "Thanks for telling me...."

"James. My name is James Skywalker."

"Nice to meet you James. I'm y/n. Y/n l/n."

"Y/n. Beautiful. Just like you." He smirked.

"I never thought a Skywalker could be so flirtatious." You giggled.

"Heh. I imagine I got it from my mother." He smiled looking at the ships passing by.

"I bet she was lovely."

"I bet so too. It's one of the things I've been doing since I left. I've been trying to find out about her, but it's like she's been erased. I wouldn't doubt dad had something to do with that." He looked back to you and smiled. "Maybe she was meant to remain a mystery."

"Maybe you'll find out about her in the most unlikely of places." You smiled in return.

"Well I've told you my story. You have one you want to share?"

"It's not much really. My parents were friends to another Jedi. I don't remember who. Anyway when the Jedi found out I was a force user, he insisted I was to be trained. He was extremely old, but he suggested I go to the famous Luke Skywalker. I was a kid then. I didn't understand anything that was going on. My parents agreed thinking it was in my best interests to learn and grow from my gift. They left me with the old Jedi so they could meet with Skywalker. Well I guess you can figure out what happened next. They came at the wrong time and got in the line of fire. Of course the old man knew. He raised me as his own and taught me the force. He didn't tell me about them until he was on his death bed. I was only thirteen. I left at sixteen when the empire came to town. I caught a glimpse of your cousin. I saw... Sadness more than I saw anger. I left and just like you, I traveled around. Here we are. I'm finally with a Skywalker."

He laughed. "I dunno about that. I think I'm just me. James."

"Okay well then I'm with just James, and he seems fantastic."

"Yeah well this y/n gal, she's pretty sweet."

You blushed again looking down.

"Doll have you ever thought about staying in one place?"

"No... What about instead you think of another question. Have you thought about traveling with someone else?"

"No, not until now." He smirked.

"James Skywalker will you like to travel the galaxy with me?"

"I think I'd like that." 

You blushed when he took your hand and kissed the top of it. Then he didn't let go. You looked at him through the corner of your eye before looking back at the ships.

"Look up. You actually can see a few stars up there." James spoke pointing above.

"Would you look at that. They aren't the prettiest I've seen, but they're still pretty."

"Still not as pretty as you."

You blushed looking at him. You had no idea what to say.

"You are cute when you get flustered." James whispered.

"Thanks." You looked down.

Then he lifted up up your chin. "You have the prettiest e/c eyes I've ever seen."

Then like magnets, you both pulled close together and shared a quick sweet kiss. When you pulled away, James kept his forehead on your own.

"I guess if anything, the force brought us together."

"I guess so, and I am already very thankful."

"Me too sweetheart. Me too."

I hope you all liked that. I wanted to try a crossover imagine, so hopefully it was okay.

Thanks Bucky's plums.

- Flower Child

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