Really Tony?

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Y/n's POV:

"Everyone come down to the movie room." Tony yelled on the intercom.

I couldn't refuse a movie so I decided to get up and go. By the time I was down everyone else was there, apparently waiting on me. I kinda just stood there waiting for someone to say something.

"Well, now that we're all here I wanted to say be we haven't watched a movie together in a while. So what will it be."

Before I could even shout out f/m half of the team yelled movies that I think were scary other than Bucky, Steve, Thor, and me.

"A scary movie it is." Tony cheered.

I didn't want this. I've never watched a scary movie, and I don't want to now. "No. No, I can't. I'm going to go back to my room."

I walked to the door when it shut. "I need to get out. I don't want to watch a scary movie." I tried not to sound panicked, but I wasn't doing a good job at it.

"Tony let y/n leave. She doesn't want to watch this scary movie of yours. She can leave if she wants. As Steve would say she has her own freedom to leave if she wants." Thor stood up for you.

"Oh what's it to you pointbreak? We haven't watched a movie together so together we shall watch a movie. A scary movie, and no one is leaving."

I stared blankly at the door waiting to grab the knob and run out the door. Why would Tony do this to me?

"Come on y/n. I'm not starting the movie till you come find a seat."

I held back the tears looking down as I walked further in. I sat down and I didn't even look to see who I was sitting beside because I was trying my best to not let the waterfall of tears flow.

"Thank you. Was it that hard? Now let's start the show."

I didn't even look up to see what the title of the movie was though I could already hear subtle creepy music beginning to play.

I can't do this. I can't let Tony know he's won. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked up at the screen. It wasn't so bad. Maybe it wouldn't be bad at

"Ahhhhhh!" No. No no no. I didn't need to see that. I began to panic again. I closed my eyes so hard it hurt. It kept the images out other than the terrible one I had witnessed. However it didn't keep out the sounds. The sounds and dialogue still painted a terrible image in my head. Instinctively I put my hands to my ears to block out the noise. It didn't completely get rid of all the sound but at least it muffled it some.

That's when I felt someone wrap their arms around me, bringing me to their chest. They began to rock me and run one of their hands through my hair while shushing me in a calming manner. I didn't know who it was, but I cuddled deeper into them so they could protect me from things I knew didn't exist.

Then I felt their warm breath on my ear. They probably were going to tell me something, but they wanted to make sure they couldn't be heard other than by me. "It's gonna be okay doll."

I looked up and saw one Bucky Barnes. He smiled and before I could say anything he decided to pull me to his lap.

"You know I don't like scary movies either. Not even back before everything happened. I only saw one, but it was awful. It was scary, but it was also awful and hilarious compared to the ones now with all this technology. I'm really sorry that jerk is making you stay here... Well all of us who don't want to watch it. I can't believe he couldn't see past himself and realize how it was affecting you. I mean we both know nice if it's real, but scary movies still aren't up our allies. Just because you have to stay here doesn't mean you have to watch it."

He took me off his lap. He took the pillows of the couch to make more space leaving one pillow. He motioned for me to lay down so I did. Then he laid down in front of me acting as a barrier from the screen.

For a while I couldn't help but stare at his eyes. Even in the dark I could still see the vivid blue oceans that were his eyes. He also stared at me, and he had that little smirk on.

"Is this better?"

"Much better. It makes me remember when I was little. I didn't watch scary movies then either, but there would still be scary scenes. So when one would come on I'd rather use my blanket to cover my head, or cover my face with one of my stuffed animals till it all went away."

"You did? aww could see little y/n covering her pretty eyes from the big bad monsters." He laughed and you giggled with him. Then he just stopped. He got serious all the sudden. He took my waist and pulled me closer to him. He smiled genuinely looking deep into my eyes.

Then he whispered, "Doll, you won't ever have to worry about the big bad monsters anymore. You have one James Buchanan Barnes here at your side to protect you. Truth is, I already really like you. So can I protect you as your boyfriend?"

Bucky likes me... I like him. I didn't verbaly respond to his question at all. Instead I answered him with a short kiss.

"Thank you y/n. Now since we still have at least an hour to go, how about we take a nap... I'm really really sleepy."

"You read my mind Buckybear."

"So now I'm just a teddy bear?"

"Yes you are you cuddly, sweet, brown haired sweetie." I kissed his cheek again.

He sighed, "Well as long as I'm your cuddly, sweet, brown haired sweetie."

Eventually we both fell asleep.

Third person POV:

The movie was over and the lights came back on.

"Well, whaddya know looks like the oblivious love birds finally have mated for life." He made his hand look like a flying bird.

"You really couldn't have known they would get together because of a scary movie." Wanda commented.

"No. I didn't. But that doesn't mean I couldn't try. They needed a little nudge. I was their nudger. I mean I know I acted like a jerk, but can you blame me? We all know they like each other and would be great for each other, but they weren't doing anything for themselves so I came in."

"Really Tony? How does Pepper put up with you? I mean you couldn't find any other way. Or ask us. Bucky and y/n are like Steve's siblings. Well at least Bucky, because if they all were siblings then that would be weird. Still."

"Thor, honestly when did you become so wise." Tony asked.

"I was trained by the best. Now let's all leave so James and y/n can get their rest. Seriously man, it's like I'm all your mother." Thor sighed facepalming.

Everyone finally left and the lights and tv were turned off leaving Bucky and you in happy slumber.

I hope that was good. I'm sorry I didn't describe the scary movie part better because I actually haven't watched a scary movie and don't want to. So if you like those things sorry you don't in this imagine... That's why you just imagine.... That you don't like scary movies eheh.

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