Where's My Wolf?

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You woke up from your nap, and you looked around to see if your plush wolf fell on the floor beside the couch. He wouldn't be hard to find because he was quiet large. You loved that plushie because your best friend, and obvious crush, Bucky got him for you.

You began to panic because you couldn't find him. You got up and began your search for him. You looked all around the living room, and still you couldn't find the plush.

Then you walked around and asked your friends if they'd seen the plush. Then you noticed Tony smirking. You walked up to him and put your hands on your hips.

"Where's my wolf?" You frowned.

"Wolf? I don't know. Don't wolf's go into hiding?" He causally laughed making you mad and sad.

"You hid y/n's wolf?" Bucky got up clenching and unclenching his fists.

"No. Jim did." He shrugged.

Bucky tried to remain calm. "You seriously can't control your kid, Tony." Everyone remained quiet, but they all could agree. Jim was rambunctious, and Tony didn't do the best job raising him. Pepper was always gone, and Tony didn't spend as much time as he should with their son. It was heartbreaking, but there was only so much that could be done.

Tony left, and fear welled up inside of you. You had no idea where Jim could've put your wolf, and you had no idea what he might've done to the wolf. He was known to destroy all sorts of things, including his own toys.

Bucky could sense that you were upset, and he walked to you taking hold of both your hands rubbing the tops of them.

"Hey we'll find Stormy; I promise." He smiled.


"Yeah... I know you didn't have a name, so I named him Stormy."

"I like it." You giggled looking to him once more.

"Okay, we need to think of where Jim would hide Stormy."

You tried to think of where Stormy could be, but you had no clue. Jim was unpredictable, always changing.

"I don't know Bucky. He's so changeable. Stormy could be anywhere."

"I think we should divide and conquer. It's the best option we have." Bucky noted.

"Okay. If one of us find Stormy, we text the other." You nodded.

"Sounds good. How about you start from the top, and I'll work from the bottom. Then we'll eventually meet back in the middle."

"Got it."

Thus you began your search. You started at the top floor and worked your way down. You looked through every nook and cranny, and so far there was no sign of Stormy or Jim. If only you had access to the cameras, and if only Friday wasn't being fixed. This would be a whole lot easier. Of course Tony didn't want to help. You saw Steve, and he was actually trying to help you look for Stormy too since he went to Coney Island with you both, where Bucky won Stormy.

"Thanks for helping Stevie."

"No problem." He smiled as you both looked through all the floors.

Then your phone buzzed. You looked at it to see Bucky had found it.

"He found him Stevie. Thanks for helping."

"You're welcome." Steve smiled as he went on his way.

You got on the elevator and pushed the button for the floor Bucky was on. The elevators opened, and you walked into one of the smaller living rooms installed in the tower.

There you saw Bucky with both of his hands wrapped around Stormy.

"You look so cute holding Stormy." You walked to him with a miniscule blush on your cheeks.

He turned around smiling at you. "Thank you doll. Gosh, I didn't realize how fluffy and squishy Stormy is." He squeezed Stormy and squished his face on top of Stormy's head. You couldn't help but take a quick picture of the moment.

Then he looked back to you with Stormy still in his arms. "I don't know why Jim put him here, but at least Stormy is in one piece."

"Yeah. I've never even been in this living room before." You noted as you looked around

"Me either. I don't think it's been used. Maybe we could come here when everyone is being annoying."

"Okay." You smiled.

He walked up to you and handed you Stormy. You hugged your wolf, and then you smelt him. He smelt like Bucky's cologne which wasn't too strong, mainly because you got headaches with strong smells, but Bucky didn't tell you that was why he changed colognes.

"Did you just smell Stormy?" Bucky laughed walking closer.

You looked down blushing. "Yeah... He smells like you." You rocked on the back of your heels.

"I think you're the cute one." Bucky just shook his head. You looked to him, and he had those cute crinkles in the corners of his eyes.

"Oh Bucky. Nooo."  You playfully hit his chest. Then the mood changed. You looked to where your hand remained on his chest. Then both his hands reached up to grab yours.

Then you looked up to him, and you didn't realize you were holding your breath. Then you smiled momentarily. He also smiled, and he connected his forehead to your own. Then he took your other hand so he'd be holding both your hands causing you to drop Stormy.

"Doll... I was thinking... Do you wanna... I dunno go out with me on an actual date?"

"Sure... Sure. Where are we going?" You whispered.

"Maybe we could go back to Coney Island?"

"And I can win you a wolf and choose her name." You beamed.

"Then we can cuddle while cuddling our wolves." He laughed.

"Bucky you're such a smol bean."

"You're such a cinnamon roll." He said cutely.

"Man, I love you." You closed your eyes as you said those words.

"I love you too baby doll." Then you felt him kiss your lips, you were about to kiss back when you heard your stomach grumble.

You both pulled away, and you blushed, "Sorry I haven't eaten anything yet."

"It's okay darlin. How about we go to the diner down the street for lunch?"

"Okay just let me go put Stormy in my room. Oh I probably should change outta my PJs too." You giggled.

The rest of the day was nice except for when everyone kept teasing you and Bucky saying how it was about time. Then some had placed bets, even Steve, who apparently made the most money of everyone who betted.

What a day.

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