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A/n: Bucky and Steve aren't fully aware of what they're doing while they are toddlers.

You were woken up from your sleep when you felt your hair being tugged. You slowly opened your eyes and you saw a blurry little blob in front of you. Your eyes widen when you felt weight ontop of you.

On the floor was a little blonde head, and laying on your stomach was, "Oh my goodness... Bucky... Steve? How?"

"Oh... You found them... They, as well as Clint accidentally walked into Tony's lab at the wrong time. I don't know when it'll wear off. I thought you could take care of Steve and Bucky, and I'll take care of Clint." Nat rushed as she spoke.

"Nat, I"

"Thanks, I'll see you later." She was already gone before you could say anything. You assumed she was already looking for Clint.

You held Bucky as you sat up, and then you picked up Steve. You got up, and you had one boy on each hip. Then you grabbed your purse and continued to walked to get to the garage. As you walked, Steve was about to pull your hair again when you looked down to him.

"Stevie, please don't pull my hair."

He looked up to you and pouted his lips, and his eyes became watery, "Stevie, you're not in trouble, just don't pull my hair okay?"

He nodded, and Bucky was already jealous that Steve had your attention. He yawned and leaned his head on your chest. You looked to him and sighed.

"Aww Buckybear, you're sleepy. Well, we gotta go to town first, but then you can take a longer nap." You kissed the top of his head as you made it to the door.

Thankfully Tony and Pepper had recently had twins so you just borrowed the crossover that had the car seats in it. You put Bucky and Steveboth in buckling them up.

"How convenient. Thanks Tony." You got in the car and drove to Target. Once you got there, you got a cart and let Steve sit in the top, while you held your mini husband of three years.

You walked to the toddlers section and began looking for the necessities. You already got them snacks, clothes, diapers, and such. Currently you were looking at the cribs, and you finally picked out one. The only problem was that they were a lot heavier than you thought.

"Y/n?" You turned around and were shocked to see one of your best friends from school.

"Hayden? It's been a while." You smiled.

"Yeah it has, do you need some help with those?" He pointed to the cribs.

"You don't mind?"

"No not at all." He smiled as he began to pick up the boxes. "How have you been?"

"Good, believe it or not, but I got married." You smiled looking at the little Bucky who managed to fall asleep again.

"Really? Wow. So are these your kids?"

"No. I'm just babysitting them."

"Oh so your expecting?"

"... No.... I'm actually going to be taking care of these kiddos for a while so I wanted to get them cribs for my home."

"Oh... I'm sorry... I really shouldn't have asked that..." Hayden frowned.

"No, it's completely fine. Really. So what about you?"

"I... I actually haven't gotten married. I'm here helping my sister and her husband pick out baby items. I think they really just wanted me to help them carry things." Hayden shrugged.

"Wow, I thought you would've gotten married before I ever did." You spoke.

"Eh. People change you know... I just... I haven't found the right girl you know?" He frowned shuffling on his feet after he put the second crib in the buggy.

"Well I think I got everything." You said breaking the silence.

"Oh okay.... Well it was nice to see you again."

"Yeah... Maybe we can meet again, and I can set you up with one of my friends."

"No... It's fine... You don't have to do that." He frowned.

"Oh... Hayden... I...."

"No it's fine. Like you said, we were just trying to catch up." He replaced his frown with a sad smile.

"Goodbye y/n." With that he left.

You paid for your items and managed to get everything in the crossover. You got back and had Bruce put together the cribs while you fed Steve pureed peas and Bucky pureed plums. When Bruce finished building the cribs, you picked up Bucky and Steve taking them to your room. Then you put them both in their separate cribs.

"Doll." Bucky's tiny voice whimpered, and you thought it was so cute.

"Bucky, I was just getting my pajamas. I'm not going anywhere." You went to your bathroom to quickly change, and when you got back Bucky's lip quivered as he held onto the bars of the crib.

When he saw you return, he stretched his arms to you, and you couldn't help but aww. You went over to him and picked him up holding him on your hip as you swayed with him. You held his cool little hand as you danced around the room. Eventually Bucky fell asleep, and you decided to not put him back in the crib mainly because you were scared he'd think the crib was a cell.

You laid down and covered up Bucky as you protectively held him. You slowly fell asleep, and you hoped you didn't move much.

When you woke up you were shocked to see adult Bucky with his arms wrapped around you. "Hey doll. Thanks for taking care of me."

"You're welcome Buckybear. When did you turn back?"

"Middle of the night. Steve is still a toddler though." He looked down to you, and his eyes managed to glisten.


"Don't worry. He's still asleep. I've been watching him, and I changed his diaper a while ago. Why don't you get some sleep. I've slept pretty much all day." He chucked.

"Thanks Bucky." You also giggled closing your eyes as you leaned your head back on his chest.

"No problem darlin. Sweet Dreams."

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