Summertime With You

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The summer of 1935. The last summer before the future. The summer where two best friends realized that they were something more. They were young and in love.

Every year since the children were able to swim, the Rogers, Barnes, and l/n families all stayed in cabins at Soul
Lake where the Barnes family would go to before they moved to New York.

This would be the last for two of the children ripe at the age of eighteen. James Barnes and y/n were inseparable. They graduated top of their class together and spent most their time with Steven Rogers, who was just a year younger than the both of them.

The summer was just beinging and the three were ready to relax and have fun. Unfortunately Steve had managed to get sick, but he insisted that Bucky and y/n go on to the lake without him.

When they got there nostalgia flooded both their minds as they walked on the pier. Bucky continued to walk, though y/n remained frozen in one spot. When he realized she hadn't come with him, Bucky returned to her and looked at her. She appeared as if she was in some trance.

"Y/n, what's wrong?"

"I... I was just thinking. Bucky, what if this is the last time we come here. What if we don't get in the same college, or what if we move to different places. I... I don't want you to leave me. I don't want moments like these to pass on as only a memory."

He took her in his arms as he put his chin on the top of her head.

"I'm not leaving you doll, you know that. We've been together since we were toddlers. For the future, we can discuss that later. However let's focus on right now. We finally got out of high school. We deserve some time to ourselves after all our hard work."

He let go of her and looked at her hoping he had made her feel better. She looked up at him and gave him a smile she only reserved for the people who meant the most to her.

"Okay. You convinced me Barnes."

"Great, let's go."

Without warning he began to run to the end of the water stripping of his t-shirt. She laughed as she tried to catch up to him. She then had an idea to go ahead and jump in the lake. Bucky heard stopping in his tracks to go where y/n was jumping in after her.

Once he was in the lake, he swam to her jokingly splashing y/n with water and pulled her under the water with him before bringing them both up for air.

"I can't believe you cheated doll."

"Hey you didn't say where to jump off so did I really cheat?"

"I guess not." He chuckled.

They swam in the water and ate their lunch before jumping back in on a rope they attached to a tree years ago.  They were happy in each other's presence.

Their fingers and toes began to wrinkle like they always would all those summers. Then out of the blue Bucky gently grabbed onto her and grabbed her hands to wrap them around his neck. As soon as she wrapped her arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Bucky, is so-" before she could finish her sentence he cut her off, with a kiss.

She was shocked to say the least, but within seconds she melted into his kiss.  In any other situation, she might have been mad that her first kiss was unexpected and without her consent, but this was different. It was Bucky Barnes who had kissed her. Her best friend since they were basically babies. Over the years she only assumed that they both had managed to have stronger feelings for each other than friendship.

He finally broke the kiss and placed his forehead on her own. If they didn't have to use their legs to tread the water, they would've probably tangled their legs together.

"I never want to leave your side doll. I love you. I have this feeling that we're meant to be. You're my soulmate. You're the only gal for me. Will you be my girlf-"

This time it was y/n who cut him off with a kiss. It wasn't short but compassionate.

"I'd love to be your gal. I love you too. I think we are soulmates too."

They kissed again and began to go home to check on Steve and tell him they were together.

The summer was a new begging. A begging of something wonderful.

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