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Readers POV:

I woke up rather early this morning mainly because I think I had a nightmare that I now can't remember. It is currently five which would be normal for a work day, however today I had off. I figured I'd just stay awake and possibly take a nap later on.

The living room was quite. I guess everyone was taking some time to themselves because normally someone would be up.  It's so odd to be surrounded in silence. The living room is normally always bustling with the team I considered my family.  I moved to the couch and as I sat on it I automatically got up knowing I had just sat on someone. I turned around and saw two steel blue eyes looking into my own eyes. I had just sat on one James Barnes.

Bucky, he's something else. He's not like anyone these days in a good way. He's such a gentlemen and had adapted over the four years since we brought him in. Not many people accept him, but I did.

"Oh my goodness Bucky I'm so sorry." I turned away from him glad that the lights were off and he couldn't see my cheeks turn red.

"It's fine doll I've been awake for a few minutes. Fell asleep watching a movie marathon on TV." He reached out and grabbed my hand smiling.

"Oh alright. " I stammered.

"Seriously y/n it's nothing to worry about. In fact if it's so bad you can make it up to me." He pulled one of his famous Bucky Barnes smirks.

I looked at him and nodded. He told me to go change and he returned back in day clothes as well. Before I could say anything he picked me up and lugged me over his shoulder. He took me to the elevator and pushed down.

"Can you put me down?"

"Nope 'fraid not."

I grumbled and noticed we were in the parking lot. He finally placed me down though he wrapped his flesh arm around my shoulder. I noticed his motorcycle and anxiety absorbed me. Questions if what ifs came flooding into my brain making me feel nauseous.

"Doll... You don't have to ride, but I promise you'll be safe with me. Haven't fallen once. I honestly think you'll enjoy yourself. I'll drive and you can just ride." I noticed he'd grabbed both of my hands and was rubbing the tops, but his eyes never left mine. Something in them told me I'd be safe that all he said was obviously truth. I felt as if our souls were were running to the other as we stared at each other, and he was all I could manage to think of.

"Yes James I'll ride with you." Saying his real name felt so nice and it was a privilege he apparently only let me use.

He smiled even brighter and handed me a necklace of sorts. He told me when activated it was a helmet that protected your skull and covered your eyes from the wind that still allowed you to feel the wind on your face and in your hair (other than obviously your eyes) an invention made by one Tony Stark. Then he gave me an earpiece so we could talk to each other. He put on his necklace thing then helped me put on mine.

I watched as he got on and slowly got on behind him then I felt his hands grab mine making them wrap around his waist. Then we were off.

Everything was so beautiful. It was still a little dark but the scenery was so different in this point of view. Soon the city lights were replaced by the countryside a bit of nostalgia rising within me.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Yes. It's all so beautiful." I laughed and held onto him a little tighter as if to give him a hug. Then I heard him join in on my laughter.

As we went over a hill, I noticed oranges and yellows peering from the edge of the world. The sun was rising. It was something I'd always wanted to see. The sun rise, but I never could manage to do that one simple thing. It was mesmerizing and so big. The higher it rose, the more warmth I could feel. All to become a fond memory I shared with... one of the most Important people in my life.

That's when I sighed and lied my head on his back continuing to smile and look at the scenery. This is what I realized I wanted. To be with James Buchanan Barnes for the rest of my life. He might not feel the same, and I may or may not get to actually spend the rest of my days with him in that way, but it was how I felt.

"Bucky.... Can I tell you something important without it messing up your driving? I mean I can wait but..."

"You can tell me doll, no need to think so hard about it."

I took a deep breath telling myself he'd still like me regardless. Then I heard his heartbeat and it made me calm down tremendously. Thankfully we were at a stop sign so if it did affect him he wouldn't actually be driving.

"Bucky... I am truly and deeply in love with you."

He grabbed one of my hands rubbing it again something he often did when he could tell I needed comfort for whatever reason it may be.

"Guess what darlin, I happen to be truly and deeply in love with you too." He then pressed a kiss to the top of my hand before putting it back on his waist as he began to drive again. That's when I cuddled even closer to him closing my eyes momentarily imagining the smile on his face then. I knew with him I would always be safe. There might be danger, but we'd always be there to protect each other. We didn't even have to talk to know that just being with together could be enough.

He is and always will be my love, my James Buchanan Barnes.

I hope that was good. I was kinda inspired to write this from Tron Legacy at the end of the movie though it wasn't the same I based this a little off that scene cause I thought it was cute and Buckyish.

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