Saved Part Three

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Bucky's POV:

I ran as fast as I could then jumped on an abandoned motorcycle. I shot those aliens as I drove past them. I could not let y/n die not now and not like this.

"You really think I needed her? I only needed her to watch you fall she's your weakness, and it was my plan to find all your weaknesses and tear you all apart one by one."

I ignored him and continued to drive to get to her. Where was that man who could fly? I pushed my thoughts aside and drove faster, but I was too late.

"No please no y/n darlin please don't leave me."

I ran up to her and cradled her in my arms.

"Hey... Don't cry James..." She looked up at me her eyes now back to their beautiful shade of e/n "I know this isn't the best time to say it, but if I don't make it, I wanted to say that I love you very much James Buchanan Barnes and I will always be with you. Forever."

"I love you too. You're gonna make it darlin. I promise."

She soon passed out and I carried her bridal style into an abandoned car placing her in the passenger side. I got in and pressed my hand to the ear piece Steve gave me.

"Steve, I'm leaving with y/n. She's still alive but I've got to get her to a hospital. "

"Go on Buck. I'm glad she's okay. We're gonna take Loki down okay. Y/n, you, and I survived a war we can survive this."

"Thanks Steve. Keep me notified about this battle, and I'll keep you notified about y/n."

I hot wired the car and there was half a tank of gas left. I sped down the roads getting out of danger closer to the outskirts of the city. I finally found a good hospital and carried her in, the nurses immediately taking her to the ER.

It felt like forever before I could see her. Steve told me they caught that Loki man and I simply replied that y/n was still in the ER. I got her a little dog plush (or other animal) because it was her favorite. After several hours they said I could go see her in her room.

"My hero." Y/n said weakly.

"I'm sure you've saved me more than I've saved you baby doll."

She giggled and patted the side of the bed for me to join. I handed her the little stuffed animal and she squealed in delight. My angel.

"I also got you this necklace but that Loki man got you before I could. Speaking of they got him."

"He never had me like that though. Not like you do, and that's good."

"Well will you like to be my dame?" I winked at her.

"Of course."

One month later Your Pov:

Bucky and I we're finally together. Everyone wasn't shocked about that, though they were more shocked at me when I forgave Loki. I knew I shouldn't have read his mind, but that man has been through so much and with a little convincing I helped him get lesser punishment both on Earth and Asgard. He was shocked as well seeing that I knew he was going to attempt and kill me just to get at Bucky.

Today Bucky and I were sitting on our apartment balcony enjoying the scenery and each other's company.

"I love you so very much Bucky." I held his hand and placed my head on his shoulder.

"Doll you remember that talk we had before deciding whether or not we should join the Avengers?"

I nodded my head.

"Well I know what I want now. I don't want to be apart of the Avengers. I want a normal life, well as normal as it gets. You're right. I've survived a war and almost died countless times. I should've come back home. I didn't get that though, but I want it now. I want all of those things with you y/n. I want to find a job, get us a house of our dreams, I want to marry you, have some kids, grandkids, and grow old with you. I want to be with you through all the good and the bad. Point is I love you (full name) and I'm tired of waiting. Will you marry me?"

I tried not to cry but couldn't contain my tears of joy. " Yes Buckybear I'll marry you." I hugged him and then he pulled me into a sweet kiss.

Two weeks later

May I now present to you for the first time ever Mr and Mrs James Buchanan Barnes!

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