Puppy News

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Okay so this is inspired for Father's Day. The blankets can be blue for a boy puppy or the same color for a girl. Oh and p/n means puppies name. Also this isn't centered around the actual Father's day. Anyways.

Your husband of two years, Bucky had just gotten you a chocolate lab puppy a week ago before he went on a mission. The little puppy was super cute, a boy that you named p/n. After Bucky left not only did you get a puppy, but you found out you would be having a baby as well.

You spent the week figuring out a way to tell Bucky. Then you had an idea you liked to take photos, and you saw how people would take pictures of their puppies like they would with a newborn baby. You thought it was a cute idea. You gathered some things from the craft store and brought them back home. So far p/n seemed to be well trained for a puppy as Bucky had told you.

You got him settled and began taking the photos. You did many different things with p/n and the backdrops and such. It was fun to do and you played soft music in the background. Then you did what you wanted to do for the surprise element of the photos. You got a chalk board and in fancy letters you wrote Introducing p/n Barnes, future friend to Baby Barnes coming in 2018. You took the pictures satisfied with your work.

Then you uploaded them to your computer and phone. You chose a few to make photos of as well as the one with the chalk board. Then before heading out to get them made out you picked one picture of p/n and sent it to the group text message.

"Hey everyone this is p/n Barnes and I was just wondering if maybe after everyone's missions you so could come to our house for some celebration cake and whatnot. An every once in a while thing."

You got yeses and things like oh he's so cute. You laughed as you went to the store to get the pictures developed as well as the chalk board one so that everyone could get their own picture. Then you bought some cake, soda, and other snacks seeing they all would be coming the next day.

You got home putting the pictures in the frames as well as the chalk board picture in envelopes for each person. You planned on letting everyone eat and talk and just before they leave tell them to all open the card at the same time.

"So p/n, you already are gonna get to have a little baby around are you ready?" The little puppy barked a little as you fed him a bottle.

"Hold on p/n, daddy is calling."

"Hey doll, did you take those pictures? They're so cute."

"Yeah Bucky, did you all finish early?"

"Yeah we're flying to the house now. Can we land in the backyard?"

"Of course Bucky our yard is a feild so there'll be plenty of room. Can you maybe just tell Clint to not land to close to the house so p/n won't get scared?"

"Sure thing. We'll probably be there by dinner, and don't worry about making food, we'll bring it to you."

"Okay then, I did get some cake and snacks though. I'll see you soon. Love you Buckybear."

"Love you too n/n."

You hung up and decorated the living room, dining room, and kitchen just a little bit. Then you sat down cuddling p/n and he soon fell asleep. Your heard the jet land and you carried p/n to the back porch.

"Hey guys." You walked up to them smiling.

"So this is p/n, Bucky got you?" Sam laughed.

"Uh-huh. As soon as the little guy wakes up you can hold him." You said.

You lead them to the living room.

"So y/n, why did you deck out the place, it looks good, but we go on missions all the time." Steve asked.

"Just wanted to do this cause I could."

"I love these baby pictures of p/n. I like when people do these pictures like with actual newborn babies. Bucky said you took these all by yourself?"

"Yeah I did Wanda. I know, I saw it online and thought it was super cute."

The girls nodded as you all continued to talk. The guys went back to the jet to get the food.

"Here's the food." Tony yelled.

P/n woke up and the girls cooed. You gave him to Natasha to hold first. "No fair man you said I could hold him y/n." Sam wined.

Everyone but you ate seeing as you didn't like the smell.

"Y/n, you okay?"

"Yeah Bucky, I just don't want anything right now maybe later." Bucky nodded. He sat beside you kissing your forehead as everyone ate, and Steve now played with p/n letting your cute little puppy nibble on a little doggie treat.

"So how about some cake?" You said getting up walking to the kitchen getting it out the fridge. You opened it and let everyone get a slice of the cake.

"Wanna split with me?"

"Sure Bucky." You laughed sitting back down with him on the couch. You only ate a little because it was starting to make you sick.

"You sure you okay?"

You didn't want to say you were fine, because you'd know he'd know you weren't in fact fine, you really wanted food, but baby Barnes was preventing you from eating anything. You decided to advert the question by making a joke.

"I hope you all enjoy the cake cause it took me forever to make. I even went out and got the eggs and milled the flour." You joked.

"Well you did a mighty good job then." Clint laughed.

"It's getting late. Thanks for having us y/n, but I think we should be going." Steve said.

"Wait before you leave I have something for you guys. Now don't open it until I tell you to."

Everyone nodded as you began to pass out the envelopes to everyone.

"Even I get one?" Bucky laughed

"Of course you do." You giggled sitting back down beside him locking your arms with his as you held p/n again.

"Okay you guys you can all open it now." You giggled.

They all opened it and their faces were priceless.

"Introducing p/n Barnes future friend to baby Barnes coming in 2018.... Y/n your pregnant? We're gonna have a baby? I'm gonna be a dad and your gonna be a mom?"

"Yes Buckybear we're gonna be parents. Surprise everybody." You squealed. They all jumped up and hugged you and Bucky.

"So that's why you didn't eat cause you probably didn't like the smell." Nat said.

"Yeah it's okay though totally with it." You said rubbing your belly.

They all thanked you for the food and you and Bucky watched them leave.

"I loved the surprise doll. You're always original. Now let's try and figure out what you can eat without getting sick, cause I know you gotta be hungry especially now that your eating for two." He laughed taking you inside to find something for you to eat.

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