Eskimo Kiss

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Another day to think. It was just this morning out of the blue when you where looking out your window that you felt strange. You thought about how even though you lived in the tower in a city full of buildings and skyscrapers and bustle and noise, the sun could still look so beautiful if you were willing to find it. The sun that warmed you and made you happy. Thinking of all this only made you think deeper.

The sun is what all the planets revolve around. It's warmth tickles your skin, and there's a certain thing just so tempting to stare at it until your eyes burn. And through this thought process, you realized something. Could a person be like this? Could a person be like your sun that you revolve around, that makes you happy and warm? That you'd follow them with such a desperation because when you were around them they made you feel like yourself? Yes. It could be some great metaphorical expression for you. And the only human being you could compare to the sun was James Buchanan Barnes.

Bucky was like a literal magnet for you when he first came. You didn't know why at the time, but now you realized that the friendship would blossom your feelings​ into so much more. The only problem was that you didn't know if he felt the same about you. You often would think so because you also were the first person he came to when he got to the tower. He often would only stay with you or Steve and when someone tried to hurt your feelings he would defend you and you for him.

Honestly you really just wanted to know how he felt, however you always chickened out. As the days passed it got harder to be near him because you were falling hard into the trap of love ensnared in Bucky's eyes.

Today was different though. You had gained some unknown determination, and you felt that today would be the day you told Bucky how you felt.

You actually got up out of bed, and even though you didn't get dressed as kept on your pjs, you did brush out your hair putting it back up.

"Breathe y/n. You don't have to do it right away." You coached yourself. Then an idea came to your head. Bucky had been getting his memories back, but not all of them had come back. You thought what the hey and you were hoping your idea wasn't stupid because the idea enabled you to tell him how you felt without telling.

You went to the living room and there was Bucky, Steve, and Sam.

"Hey guys."

"Hey y/n."

You lied down on the floor taking a pillow from the couch.

"Hey y/n I'd love to chat but I've got a mission...." Steve said

"Yeah and I've gotta join him." Sam said. Smug boys they knew you both liked each other.

"Well I don't have to leave so yeah. Why don't you sit on the couch beside me?" He said rather awkwardly.

"Sure." You got up and sat beside him.

"What're you doin doll?" He softly grabbed you and put your head on his shoulder and kept his arm around you. "There much better. Comfy?"

By now you were dead on the inside. It was hard for you not to make any squeak so you just quicky nodded.

"Come on y/n you can do this. You can tell him. It'll be okay." You told yourself " but maybe in a little bit."

He changed the channel to Big Bang Theory then put a blanket around the two of you. Maybe he truly felt the same way. You weren't sure but you loved this sweet moment.

Then he leaned his head onto yours, and everytime he laughed you could feel the vibrations from his laugh tingle you. You stayed like that well into the night just watching marathons and movies with Bucky and it was so sweet.

"Y/n it's well into the night be a big girl and do it already. Am. Am I getting sleepy. Nooooooooo" stupid body fell asleep and so you slept for a good time.

"Y/n, that was an amazing movie. Thanks for... Doll? Ah sleeping beauty in her natural state."

"Huuurhhhmmphh. Oh Bucky, did I fall asleep? I'm sorry."

"Nah it's okay. Now I suppose I can escort you back to your room."

"Thank you Buckybear."

"No problem doll."

You both walked to your room in sweet silence.

"Thank you for today Buck."

"Your welcome y/n."

Before he could leave you executed your plan. You went to him and gave him an Eskimo kiss. You were considerably the same height so it wasn't hard. Before you could pull away though you felt something on your lips. Bucky's lips. They were soft and warm and like the sun he made you feel so happy. You kissed back wrapping you arms around his neck playing with his hair and smelling the remnants of his aftershave. Then you both broke the kiss for air, and you were in utter shock.

"Doll, I might not remember everything about my past but I do know about an Eskimo kiss. And by the way... I love you too."

"Man I really thought you wouldn't remember. Oh well. Totally worth it. And yeah I really do love you."

"I know."

"Okay Han Solo, but I really thought you were more of a Luke, Mark Hamill."

"Oh really."


"I love you so much doll."

"I love to to Buckybear. Your like my human sun. You make me so happy."

"I feel the same about you doll."

"Goodnight angel."

"Goodnight love."

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