Ballerina Gal

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(I made the above asthetic on PicsArt 😍)

"Rosalie, Peggy are you both excited for tomorrow?"

"Yes!" They both squealed in delight.

"Now remember we have to get outfits and things for your dad and uncle too." They both nodded as they walked down the isle picking up tutus for their daddies.

Rosalie Rebecca Barnes was Bucky and your little girl. She had brown hair like Bucky's and your eye color. She was smart, kind, and funny. She had qualities of both you and your husband of seven years. Peggy (your middle name) Rogers was your niece and she was a total diva, Steve would have a time with boys later on in her life. He adopted her after saving her from an attack in the city she was in, and he's loved her ever since. Which ironically the day he saved her was the day Rosalie was born. They are just one year apart.

You had taken them both to their favorite stores because tomorrow was daddy daughter day at the dance studio they attended. Rosalie was superb and was amazing dancing since she was two, but Peggy still needed practice seeing she started just a month ago. She learns fast though because she too is superb. They intend on making it the best they could.

"Look mama I got daddy some blue nail polish and hair bows and head bands like yours." You giggled at the girls holding nail polish and other things. They even managed to get tutus that would fit Bucky and Steve. Bucky's was silver and red and Steve's was the predictable red white and blue until Peggy last minute picked a pink one.

"Auntie y/n before we go home, can we go to Build a Bear. Yeah can we can we can we mama?"

"Of course." Not only did your daughter and niece love Build a Bear, but so did you. You all rushed in looking at the variety of things to choose from. You got a Buckybear because you couldn't resist. Rosalie also got a Buckybear but she also got a Lokibear because to say she had a major crush on this uncle of hers would be an understatement. Peggy got a Clint and Natasha bear because she was so happy to find out that she and Rosalie would get to be flower girls in their upcoming wedding (look I know about the movies if you don't like it just change one of the bears to your liking lol) and she shipped them so hard. Yeah you might've been teaching your daughter and niece the ways of the fangirl but... Anyway. The girl at the cash register rung up the items and commented how adorable the two girls were. They cutely said thank you and you all went home to your house.

You unlocked the door to the house and as soon as you walked in someone's lips connected to yours.

"Ewww daddy uncle Bucky is kissing auntie y/n. Doesn't she know he has cooties?" You, Bucky, and Steve just laughed. Rosalie looked at her daddy and stared to cry.

"Ballerina Gal, what's wrong?" He asked trying to soothe her down.

"Where is your hair?" You wondered what she talked about them you realized it. Bucky had cut his hair. (Looks like the one with him in the polka dot outfit)

"I cut it sweetie, uncle Steve and I were playing a game and he won so I had to cut it."

"Why uncle Stevie? Why? Now I can't put the pony tail holders in his hair or head bands like I do for mommy."

"I'm sorry Rosalie. I hope you can forgive me."

"It's okay uncle Stevie. It will grow back."

"Yeah it will Rosalie." Peggy said. So much cuteness.

After the short freak out, you and the boys unloaded the car and you went to go change the girls and yourself into some PJs after their bath. You came back and the boys had ordered pizza so you all sat down enjoying the cheesy goodness after saying the blessing. Then came the fun part.

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