Don't Be Jealous

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"Hey Thor." You smiled walking up to him.

"Hello lady y/n." Thor greeted you with a warm smile.

"How many times am I going to have to tell you to call me y/n. I know I'm a lady. I don't have to be reminded eheh." You walked with him to the living room.

"I know. Sorry." Thor spoke.

You both sat down on the couch, and you turned on the TV. Thor had become one of your closet friends, and he decided he'd be like you're protective older brother.

After Thor decided to become your protector of sorts, he followed you around everywhere. You kinda liked having him around, but he never really gave you a break.

This rubbed some people in the wrong direction. Many of the team members assumed that you both were in a relationship, but they didn't want to say anything. Of course you didn't notice this because all words were kept hush-hush.

Back to the present, you sat enjoying your marathon with Thor. Well he was asleep, but he was there.

Unfortunately one person in particular who read your relationship with Thor wrong was Bucky (who was also one of your closer friends). He stood behind some french doors as he looked to you and Thor. He frowned as he clenched and unclenched his fist.

Bucky was far enough that you wouldn't be able to hear him. He sighed wishing that he was the one sitting there beside you. He wanted to be the one that was always by your side.

"Buck... Why are you just standing there?" Steve walked up to his brother. (Not by blood)

Bucky said nothing as he continued to look ahead. Steve stood beside Bucky and looked in the direction Bucky was looking in. Steve realized why Bucky was looking ahead.

Bucky had told Steve how he felt about you a long time ago. He was the only one Bucky trusted to keep his secret of sorts. Steve honored that, and he never brought it up unless Bucky mentioned it.

Normally Steve wouldn't say anything, but he felt like he needed to say something. He knew that Thor was nothing more to you than a brother. Steve knew he needed to tell Bucky because he didn't want Bucky to give up on you.


No response. Steve finally walked in front of Bucky.

"What Steve?" Bucky frowned looking down.

"Bucky there's no need to be jealous or upset. Thor and y/n aren't together. In fact, they'll never get together."

"Then why are they always together and so close?" Bucky looked up.

"Bucky, Thor and y/n are basically siblings. Thor made himself her sibling. He's just very protective of her, and after all that happened, (let's say Loki got sent to another dimension) y/n is this closet he has to a family. He just doesn't want anything bad to happen to her, but it's not out of a romantic love. It's all platonic."

"Steve... Even if that's true, what if y/n doesn't like me like I like her?"

"Bucky, you won't know until you find out. I can't tell you how she feels, but she can. I'm pretty sure no matter what happens it won't affect your existing relationship in any way."

"I guess your right." Bucky nodded.

"Hey. Why don't you tell her how you feel now. Look."

Bucky looked where Steve pointed and saw that Thor had gotten up and left. Bucky then looked back to Steve, but Steve had also left. Then he looked to you. You still were watching the TV.

Bucky wasn't sure if he would tell you how he felt, but he decided he'd at least sit with you while Thor was gone.

"Hey n/n."

"Hey Bucky." You smiled. He nodded and sat beside you.

He didn't say anything so you decided to speak. "This is the first time we have really gotten to spend alone together. I've missed you."

Bucky blushed, but he still didn't speak.

"I've been meaning to do something with you, but Thor has been following me around so much. He's... He's like family now, but he's become so protective. I appreciate it, but sometimes I want to do things on my own."

Bucky nodded, and he was trying to decide if he was going to ask you how you felt.

"He's just been through so much. He means a lot to me. To be honest we're both the only family we have." You frowned trying not to think of your parents.

"That's ... That's not true. You both have all of us. We've all lost people, but the Avengers themselves form one big family themselves." Bucky finally spoke.

You looked to him and smiled. "You're right. That... That means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me." You blushed looking back down.

"Bucky..." You looked back up, and he looked deeply into your eyes.


"There's something I've been meaning to tell you. I... You know this is harder than I thought. Thor convinced me to tell you." You stopped to breathe.

"Are you okay?" Bucky whispered grabbing your hands.

You took a deep breath and smiled, "I... I am... What I was going to say is that you really do mean the world to me. Bucky, I love you. Like love you love you. I... I've been crushing you for years. I really really... Love you."

Bucky's eyes went wide. "You... You love me."

"Yes. I love you." You smiled moving closer to him. You took his hand and leaned your head on his shoulder.

He squeezed your hand in return. "I love you too."

"Y/n I brought some Pop tarts... Oh... Um. I'm just going to go now." Thor mumbled when he saw you both.

"Thor wait." You pulled away and got up.

"No. No. Y/n go back to Bucky. I've spent enough time with you, and I know you've both loved each other for a long time."

You blushed looking down. Right before Thor left, you gave him a hug. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now go back to your *he impersonates your voice* dreamy shining Knight."

"Thor." You slapped his arm.

He just laughed while he walked away. You turned around, and Bucky stood behind you smirking.

"So I'm your dreamy shining Knight huh?"

"Well Bucky calls you his beautiful doll." Steve spoke as he walked to the kitchen.

Bucky blushed and looked back to you.

"Aww Bucky." You giggled.

"You both are the biggest dorks." Sam laughed.

You rolled your eyes and leaned on Bucky's shoulder. You closed your eyes and smiled. Finally you were in Bucky's arms.

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