Loopy Gas Part Two

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(still teen-agers a day after your surgery)

You woke up on your bed. Your head and teeth hurt you looked at your side-table and saw some Excedrin and hot tea. There was also a note.
     Dear y/n,
      I just wanted to let you know everything's okay. There's some Excedrin and warm tea here, because I know it'll be hurting. Your surgery went well, but the side affects were harsh. Worse than mine when I had it done. I hate that I had to leave, but I had to go to the store to get you some more medicine and tea. I'll be back soon to make you some more mashed potatoes. You can go to the living room or whatever, I'm pretty sure someone will be round here.
Oh that's right Bucky and Steve took you to the dentist. Side affects. Emm. You pushed it off taking your medicine and drinking the hot tea. How did Bucky know the way you liked it? Goodness this was weird. You lied back down and turned on the flat screen tv in your room. You watched your favorite show and slowly fell asleep.

"Doll, wake up."

"Mrhuhh." You groaned as Bucky laughed. You opened your eyes to see his blue orbs staring at yours as he held a streaming bowl of mashed potatoes.

"Just like I promised." He said as you reached for the bowl he pulled it away.

"Bucky what.."

"Uh uh uh." He said shaking his head.

"Whyyy." You sulked.

"Oh quit your whining doll and let me feed you." You thought it was weird
He wanted to feed you. It was slightly disturbing, but you knew he wouldn't give in to puppy eyes.

"Just open your mouth pwease" he pleaded with his own puppy eyes. You couldn't resist so you sighed in defeat as you opened your mouth.

"Thank you y/n" he laughed as he put the mashed potatoes in your mouth. Man they were excellent.

"Bucky, are you sure you didn't buy these from the store?" You giggled. "I'm teasing you."

"Oh okay hehe. No I made em myself. Ma did a good job teaching me didn't she?"

"Mhmm" you mumbled as you ate. He was being so sweet making sure you finished the spoonful before giving you more. And he was careful to not pull the straw from your mouth when you drank your coke.

"So.... Bucky emmm what all did I do those two days ago. Must've been bad since that stuff normally wears off the same day."

"Yeah.." he said scratching his neck "it was kinda bad."

"How bad was kinda bad Bucky?"

Honestly he had no idea what to do. His mind instantly brought him back to the car ride home. About how you confessed your love for him. Bad Bucky he thought. Not bad I mean he loved you to. But what if you didn't want him to know.

"Bucky?" You asked.

"Oh. Sorry." He thought for a moment. He decided he'd tell what happened but he'd forget to mention the car ride home.

"Alright y/n I'll tell you all what ya did. Ya see they had to double your dose and don't kill me, but they had to double your dose of loopy gas."

"WHAT?! I told them ta"

"Doll calm down."


"As I was saying hehe they doubled your dose because you were threatening them with not even your powers but natural God given abilities. You finally fell asleep. Your doctor is real annoying ya know. I had to leave the room. Hehe. So they brought you out with your cleaned teeth that Steve put round here somewhere. Anyways. Emmm. Then we took ya home. You had fallen asleep and by the time we got to the tower woke up giggling like crazy. It was cut-contagious. We all started to laugh at you laughing. You did so many obscure things. Like for example you asked Tony where our dog was... I mean like the whole team's dog. Then when he said we didn't have one you burst out into tears. Also the first few times I tried to feed you and give you medicine you acted like a baby. You screamed and turned and fought us all until we wrestled you down so I could at least give you medicine. Then you used your powers to do random things. Like put Thor in a wedding dress, Steve a dog, Tony a toaster, Clint and Nat you made them speak only the truth which lead to us all discovering they liked each other, Bruce when he got angry would turn into a teddy bear, things like that. Overall it was just you being yourself but to an extreme where everyone anywhere could see it."

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