Beach and Cover

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Okay so this imagine is inspired by the picture above so just click on it so you get the meaning. It will just be what happens sorta during/after the fact.

"So you're saying that I should wear this women's top? Are you sure there's nothing uh sciencey you can make?"

"Nope. Trust me tin man the people won't care. Hey you might even become a trendsetter."

Bucky shrugged and walked to his room wondering why it had to be the ugliest bathing suit top Tony suggested he wear. Though it did cover up his arm, so he just went with it. As he was walking to his room, he was greeted by his crush and floor level neighbor.

"Hey Bucky. You okay?"

"Well I was hoping Tony would do something sciencey to cover my arm, but he gave me this top instead." He showed her and she tried not to cringe.

"It's something... Else." Y/n said.

"You don't think it will make me look fat do you?"

You giggled "Nah I'm sure you'll be just alright."

"Just alright? I was hoping for extremely handsome." He said sarcastically and winked nonetheless.

"Well I'll see you in a minute. I'm so excited for beach day." You squealed running to your room.

Bucky just laughed and went downstairs putting on the stupid top. He was only thinking of you.

You also were thinking of Bucky in your room because typical you had a crush on him too. You had a feeling Bucky would still get attention with that top on so you came up with an idea. You made a top like that one and then borrowed some of his swim trunks slipping them on, but you put on your bottom bathing suit piece before his. Then you put on your flip flops to match his. After you got two pairs of sunglasses and two hats as well as sunscreen. Then you put a cover over you so nobody would notice your outfit till you got on the beach.

"You finally ready? Everybody already left since the beach is just out the door. Thankfully I was kind enough to wait for you." (You all were at one of Tony's beach houses for the week)

"Well thanks Buck. Put on these sunglasses and hat like mine."

"Whoa there doll. I'll put on the hat, but the sunglasses are a little too much since I already have to wear this." He pointed at the top.

"Okay." You pulled up his hair and put the hat on his head as well as your hat on your head. When you walked out you took of your cover and Bucky saw your outfit.

"Did you steal my swim trunks?"

"Maybe, but I'm wearing my bathing suit under."

"Why are you matching me though?"

Before you could reply a young couple walked up to you both.

"Excuse me, but why are you both wearing the same thing?"

You grabbed onto Bucky's arm and smiled. "Oh my boyfriend and I are just trying to start a couple's beach challenge. The girl chooses the top clothes, and the guy chooses the bottom off the outfit, and then we have to wear it the whole day even if it's clashy."

The girl looked stunned "That's so cool. I'm actually a YouTuber. Can I try that? I'll make sure to mention and show you both as the starters of this."


"Awesome. Have a good day, and y'all are one of the cutest couples I've seen." The other couple took a picture before leaving and Bucky smirked at you.

"You know last time I checked, we aren't dating. You didn't just do this so I wouldn't feel stupid did you?"

"I'm sorry Bucky. I know you can take care of yourself, but I just... I don't know. I felt if I matched people might not ask as much, or we could just look stupid together. I really am sorry."

Bucky moved closer to you and held you by your shoulders. "Look I know this is a stupid outfit, and I can take care of myself, but you're just too sweet and adorable to not get mad at. That's one of the many things I like about you."

"You... You like me?"

"Of course I do darlin. I've liked you since the start."

"Bucky... I like you too." You giggled.

He then picked you up and spun you around. "You've made this day from weird to genuine. So be my doll?"

"As long as you're my teddy bear."

"I'll always be your teddy bear baby doll."

You hugged him tight and enjoyed the rest of the day together as an actual couple. To put it this way, Tony had no idea that trying to tease Bucky would result in you dressing up just like Bucky and becoming Bucky's girlfriend. Also the next day that couple's beach challenge went viral with Bucky and your picture the girl took recognizing you both then doing it on her channel. All in all a pretty good beach day.

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