The Sun Loves Me

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Readers POV:

Summer is finally here. I woke up smiling deciding to head to the beach. I packed a large towel and book. Before closing my curtain to change, I noticed there were clouds in the sky. Then closing the curtains I changed into my bathing suit. I grabbed my bag heading out to the elevator. I'm surprised I didn't see Bucky. Maybe he was sleeping in. Oh yeah Bucky's my floor -mate. He's definitely not the Bucky Steve told me about. He's very opposite, but I didn't expect him to change. In fact Bucky and I were best friends. Anyways. I was surprised none of my other Avenger family members got on the elevator... I'm rambling... Sorry back to the story.

There wasn't many people at the beach. Mainly a few families and some joggers. I picked a nice spot laying my towel down picking up my book starting the prologue. I lied on my stomach and read in peace to the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore.

I was like that some time until I made it halfway through the rather long book. Then I turned laying on my back looking up at the clouds. I eventually got hungry, upset I didn't bring anything, but I eventually closed my eyes.

In the tower... Bucky's POV:

No mission today. I must actually be dreaming. Well now that I'm awake, maybe I'll ask y/n if she wants to just have a movie day. I walked to her room, but she wasn't in there since her door was already opened. The next place I looked was the kitchen. Hehe y/n's a foodie for sure, but she can't beat me. She wasn't there either. Then I checked the movie room to no avail. After I went to the living room, library esk room, game room, and pool, and there was no y/n there either.

I decided to call her. She wasn't replying. When I asked Steve, he said he hadn't seen her. In fact nobody had seen her. I went back to my floor trying to call her phone again when I noticed a light on the table. By now you probably guessed right. It was   
y/n's phone. Now I was really concerned. She must've left it on accident surely. Though I'm honestly not so sure. Think Bucky. Think! Where would she go? I looked out the window and rolled my eyes at myself for not thinking about it sooner.

I took off my pjs putting on my clothes and shoes heading to the elevator. I'm glad I can run fast with that serum because in no time, I was at the beach. I walked for some time, and what I saw made my heart hurt.

Readers POV:

"Doll.... Doll.... Y/n.... Wake up."

I opened my eyes and almost jumped in fright when I saw Bucky's face so close to mine. Then I looked at his face more noticing he looked concerned.

"Bucky... What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

"Yes. We need to go home."


"Y/n... You're burnt to a crisp. Your like a human plum for crying out loud."

I looked down and realized he was right. It was bad. I got up already in pain and Bucky called an Uber cause I was exhausted.

We finally made it back and Bucky went to my room putting a towel on my bed telling me to lay down as he went to go get some aloe and other things to take out the sting.

"Y/n... I'm fixing to put condensed milk on your burns. I'm gonna do the top first okay. It's going to curdle and smell bad, but you'll need to leave it on for a while before you shower it off."

Laying on the bed was already painful enough, but I nodded. When he poured the milk on me it hurt.

"Sowwy." Was something I would become used to hearing as he helped me get better. It was his cute little way of saying sorry.

He finally finished, but he didn't leave. He pulled up a chair and put his hand on the bed close to my own.

"You had me worried sick you know that? I spent most the day searching for you, because I was scared someone took you. Then you left your phone here. Why didn't you at least leave a note or tell someone."

"I... I don't know... I... I'm sorry Bucky... Why did you think I would get hurt?" I mumbled.

"Why did I think that? I don't know doll. Maybe because I've been with Hydra most of my natural life, and I was scared they or anyone else could get to you. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I already let you get sunburned." He looked down.

"That was my fault Bucky."

"Yeah, but if I'd known I could have told you, put sunscreen in your bag, or went with you. Now you're in pain."

"Bucky... I'm the idiot who forgot the sun can get through clouds."

"Well I guess I love an idiot." Then his eyes went wide, and your heart felt like it was going to explode.

"You... You love me?"

He sighed closing his eyes shaking his head, and then he opened them again smiling.

"Of course I love you. I have for a while. Now go take a shower, and I'll be here waiting to put milk on your back."

"Bucky... The sun loves me too eheh... Thanks for caring, and I love you too." I got up and kissed the top of his head.

After that he helped me get better. Then I eventually got to where I was peeling. I know it's probably weird, but I love to peel off my dead skin.

Now that Bucky was my boyfriend he was even more protective than what he was.

"Dooooll... Don't peel your skin, you might make it worse." He pulled my hands from my arms.

"Buuuuucky... I can't help it. It's so satisfying... Pwease let me peel my skin."

He held my hands smiling, "How about I put glue on my arm, and you peel that. That way your not peeling your actual skin, but at the same time you're peeling something." He pulled out a thing of liquid white glue.

I rolled my eyes at his cute dorkiness. "If it keeps you calm then sure Buckybear. I'll peel glue off your arm... That's a really weird sentence." Then you giggled.

Bucky chucked with you, "Yeah... Kinda was. Thanks doll."

"No thank you my Buckybear."

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