This Is Your Knight

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The day finally came. The day where you were crowned Queen at only twenty-four. A day you didn't want to come, but it had to come wether you liked it or not because there was no one else to pass the throne to. You were an only child and the only surviving member of the Royal line after your parents passing not but two weeks ago.

It was unexpected, and it left you a mess, emotionally and physically. You needed hope, your people needed hope. They were quite kind people and supported you as much as they could. They tried to raise you from mourning, but they could only do so much.

Eventually you gathered yourself together and claimed what was yours. You were a kind, gentle, and wise Queen. You were the peaceful one that spent one and one time with her people in their community. You even let them come into the castle when needed since it was quiet large. You often were seen wearing flowers in your garments, jewellery, or hair. Your people also were wise, but they were also fierce to defend the people and things they loved.

You were sitting on your throne contemplating whether you should accept the Wofejet (wolf•eh•jet) People's alliance when one of your guards stormed in. With him he seemed to forcefully drag a man clad in armour with a helmet on.

"Flous, (fl•ow•s- like you're saying flower without the er adding a s instead) why are you dragging this poor man into my throne room? This is not how you treat guests even if they might be our foe." You rose from your seat slowly and gracefully walking to you're claimed top guard who might have been hot headed in just the slightest.

"I'm sorry your majesty. Forgive me." He bowed his head.

"Flous, you need not bow to me. Also you've known me since I was a child. Y/n will do just fine as it always has. Now  both of you come along with me and sit down. Ah lovely. Flous, please continue your story of our guest."

"Of course y/n. I found him close to the castle. When I approached him, I asked why he was here. He claims to be your Knight. However he wears the symbol of our enemy Hyreda. (Hy•rhe•da) He said that he was captured by them. He was The Winter Knight, however he made his escape. The people of Wofejet helped him and for a while; he was a scout for them given the title of White Wolf. Now he has come back. He says your kingdom was his birthplace, and that he would like a place here."

You were shocked. This was the Winter Knight and the White Wolf. You'd never met him, but you had heard stories.

"Thank you Flous. If you'd please let me speak with this man alone; I'd kindly appreciate it."

"But y/n what if he hurts you."

"I can handel myself Flous. Go ahead get some supper."

He nodded and went on his way. You watched as he left then looked back at your visitor.

"Follow me sir. I would like to get you into something more comfortable, something of your people. Get you out of the armor of people who took you as their slave."

You lead him to the tailor's area and looked for a nice outfit. "There, now you won't have that symbol on you anymore. Now go back behind those curtains and change. You can come out when you're finished."

"Are you married m'lady?"

You looked down to the ring on your finger and you sighed. "No, no I'm not. I suppose you could say I am taken though. My heart belongs to a man who I have no clue as to where he is." You played with the ring that had been given to you maybe six or seven years ago wondering where your love was, or even if he was alive.

"Oh, I see. On another subject of matter, I'm not sure if I'm ready to show myself to you my Queen..." He raised up his left arm trying to scratch the back of his neck. You noticed his arm and remembered.

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