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Bucky's POV:

I honestly didn't expect the army to be like this. Sure it is scary. It's a war with guns, and you never quite now if you'll live to see the next day. This however is so beyond my mind. A man with a red skull for a face and all his weird science things trying to destroy everything. I never thought it would be like this.

Here I am. A prisoner of war after getting caught in Azzano. Nobody knows how long we've been here. After that man with glasses came we've been loosing men and some say I'm next. I'm scared out of my mind. There has been no survivors that anybody knows of. That's when he came and got me. He lead me to a room strapped me down and started injecting me with things. He put plates on the sides of my head and small bolts of electricity ran through my veins. I screamed hoping someone would find me and save me, but all to soon I felt myself slip into darkness.

I screamed waking up from the terrible nightmare, but it was real all that has happened to me. I was just released from the medical bay a day ago and now I spend my time walking around the camp grounds. I haven't even been willing to talk to Steve. I just want time to breathe. I didn't really talk to anyone actually not just yet.

It's now been a week. My nightmares have started to go down because of her. I saw her the second day after being released... Well I didn't see her, but I saw her h/c hair. Each day since I'd catch her out of the corner of my eye. She was a mystery though. No one new about her, or they might have if I could see more than just her hair or the back of her body that looked like she was just wearing a dress. Everyday clothes. See had to be someone important though cause this place is secure and well hidden.

"Buck, you okay?"


"You were thinking about that woman again weren't you?"

I sighed and nodded my head. Why couldn't she leave my mind, and why did I keep seeing glances of her?

"Bucky, you know if we knew I'd tell you right. Look we're going to go on missions soon so just breathe and hopefully we will eventually find out about this dame okay?"

He was right I needed to focus on the bigger picture. Helping end the war. I just nodded again and sat back on my cot. After that day I never really saw her, but I never forgot her either. By now I had been on fourteen missions and was fixing to go on my next.

I was now in a train, and I felt sick. I kept fighting though. Soon I grabbed Steve's shield and tried to shoot my gun at the Hydra agent, but he was quicker. I was now hanging off the edge of the train. Steve tried to help me, but it was too late. The bar gave away, and I was falling to my death. I tried to turn around but failed and felt a sharp pain in my arm. It was so bad, I passed out.

I opened my eyes and was terrified. I was still in the snow, but blood stained the snow. My blood. I looked down to see half of my left arm was gone. I cried and looked back up trying not to hyperventilate, and that's when I see her again. The mystery dame. She was beautiful, and she looked like she was an angel. This time I saw all her beauty. She had h/c h/l hair, beautiful eyes, and a bright smile. Maybe I was dying because she was dressed in all white. Also why would she be out here in this barren wasteland by herself. She walked with grace and bent down close to me. She moved my hair from my face and smiled. The last thing I heard before everything was dark was her voice saying sleep.

Your POV:

I teleported the man to the apartment I had rented. I placed him on the bed and cut the rest of his sleeve then with my powers I made his arm reappear. I then restitched the sleeve and made the missing fabric reappear as well. I then went to the kitchen to make him some soup.

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