Birthday Buckybear

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All alone in the tower again. You're clumsyness often got the best of you, but you didn't mind. You often liked having the whole tower to yourself. It was midnight at the time and you were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. You normally would stay up later, but tonight you decided against it and picked up your pillow, shark plushie, and Union Jack blanket and waddled to your room. Sweet Dreams.

You woke up at about eight which was odd because you normally would wake up at ten or around lunch. You thought about staying in bed to sleep more but decided against it. You grabbed your favorite pillow and blanket and headed back to the living room that everyone mainly used.

As you were walking you heard a noise coming from that direction. Thankfully you had powers so you were always armed. At the corner before you got to the living room you mentally prepared yourself for someone. 

You walked out. And there he was, Bucky Barnes, your best friend. You dropped your things and ran to him.

"Buckybear!" You squealed and jumped on him hugging him when though you were the same height as him he grabbed you and held you. You buried your head in his neck and could smell his aftershave. He chuckled as he put you down.

"Long Time no see doll. Haven't tripped on anything since I've been goin 'ave you ?"

"Nah. I've actually not done to many clumsy things."

"Well that's just great y/n."

You just smiled and walked with him to the living room sitting down on the couch while you turned on the TV.

"Soooo Buuuuccckkyyy..."


"I happen to know someone awesome."

"Oh really?"

"Yup. Well His birthday just so happens to be tomorrow."

"You don't say?" 

"Uh-huh and I was planning a birthday party but since I'm the only one here to celebrate with him, I was wondering what all I should do for his special day."

"I don't know doll. It really doesn't matter."

"Doesn't matter?!" You say faking shock "James Buchanan Barnes you are important and your birthday is important. Not a whole lot of people live to be 100. I can't help that I'm friends with a 100 year old geezer who has better health than I do."

"Hehehe you always know how to make me smile y/n"

"I try. Really though, what do you wanna do for your birthday?"

"I dunno doll, how bout we figure that out tomorrow."

You just nodded and you both watched TV most of the day even while making lunch and dinner. It was your kind of day. A day to do absolutely nothing but be lazy with the best friend that came into your life. Bucky treated you like an actual friend would. He never lied or talked bad about you. He never made you do anything you didn't want to do. If he ever got invited to do something and you didn't, he'd bring you along if you or him wanted to go. You both just had so much in common and so much not in common it was a balance that probably made your friendship so impressive.

By night you just got super lazy, you and Bucky were watching Pretty in Pink, and grabbed your pillow and put it on Bucky's lap laying your head down and stretching your legs out. Then he got your blanket and put it over you. Before you knew it you were sound asleep. Bucky didn't know what to do so he just turned off the movie picking you up in his arms carrying you to your room then going to his own before looking at you one last time just smiling to himself.

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