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In this Bucky is friends with the Avengers, but he chose a normal life.

Bucky was excited for today's convention. He was going to be seeing his favorite actress, y/n l/n. He had been waiting for this day almost a year now.

He stood in line waiting while his friends were probably all looking around the convention. He wished he would've cosplayed, but he had been so busy at work that he didn't have the time. While he waited he looked at his phone to distract him from his nerves. He was getting closer to the front of the line, and he could hear her voice. It was so beautiful.

Then it was his turn. She looked to him, and his heart swelled. She smiled as he walked to her. "Hi. What's your name?"

"Bucky." He barely whispered.

"Bucky. I love that name." She smiled taking his hand.

"Can I do a pose with you?" Bucky blushed.

"Of course. What do you want me to do?" She agreed.

"Can I hold you bridal style, and we just um... stare at each other."

"Yeah, sure." She nodded.

Bucky picked her up, and they both stared into each other's eyes. It was so odd. He felt like they both were really in love. They way she looked at him made him feel like they were in love.

"My hero." She giggled, and Bucky put her down.

"Thank you." Bucky smiled as he left. He picked up his picture and stared at it for the longest time. He was excited to see y/n again tomorrow for signing.

For now, Bucky just wanted to enjoy the rest of the day. He walked around looking for merchandise. He even ran into some of his friends. He'd found so much merchandise.

"Bucky?" He froze when he heard his name. He turned around and noticed y/n in a gender bent Sherlock cosplay.

He couldn't believe she remembered him. "Yeah. Hey." He smiled.

"Um... Do you mind walking around with me?" Y/n asked.

"Sure." Bucky nodded.

"Great. Thank you." She smiled taking his hand. Bucky really felt his cheeks heart up, and he tried not to freak out.

"So, what's been your favorite thing so far?" She spoke again.

"Honestly... It's been meeting you." Bucky looked to her, and she blushed herself.

"I... I'm honored. It's so weird to be someone's favorite thing here. I mean there's so many amazing things here, so thank you for choosing me. It means the world."

"There's no need to say thank you. So, what's been your favorite thing?" Bucky asked in return.

"Meeting all of you wonderful friends of course. I love getting to meet you all and talk with you all." You squeezed his hand.

You both continued to walked until Bucky spoke again. "So you like Sherlock?"

"Yeah. You know, there's a booth I saw for cosplay outfits. Do you want to go there and get something? I mean I totally understand if that's not your thing."

Bucky couldn't believe you were spending so much time with him, and you were still holding his hand. He kept thinking he was dreaming. "Uh sure." He finally mumbled as she lead him to a booth.

"Soo whaddya wanna be?" You smiled looking through the racks of clothes.

"I don't know."

"Well what do you like?"

"I like..." Bucky tried to think, but he was just so flustered. "I mean I like."

"Oh hello. Are you looking for an outfit for your boyfriend?" A lady asked.

"Oh yes. He's just not sure what he wants to cosplay as." You smiled, and Bucky's eyes went wide.

"Oh alright. Well sir, do you want to do a couples cosplay, or do you want to do something else?"

Bucky looked to you, and you nodded to him. "I don't mind doing a couples cosplay." You whispered.

Bucky still couldn't believe this was all happening. He was surprised no one had noticed you or tried to take you away. He also couldn't believe you were offering to wear couples cosplay with him. Then he smiled, "Sure, do you have a gender bent Molly Hooper cosplay?"

"Great, and I actually do. Come with me, and I'll find your size." The lady took Bucky's hand and lead him to another cloth rack.

You smiled as you waited for him to come back. To be honest, today had been rough. You were surprised the people in charge didn't yell at you or Bucky. Many people that came through were trying to understand, but they still got upset with how rushed they were. When you saw Bucky, it was like a breath of fresh air. He was so nice and understanding like many of your other fans, but when he looked into your eyes, something sparked. The way he looked at you made you feel so warm and protected.

You knew you had to talk to him when you saw him walking around the convention. Now you were enjoying every minute you had with him.

The lady stepped out with Bucky. He looked very nice. "Does it look alright?"

"Of course it does. I love it." You smiled taking his hand. You went to the lady and paid for the outfit and left.

"You didn't have to pay."

"I know, but I wanted to." You smiled as you walked around.

It was getting late, and you were going to have to be leaving soon. You looked to Bucky and smiled.

"I've had so much fun with you today." You whispered squeezing his hand.

"Me too doll."

You blushed at the name he had been calling you over the course of the day. "I don't want this day to end."

"Neither do I." Bucky whispered.

You wrote down your number and gave it to him. "I want to see you again Bucky Barnes."

"I wanna see you too darlin."

You kissed his cheek squeezing his hand. "We'll see each other again. I promised."

Several years later.

"Well it seems that another famous actress is getting married to a fan. Yes, y/n l/n is getting married to Bucky Barnes, and she is taking his last name. The couple has been together for over four years when they met at a convention." A TV announcer spoke.  "Not only that, but Bucky Barnes was the former Winter Soldier. Can you-"

You turned off the TV rolling your eyes. Of course you were going to take Bucky's last name. So what, you fell in love with a fan, but you were both just two people who fell love. You never enjoyed the press, but you tried to ignore them.

"Hey it's okay doll. Let's just forget about them. We have each other, and that's all that matters."

"I know. Thank you. I'm sorry I got so upset." You frowned.

Bucky hugged you rubbing your back. He kissed the top of your head. "There's no reason to be sorry y/n."

"I love you." You whispered.

"I love you too. Now how about we go on a walk?"

"I'd like that." You smiled holding onto your best friend's hand.

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