Dance Partner

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Bucky was doing well. He was getting back memories more and more as the days passed on. Now that he wasn't being hunted down, people were respecting him more. In fact, SHIELD had invited him to a veteran's ball.

Steve was also attending, and he was bringing Natasha with him. Bucky also wanted to bring someone, but he didn't know who to bring.

"I see your trading dance partners." Bucky spoke as he sat with Nat.

"What do you mean Bucky?"

"When I was the Winter soldier, I know I trained you. I also remember dancing with you sometimes in the ballet."

Nat frowned shaking her head, "Bucky, that wasn't me. I was never a ballerina."

"But... Whoever I danced with looked like you."

Nat looked around then grabbed his hand. She led him to her living room that she shared with Wanda. She went to her room and brought out a file.

"You didn't dance with me."

He opened the files and saw a picture of a woman who was actually quite attractive. He continued to look while Nat explained.

"Her name is y/n l/n. While I was out on missions, she posed as me. She is able to make herself look like anyone she wants, but that picture is how she really looks. They made you dance with her because she seemed to calm you down. Things started to get bad when she realized what they were doing to you. She left, but managed to keep in contact with me every now and then. The thing is that she's still alive, and she hasn't aged either."

Bucky looked to Nat with wide curious eyes. "Where is she now?"

"Well she is closer than you probably think, but she's not associated with SHIELD. They don't know she exists. That's why I brought you here. She's like a sister, and if she found out I said anything to someone who might try to bring her here, she might kill me."

"She won't kill you if I find her will she?"

"If you're taking her to that ball she might, but I want you both to be happy." Nat handed him a piece of paper and smiled leaving him alone.

Bucky opened it, already heading for the compound's garage. He got on his motorcycle and headed for his destination. He didn't know why he was going to this lady's house. She probably wouldn't even remember him. He obviously didn't know her, but he was willing to find out.

Her house was in the woods, but it all looked so beautiful. There was a certain peace he felt, and he was becoming calm. He walked up to the door ringing the bell.

The door opened to reveal the very same lady. She looked exactly the same as her picture. Her eyes widened, and she gasped.

"James Barnes, oh wait Natasha told me you go by Bucky. I'm sorry. I can't believe you're here. Please, come in."

He walked in and was welcomed with the smell of vanilla and old books. A record player was playing music from the band he was listening to called Journey. He watched her turn off the record player, and she motioned him to the couch.

"Would you like some tea or something else to drink?"

"Tea would be nice." He nodded.

She soon came back with a hot cup of tea. "This tea..."

"Is your favorite? I know. I used to make it for you"

"After every performance and after missions."

She nodded sitting close to him. "I... I know you probably don't want to hear it, but I'm sorry for what they did to you. I'm... I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough."

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