A Sad Happy Christmas

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Steve's POV:

"Daddy, why does Aunt y/n and Uncle Bucky always look sad?" My adopted children James and Peggy y-n asked. They were orphaned in Sokovia and I adopted them as tiny little babies. Now they were six years old. Also y/n and Bucky... they aren't together my children just call them that plus they're their godparents, but

"Well you see....

Long ago your Uncle Bucky and Aunt y/n were very much different than they are today. Bucky was lively and talked a whole lot. He smiled more too. Y/n still smiles, but she distanted  herself from many people, except the select few.

Back when Bucky, y/n, and I were younger, the times were different. We didn't have what you kiddos have now. However this didn't keep any of us down. We all grew up together and for the longest time, we were all like siblings, until we grew up a bit more.

Bucky began to fall deeply in love with y/n, and she fell in love with him. However she was not being intelegent about it. She was playing hard to get with your uncle Buck."

"Daddy what does that mean?" Peggy asked.

"You'll find out soon enough I'm sure. Anyway that didn't stop him. He try to grab her attention. For over four years. It wasn't until we were in our last year of School. It was Christmas and Bucky as always kept messing with y/n. This time he did it with mistletoe. You see kids if you hang mistletoe over two people they have to kiss. Bucky was a little taller than her so he'd always hang it over her. Each time she'd run away. Finally on Christmas Eve your Aunt y/n gave Bucky their first kiss"

"Ewww." Both kids cringed.

"I know ewww. They dated after but then you know how I go on missions?"

"Uh-huh. I wanna go on one too." James smiled.

"Maybe one day. Well something like a mission came up but much bigger and Bucky had to go away. This made y/n very sad, but she was determined to be with him so she and I both went to help. When we found him, y/n was so happy and Bucky asked her to marry him when things got better. Things didn't though. Bucky got taken by a group of very bad people. They made him forget about Aunt y/n, and me, and every other memory he had. For a while I thought he was gone, but Nat and Sam helped find him. He still can't remember much of what's happened, but he's made new memories. He's sad because he can't remember, and he's sad that there are some things he can't forget."

"Daddy, what about auntie y/n? What happened to her." Peggy asked already concerned.

"Auntie y/n was devastated when she thought Bucky was gone. However she stayed with me and just like me, she was asleep for a long time. When we woke up she was still sad. I did everything I could to make her happy, but she just wasn't the same without Bucky. Then one day she was coming home from the store and got injured. Her brain lost a lot of information including Bucky. For a little bit she was fine, almost like herself again. Then she found out what happened, and that she was missing memories from her head. When Bucky finally came back they'd always talk but never connect. They can't remember each other and that's probably why they are sad."

I picked up my little girl as she began to cry, "hey it'll be okay sweetie. I promise. Now why don't you and James go color?"

I saw her nod and James lead her to their room.

James and Peggy's room no one's POV:

"That's sad about auntie y/n and Uncle Bucky." Peggy whispered.

"I know and that's why we're gonna fix that."

"James... I don't think daddy will like that."

"Oh come on Peggy, it can't be that hard. I'm pretty sure daddy would be proud, and then auntie y/n and Uncle Bucky will be happy again."

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