I Know About This

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If you don't want to read about periods, then just skip this one. I do try to not make it that bad though.

You really were a sweet person, but people tended to stay away from you on your period. It was a horrible time for you really, and you never quiet learned as everyone else would say to control your emotions. You really did try though.

It just so happened to be one of those weeks when James Buchanan Barnes was introduced to his new team. The scientists in Wakanda had successfully gotten rid of his trigger words and gave him an arm that could appear to be skin like if he wanted. He came in greeting everyone, well except you.

"Guys where's y/n? I really want you to meet her Buck, I think you'll like her."

"Did you finally get a girl who likes you punk?"

"No she's more like a sister to me, but she's something else."

"I think she's in her room sir."

"Thanks Friday. Well maybe she'll come out soon. I mean you need to meet everyone at least once."

Bucky nodded as they continued to walk around. They passed your room and heard nothing. But they left you alone and undisturbed.

"Hey everybody. So are we doing anything tonight?"

"We might go to the fair or something." Tony said.

"You think n/n will come out her room?"

"Probably not. She's to grouchy and pushes us away. You know it's that time of month again. We can't do anything." Sam stated.

Then all of the sudden Bucky said the unexpected. "Well maybe you just haven't tried hard enough. She's on her period and you're all acting like it's the end. That's her body taking it's natural course. You might think it's gross but without women, periods, and all there wouldn't be babies. Men can't do that. Without them there wouldn't be future generations. That's just how God made it."

All the men looked at him in shock. His mama raised him to be a gentlemen and to treat women with respect and everything that comes with women. "I had a sister you know." Bucky remembered Rebecca.

"Well softie, thanks for that, but she's still moody and still in her room." Tony laughed.

Bucky couldn't believe what all these men were doing. If his mother had ever found out he said something like that his butt would've been sore for a good week. He was mad that they didn't even try to help you feel better. He decided his new mission was to make you feel as good as he possibly could.

Bucky walked back to your room. He opened door and quietly walked in. He finally took a look at your sleeping form. He had no idea how they could be that way to you. He thought you were beautiful even if you did have drool coming out of your mouth. He smiled at how adorable you looked. Then he found your calendar. Before he came here, they taught him how to use and handle his own phone. He in fact learned quickly (more so than Steve or Thor did) and pulled up the apps section. Sure enough, they had a period tracker and he downloaded the app. He then saw where you dotted on the calendar when you started and put it in. Now he'd be able know when you were close and supposed to start, so he'd be able to help you every single time. He looked at you one more time and promised to make sure he always took care of you, protected you, and would never give up on you.

While nobody was looking he borrowed one of Tony's cars and drove to the store they told him about. Walmart. He parked it and made sure his arm looked real. He walked in and knew where he had to go.

"Excuse me ma'am, but can you show me where the feminine products are?"

"Aww look John he's probably getting pads for his girlfriend for the first time. I wish you would do that for me. Okay sweetie you just go past the pharmacy and... You know what why don't I show you myself. I can help you. My name is Darla."

Bucky blushed at the thought of you being his girlfriend one day, though he hoped you would at least be his friend. He walked with Darla as the man walked somewhere else.

"My name is Bucky." He smiled.

"So for now you can start of with these pads." She said handing him a big bag and he didn't even flinch. He just put them in the cart. Before he turned back to the lady he saw a group of girls staring at him. He had a feeling that not many men did this. What happened to chivalry?

"Okay Bucky, now she's gonna have cramps so you give her two of these every eight hours. Midol. A miracle I'm my opinion."

He nodded as he put them in the cart.

"Now every girl loves chocolate and junk food when she's on her period." Darla said walking out the feminine section with Bucky. They walked till they got to the candy. She helped him pick out candy and junk food as well as tea and hot chocolate.

"Okay. Now that we've got that just in case we'll get her a heating pad."

She continued to talk about things he could do for you such as cuddling. He appreciated all her help even though he knew what to do. Then they got some different kinds of movies for you to watch.

"Okay. Well I've done everything I could Bucky. John is probably waiting. I hope it all works out for you. I think it's so sweet of you for doing that. Most men can't manage to do what you did today or even listen like you did today. Goodbye."

"Thank you Darla."  He smiled walking to the cashier. He unloaded all the things and smiled at the lady. "Hello."

"I've got to say, I don't know if she's your sister, friend, girlfriend, fiancee, wife, or mother, but she sure is lucky to have you around. You don't even seem to be scared or embarrassed. Not many men can do what you did today." She said as she rang up the last things.

"So I've heard."

"So who is she to you?" He had a feeling she was trying to flirt with him so he simply said.

"She's my girlfriend."

"Well I'm very jealous. My boyfriend doesn't even like spending time with me when I'm on my period."

He felt bad for her and nodded. He thanked her and returned back to the tower. He put the things on your desk and left a note before going to the living room.

Soon you woke up and went to freshen up and change into some new sweatpants. When you returned you noticed all the things that were now on your desk. You picked up a note and it said, from a friend. You smiled and cried as you looked at everything including the heating pad. You had been needing a new one. Then you picked up the movies as well as your pillow and heating pad and headed to the living room. You walked and stopped to look at the man sitting there watching some TV show.

"Hi. Uhh who are you?"

"My name is Bucky."

"I'm y/n." You smiled and sat beside him.

"What's that." He said pointing to your movies.

"They're the movies you bought me." You giggled.

"How did you know."

"Cause no one here was willing to do anything like this for me. Steve has tried, but he just thinks he can't. Plus he told me about you."

"Good things I hope."

"He said you were a jerk. I however think you're a gentlemen. Wanna watch these with me?"


"Bucky, can I cuddle with you?"

"That's what I'm here for doll." He held you in his arms and never let go.

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