I'm Scared: Part Six

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Imani looked up to the man and then back at you and Bucky. She looked so scared, but you didn't want to risk the man hurting her so you remained where you were.

"She's the only family I have." The man trembled as the gun shook.

"Sir. Let's just... Put down the gun for Imani's safety." Bucky tried to convince the man to put down the gun.

"You took my baby." The man pointed his gun at Bucky.

Then all the sudden Imani grabbed his hand twisting it behind his back.

"No. They saved me. You abandoned Mama and us when I was born. You left us, and if you loved us they might still be here."

She let go and walked in front of him, "Bucky and y/n are my new Papa and Mama, and I love them more than I'll ever love you."

"If I can't have her, neither can you!"

Everything after that happened in slow motion. You heard a gun being fired. People were running to the man, and Bucky ran to Imani picking her up and running in another direction.

After that you almost fell until Steve picked you up bridal style.

"I need to be with her. I need.... To"

You woke up in a room. Steve and Nat sat in chairs beside you.

"Where is Imani? I need to see Imani."

You were about to get up by when Steve pushed you back down.

"I know you want to see her, but you need rest. Bucky told me you hadn't been getting any sleep, and now that you know you're pregnant, you need to rest. It's not good to stress out because it can put stress on the baby, and you want a healthy baby."

He was right. You didn't like it, but he was right. You lied back down looking at them both.

"Is she okay?"

"She's in T'challa's ER. We don't know anything else. Bucky is with her though." Steve sat down on the side of your bed holding your hand in his in a brotherly way.

"Oh... You.... You didn't tell Bucky did you?"

"About the baby? No. We know you want to be the one that surprised him." Nat spoke as Steve nodded.

"If you try to take a nap, maybe the operation will be complete by the time you wake up." Steve suggested.

You must've been in his room because he began to play soft classical music. Slowly your eyelids began to droop, and your breathing began to level out.

As you were sleeping Steve and Nat went to go check on Bucky. When they reached him he looked up at them. He looked sad and distraught.

"Buck, how is she?" Steve placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"I don't know. They haven't come out of the operating room to tell me anything." He tried to stay strong as a single tear escaped his left eye. "What about y/n? Is she okay?"

"She finally woke up, but we told her she needed rest. She looked so tired, and it's not good for her health if she can't get any sleep." Steve stated.

Bucky nodded as he began to rub his temples.

"Hey... Why don't you go check on y/n for a little while, and we'll stay here incase they say anything about Imani." Natasha spoke trying to comfort Bucky.

"Thank you. Would... Would you please call or text me if they give you any news?"

"Of course pal, and Y/n's in Nat and my room." Steve added.

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