A Blue Box: Part Two

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Bucky Barnes had been through more than a lifetime of hardships. Finally, he was a free man. He had his mind, a new arm, and his free will. He also decided to not get involved in any major events with the Avengers because he thought it was time to finally live the life he never thought he'd get to experience.

Bucky walked out of his apartment to go to his favorite markets. He decided to go back home to America, but he moved to the country where he lived before his family moved to New York. He lived near a fairly small town, and there seemed to never be too much trouble. He loved it there, and he intended to stay as long as he possibly could.

He finally arrived and headed straight to the fresh fruit stand. Ever since he learned that plums helped with the brain, Bucky was always getting the delicious fruit. He got to the point where he didn't necessarily need them for memory, and he merely got them because they were just so sweet. His favorite plums came from the fruit stand owned by Mr. and Mrs. Jones. They were such a lovely old couple, and they were so kind when Bucky would come.

"Ah. Henry look. James has come back, and he's clean shaven." Mrs Jones happily called her husband over.

"Indeed he has. Hello Bucky. Ya gonna get anything other than plums today?"

"I don't know Mr-"

"Now son what did we tell you about calling us."

Bucky looked down as he put his weight on one foot. "You'd both prefer me to call you Henry and Mary. I'm sorry."

"It's fine sweetheart. Now if you're only going to buy plums today, can I at least offer you some lemonade as a thank you for being such a nice young gentleman?" Mary exclaimed while pouring a cup of lemonade.

Bucky nodded taking the cup as he began to look for plums. When he finally finished, Bucky thanked them and left. He went back home to put his plums up, and then he decided to get on his motorcycle and drive around.

It felt so nice out, and Bucky was glad that he was able to go out. Since it was such a nice day, Bucky decided to go to the National Botanical Gardens. He mainly went for the peace it provided as well as all the crisp colors of the plants and flowers.

"Dr.... Come on. These are all beautiful flowers. We can go to the small waterfall to cheer you up."

That voice sounded so familiar. That's when he remembered her. Y/n. He quickly followed her voice, and he froze when he realized it was truly her. The doctor wasn't with her at the moment, but Bucky knew he had to be close.

Bucky hadn't seen y/n since the very first time he saw her. Now Bucky had the chance to reunite with this woman he fell for so long ago.

Without really thinking, Bucky walked to her. He didn't even think before he spoke.

"Y/n... It's me... It's Bucky." He took her hand smiling.

He smiled until he felt her pull away from him. "Who are you? Are you stalking me? Get... Get away."

Just like that, she ran from him. A frown replaced his smile. Bucky was extremely confused. That's when the Dr showed up. Bucky walked up to him wanting nothing more than to punch him or something.

"What did you do to y/n?"

"Nothing. I didn't do anything." He sighed looking to the ground.

"Then what's wrong with her?"

"NOTHING IS WRONG WITH HER." The doctor yelled then went back to a state of gloom. "I'm sorry. Nothing is wrong with her. It's just that she hasn't met you yet."

"What do you mean?"

The Dr walked up close a storm in his eyes. "You humans. It's so hard to tell you things sometimes. Y/n and I haven't gone to that point in time yet."

Bucky took a step back. "If you haven't met me yet, how do you know we met in the first place?"

"She's not met you yet, but I have. To tell you the truth, I really don't want you around my y/n." The Doctor stormed off, but Bucky wasn't going to let him go without answers.

"Why? What did I do?"

The Dr froze slowly turning around. "You're quite the ladies man aren't you? Just get one anytime they walk by? Apparently two of my dearest friends fell for your charm. One got heartbroken. I won't let the same happen to y/n."

Now Bucky was mad. "I'll let you know that I'm not the same as I was all that time ago. I've been through war, loss, and pain. I've had to try to gain all the stolen thoughts and time. I had a hard time trying to even say hello to anyone for the longest time. I hardly have friends. So don't just base my character off something that happened a long time ago."

The Doctor sighed realizing that Bucky was right. Bucky Barnes had been through his own battles and had to adjust just like the doctor. The Dr began to feel some sympathy for the person he judged poorly.

"I'm sorry. I... I owe you a tremendous apology. You're right. I let the past determine who you are now. I also let my emotions get the better of me. It's just... Y/n truly is my precious star. Yn... She's my daughter, but I... I've never had the courage to tell her."

Bucky was utterly shocked. This was all too much. The next thing he knew was that he was sitting on a bench. He slowly got up and looked around.

There was no Dr or Y/n in sight.

It might take a while, but I'll go ahead and say that I'll write another part to this. I'm sorry it took so long to get this one. I hope you liked it.

Also I made the collage. I love making them. I mean I just got the pictures off Pinterest then put them together but anyways.

Thanks for reading.

Flower Child 🥀🌵🥀 Buckybear

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