Little Stevie

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Steve still was little, but he was now a bit older. Currently everyone was enjoying the day together at a local cafe. Bucky got both your drinks, while you poured Steve's milk in his sippy cup. Your lipstick stained the lid of your own cup, but it was worth it because the little cafe had some of the best local (drink).

Bucky began to roar like a lion as he raised up his hand. Steve began to babble as he raised up both his hands.

"Watch out kiddo, the tickle monster is coming." Bucky said in a deep funny voice.

Steve giggled as Bucky picked him up and tickled him. Then Bucky gently handed Steve to you. You also continued to tickle Steve, and Steve was giggling. Then you stopped ticking him instead holding onto Steve. You gave him his sippy cup, and he began to drink his milk.

"I'm surprised he hasn't gotten older yet. Cause now Clint is an adult again." Nat said as she kissed Clint's cheek.

"I... I don't know, but we don't mind." You told her as Bucky nodded.

"Oh, okay." She responded.

"At least he's sort of getting older." Bucky added.

"Do we need to try and find a way to age him up?" Bruce added.

"No. I think we'll wait a bit longer." You answered. You new it was probably selfish, but you and Bucky really loved having a toddler in your apartment. You both hadn't told anyone that you couldn't really have children, and that you'd been trying to be parents for a while now. That's why you could understand why they offered to try and scientifically age Steve up.

"Well if you both change your mind, you know where to find me." Bruce spoke, and you and Bucky just nodded your head.

Eventually everyone finished so you all got up heading to your separate cars. You held onto Bucky's hand as he began to drive.

"So... I was thinking." Bucky momentarily looked to you.

"Yeah..." You giggled.

"What if we take little Steve to Coney Island?"

"Aww, that would be so much fun."

"Then let's go to Coney Island." He smiled.

Once you made it, you picked up Steve, and Bucky got the backpack. When you got the tickets, you walked in and took in all the sights.

"Where should would take Steve to first darlin?"

"I dunno. I suppose we should look at what's in the kids area."

You and Bucky mainly tried to choose rides where you could all enjoy them together. You also made sure they were safe for Steve, because you had both become very protective of him.

When you got on the merry go round, you put Steve on your lap. Bucky decided to stand beside you both incase something were to happen to you or Steve. He wrapped his arm around you, and you both laughed as Steve moved the strap up and down. Bucky couldn't help but video it and take pictures of you and Steve. When the ride was over, Bucky helped you down, and you walked to one of the games.

Bucky won at the shooting range, which left the people running the game in shock. They handed him a teddy bear which he gave to you.

"Here ya go little Stevie." You handed the bear to Steve. "I'm glad you won that bear, because we accidentally left Steve's puppy at home."

"How did we forget Captain Goldie?" Bucky laughed.

"I know, shame on us eheh."

Then you gave Steve one of his snacks while you and Bucky shared some sweet cotton candy. As it got dark, you and Bucky naturally decided to ride the ferris wheel.

Steve sat on your lap as the ferris wheel began to go up. Bucky held your hand, and you leaned your head on his shoulder. You breathed in the crisp air and enamored the beautiful sky as the sun set with an array of colors surrounding it.

"I hope we always can find moments like this in our hectic lives. I've been on this ferris wheel plenty of times, and each time I have a different experience. The best experience so far is this one right here with you and though it's odd a little brother Steve. My best pals in the whole world are sitting on top of this ferris wheel with me, and it just makes me feel so warm." Bucky looked to you with a beautiful smile.

No words needed to be spoken for you both to know how much you loved one another. Bucky kissed the top of your head just as the wheel began to move signaling you're ride was over. Bucky helped you out out of the cart, and you all walked back to the car.

Steve had spent most is his time sleeping as a toddler, and he was sleeping now. You gently put him in the car seat and both you and Bucky tried to be quiet as y'all shut the car doors. Bucky took hold of your hand as he always did.

When he finally made it back to the compound, Bucky discovered that you also were asleep. If it were just you and Bucky, he'd probably carry you in bridal style, but he couldn't leave Steve in the car. He also didn't want to leave you alone in the car, so he gently woke you up.

"Sorry doll. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's okay Bucky. Let's just get in so I can fall back asleep." You lazily smiled as you got out of the car.

Once you got in, you put Steve's pyjamas on him. You weren't surprised that he didn't wake up. He was quiet the deep sleeper, at least as a toddler he was.

After putting Steve in his crib, you put on your own pyjamas. You brushed your teeth, and then you laid down in the bed. Bucky came in the room with his pyjamas now on, and he just laughed to see you were already asleep again.

Bucky pulled down the covers to get in, and then he covered you both up. He then wrapped his arms around you as he kissed your forehead.

Then he too fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

I hope you enjoyed this one. I think I'll do one more part in this little miniseries. I hope you have enjoyed Bucky's plums.

Flower Child

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