Your Devotion

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I hope y'all like the drawing. I did it myself, and I know it doesn't look as real as I would like. It doesn't look exactly like him. I'm trying though eheh. It's... whimsical. I did his outfit colors based on his civil war civilian outfit. I realized after that the outfit looked like John Travolta's in Saturday Night Fever. (I haven't seen it.) Anyways... This is a 1970's alternate universe.

Home at last. Bucky Barnes was finally home after serving in the army for three years before all the troops were sent back home. So many men had been drafted for the Vietnam war, and he was one of them. He had managed to avoid the draft for almost five of the years America had been in the war. It was November of 1969 when he found out. He was only 19 at the time. When he got back home, he was 22, and he wanted nothing more than to appreciate the land he was born and raised in.

He missed his home. He'd been gone for three years, and he wanted to do so much. He realized just how much he missed and took for granted. He almost lost his life several times. Everytime he realized that you never truly know when your time is gone. The one time he was physically injured, he was rushed to the medical wing. Fear coursed through his veins before closing his eyes. When he woke up, he was relieved. Two months later, he was being sent home.

Despite being grateful, he still suffered from PTSD. His father also suffered from PTSD after serving in WW2. His father suggested that he start going to his therapist than procrastinate and regret it later on. His father didn't mean this in a negative light. He just knew that going to his therapist helped with his relationships, especially Bucky's mother. If Bucky's father never went to therapy, he might've not married Bucky's mother. Bucky then would not be here today. He just wanted the best for his son. Of course, Bucky was free to make his own decisions, but he took the word of his father seriously. And because of that, he was already learning how to cope with his PTSD.

Bucky was doing well for himself. Years began to go by, and the war, though he would never forget his time, didn't consume his mind as much as it had. He got a job at a radio station choosing the music, often choosing music from bands like Pink Floyd. He made friends over the years he'd gotten back home. He even managed to get in touch with one of his friends from school. She probably was his closest friends. When they were young, Bucky liked her. He liked her as a true friend that he could trust. When he got back, he realized they had both changed. He also realized that maybe he actually liked her when they were in school. He spent so much time with her, and he would think of her when she wasn't around. Now at the age of 26, he felt like that little boy. He did have other friends, but he spent so much time with her. He thought about her all the time especially when they weren't together. Maybe he hadn't changed as much as he thought. It wasn't until his mother told him that he was in love that he truly accepted the idea. Of course he didn't tell the woman how he felt. Her name was y/n.

She really did help him especially during the first year he got back. She actually was the one that found him. She was at the bus stop when he got home. It gave him hope that she might like him too, because she had no relatives that had gone to fight. He didn't know why she was at that bus stop, and he never asked her why. She just found him and insisted that she carried one of his bags.  She often took him to the park, so he could get fresh air. She wasn't his therapist, but she listened to him when he needed to talk. She helped him get his job, and she could make him laugh. There were just so many things he loved about her.

It was a lazy Thursday after Bucky got home from work. He was about to make dinner when his phone rang. Y/n's voice was on the other end, and he could tell that she was excited about something. She told him that her cousin happened to watch this really awesome movie, and he got her two tickets. She called to ask if Bucky wanted to go with her because she thought he'd really enjoy the movie. The news was that this Star Wars movie was going to be a hit all over. It would be later that night, so he went ahead and met her picking her up at her apartment  They ended up eating a small dinner before going to the theater.

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