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An: this will be a teen Bucky, but he has the personality of movie Bucky. I haven't really read the comics so note that this story won't be necessarily accurate to the comics or movie.

You woke up rubbing your eyes. When your eyes adjusted, you had to look around. You had no idea where you were. Then you remembered a blonde headed man offering you a place to live away from the orphanage. He never told you where he was taking you, and you assumed you fell asleep in the car.

Now you were in a small room. You were on a cot, which was better than sleeping on a cold floor. Beside you was a nightstand, and on the other side was another cot. On the other side of the room were two small closets, and on your side was a small bathroom.

You got up and noticed a combat suit on one of the closets that had a skirt, and leggings. The uniform was blue and red with black combat boots and a mask of sorts. You assumed you were to put it on, so you did exactly that.

Then you noticed a note on the table. You picked it up and read it.

When you wake up, please put on the uniform and make your way out the door. Thank you.

You did as the note said and walked out the door. You were shocked to see men and a few women alike sitting at a large table. They all looked to you, and one stood up.

"This is y/n. She and Bucky will be great assets to the commandos and I."

"What makes this girl so special?" Another man spoke.

"She's... Gifted, and I believe Bucky and her would get along well." The previous man spoke taking off his mask. You then recognized him as the man who offered you a home. Steve Rogers.

"What gifts?" This time a woman spoke.

"More than I know, but your scientist will not experiment on her. Do I make myself clear? If I find out she has been poked and prodded, you will wish you hadn't touched her." Steve firmly told the group of people who nodded their heads in unison. "Good. Y/n, follow me. There's someone I'd like you to meet."

You walked to him, and he lead you down the corridor taking a left at the end of the hallway. There you saw a guy in a almost identical suit to your own. Frank Sinatra played as he shot at targets on the wall getting bullseye each time.

"Bucky.... Bucky." Steve yelled.

The guy who looked around your age, at eighteen, turned around putting down the gun.

"Hey punk. Who's the gal and why is she wearing a uniform similar to my own?" Bucky walked closer to you both.

"Bucky this is y/n. Y/n this is Bucky. You both are going to be partners." Steve smiled as he put one hand on both your and Bucky's shoulders.

Bucky looked to you with a lopsided grin, "I'm not used to partners of my own, but this gal is something else." He extended his hand, and you grabbed it. However, instead of a handshake, the suave boy placed a kiss on the top of your hand instead.

"She is something else. In fact she has powers." Steve added.

Bucky's eyes widened as he looked to you. "Really? That's fascinating."

"It is. I'm going to let you show her around, and don't forget, you both share the same room." Steve left leaving you and Bucky alone.

"So you wanna share your story? Then I'll share mine?" Bucky asked as he looked to you.

"I... I guess." From there you told him that you were an only child, but you got put in the orphanage when your parents died in a car wreck. You told him how you found out about your powers one day after bullies were trying to hurt you. Then after that day you were forced out onto the streets, and you remained there until Steve found you using your powers to get a puppy out of one of the water drains. Bucky also told you his story, and you both had similar situations happen to you.

"So Steve saved us?" You spoke.

"Yeah. Guess so. This place has become my home you know? I mean I still get scared sometimes, but this is my safe place." Bucky smiled as he widened his arms.

"Better than being out on the streets." You shrugged. Bucky could sense you were saddened, so he went to you and hugged you.

"Hey... I know it's not the home you asked for, but it's somewhere. Besides, who really gets to choose their home and family anyways?" He spoke rubbing your back. "I promise, things are gonna get better, and you'll like it here."

You couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

"Hey I gotta laugh outta ya, so that's a start." Bucky whispered as he pulled away. "Now how about I give ya the grand tour?"

You nodded your head and without warning, he took your hand in his own as he showed you around the camp. All you could think was that you and Bucky would be the best of friends.

It had been a while since your very first day at the base. Bucky and you had become very close, and you heard that Bucky and you were the strongest team on camp. Steve was always proud with both of you, and he made sure you never were experimented on or disrespected.

Today you and Bucky were taking a walk outside. It was quiet other than a few men waking about. Then Bucky stopped you both and let out a whistle that mimicked a bird. You were shocked to see a bird appear and land on his gloved finger. You stood amazed as he motioned you to extend your hand. You did as he motioned, and he slowly coaxed the bird onto your finger.

You couldn't believe you had a little blue bird on your finger. It chirped happily, and you gently petted it with a finger from your free hand. You were so absorbed in the little bird that you didn't notice Bucky smiling fondly at you. Then the bird flew away. You looked to Bucky and began to giggle.

"That was awesome! How did you do that? Are you a real life price?" You grabbed onto his hand as you jumped up and down.

"Hehe. Not that I know of. I really don't know how I do it. I just listen to the birds while I wait for targets, and I begin to listen to their calls. After that I mimick them, and they end up coming to me." Bucky shrugged.

"Well, that is really amazing Bucky. You're amazing." You replied as you both began to walk once more, but then Bucky stopped you.

"Is something wrong?" You squeezed his hand.

"No. Far from that actually. To be honest, I thought I was going to be all alone here. By that, I mean that I thought no one my age would be here other than me. Then you came, and we are such great partners. I never thought I'd have someone like that. I just... I want you to know that you mean the world to me, and I'd never ask for any other friend if it meant I got to spend all my time with you."

You looked down as some of you hair fell in front of you face. Then you felt Bucky lift up your chin. "I know it's not much of a mask, but we've never really got to see each other without them. Can... Can we take off each other's masks?" He whispered.

You nodded, and Bucky moved your hair behind your ear. Then you both began to remove the masks. When they were removed, you both really looked at each other. You both thought the other was handsome and beautiful alike.

The attraction between you was like magnets pulling to each other. You both had interest in the other for a while, and now you both were admitting how you both felt.

Bucky pulled you closer and pressed his lips to your own, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips were so soft, and he held you so delicately. Eventually you separated, but your eyes remained closed as a smile appeared on your lips.

"Did I tell you that you're my first kiss?" You whispered.

"You're mine too doll." Bucky also smiled kissing the top of your head.

You opened your eyes, happy as can be.

"From now on unless we're on missions, let's keep the masks off." Bucky spoke.

"Okay." You nodded your head pecking his lips once more before you both began to walk to the canteen.

All you could think of was how glad you were to be taken by Captain America, and now you had someone to share your.... Youth with.

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