Hide and Seek

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You had no idea why Tony and everyone else insisted on continuously playing games, and now they wanted to play hide and seek.

You waited for everyone to finally choose who was going to seek, and you were already tired of the game before it began. Finally everyone decided to let Peter be the one who looked for everyone. He began to count, and you didn't run like the others. You leisurely walked around trying to find an adequate place to hide.

You stopped momentarily to look around an area that appeared to have some hiding spots, when you felt someone pull you behind a post.

"Buck-" your words became muffled when he covered your mouth with his cool metallic hand.

"Stay quiet," he whispered looking out from behind where you hid. "I can't let that bug kid find me first."

You took his hand off your mouth as you whispered, "First off a spider is an arachnid, and secondly this is not a very good hiding spot."

"I know. That's why we're going in the vents."

You looked up seeing a vent had already been opened. You couldn't believe you were about to go in a dirty vent.

"James Buchanan Barnes, you mean to tell me I have to get in a vent just for a game of." Before you could finish your sentence Bucky had already lifted you up in the vents. You grumbled going further into the rather spacious vents as Bucky climbed in closing the vent back up.

"I really don't like you right now James." You huffed.

"Yeah cause you love me. Now try not to speak much so we won't get caught."

"Oh come on guys. You know the vents are my fortress of solitude." Clint whined.

"Great. We might as well just walk up to arachnid kid now." Bucky fussed pouting his lips.


"Will you both be quiet. I hear him nearby." You whispered hearing Peter talk to Shuri.

Time passed, and you eventually couldn't hear his voice anymore. You sighed thankful that the boys had remained quiet. You were surprised you cared at all, and now you wanted to win.

"Coast is clear." Bucky whispered.

"Bucky, your arm can go through metal detectors can't it?"


"Hey, with some of these people they'll use whatever they can to better their advantages." You stated.

Bucky nodded as you all continued to move through the vents. Clint was leading the way since he knew the vents like the back of his hand. All was well until Clint accidentally fell through.

In a hurried panic, you told Bucky to grab your foot, and he did as told. You used your powers to teleport you both to a different section of the vent.

"Hey, I thought we couldn't use powers." Bucky said.

"Tony never specified, so we're not cheating." You shrugged.

"Here I thought you didn't care about this game." Bucky chuckled teasing you.

"Changed my mind Barnes. " You both began to laugh quietly as you waited to hear anything about the game.

As time went on you both played thumb wars since it was a quiet activity to do. You both were getting bored, and neither of you had yet to hear of the others. You hoped that they didn't just give up trying to look for you.

"Did I ever tell you that you look beautiful in a vent?" Bucky whispered.

"No... Don't think so, but thank you for the compliment. You look quite handsome in a vent yourself. The metal of the vent is nothing compared to your arm." You giggled.

"You're adorable." Bucky chuckled as well.

"Did I hear a laugh?" You faintly heard Steve talk.

"I don't know Captain Rogers. I don't think I heard anything." Peter mumbled.

"Maybe if you took off your headphones it would help a little more. Also I heard a laugh." Nat mumbled.

You both covered the others mouths trying not to laugh anymore. The voices got louder, and you both realized that the whole team was right below both of you.

"They should be in the vents, so if you heard a laugh." Clint's eyes looked up to where the vent grate was.

Bucky's eyes went wide, and you decided to talk to him telepathically. "Do you want me to teleport us, or do you want them to find us?"

"I think we should let them find us. We're getting bored, and I know your allergies with the dust will eventually act up, so yeah. Let's just surrender."

You nodded your head, and Bucky moved just enough that a sound could be made.

"Captain Rogers! Captain Rogers! I definitely heard a noise from the vent... Mr Bucky, sir, is that you and Miss y/n in there?" Peter yelled joyfully.

"Yup." You and Bucky said in unison.

Bucky opened the vent grate getting out first. Then he looked up to you smiling. "Come on doll, I'll catch you."

You giggled falling from the vent, landing bridal style in Bucky's arms.

"We finally found you both." Peter smiled.

"Technically y/n won though since she was the last person we saw." Tony said.

Everyone congratulated you as they left. Then you turned to Bucky. "I honestly think we both won."

Bucky just shook his head as he laughed, "That's the thing doll. I'm always a winner because I have the best gal a guy could hope for."

You blushed looking down, "Bucky you're such a charmer, my charmer."

"I know. Hey, how about we go get some ice cream to celebrate your win? My treat." He wiggled his eyebrows as he grinned.

"I'd like that very much Buckybear."

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