We're Doing This Again Because?

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"You lost the bet y/n. Now come on to my room." Wanda lead you to her room, and you were shocked to see Bucky there.

"Bucky, what are you doing here?" You walked up to your boyfriend sitting beside you.

"I lost a bet with Wanda. Then she was like, zhis way metal man. You're coming with me. Next thing I know I'm in her room and she said, wait right here Barnes, I must get one other person. Now you're here." He did her accent when she was speaking causing you to laugh as he held your hand.

"Alright now that you're both here, you both are going to be zhe stars of my show. Well my YouTube, in three, two, one. Hello my glowbugs we are live today so be sending in comments. I'll try to answer some of you and talk back for what I can see. My eyes don't read as quick as my brother eheh."

She looked at the chat on her tablet before looking back at the camera.

"At cottonfluffypuppy asks why Bucky and y/n are here? Firstly Bucky and  y/n say hey to everyone." She smiled.

You and Bucky both waved and you squeaked hey.

"I know they really are the cutest couple." She squealed.

"Um... Wanda why are we here?"

"Well you see Bucky is going to do     y/n's makeup. Funnily enough she doesn't really wear makeup so this will be fun."

"We're doing this again because..." Bucky finally spoke.

"They're doing it because they lost a bet on Sam. They both separately said he is single. I said he wasn't... Sorry ladies Sam Wilson is currently with a rekindled romance with his highschool sweetheart, and she is so sweet to him. Anyway so Bucky and  y/n didn't know what they'd have to do if they lost. Today is the day. I just knew it was the only way I could get them in here."

"Oh no." Bucky and you both said in unison.

"Okay now go on and face each other. Here's the makeup bag. Now remember I can't help you. I would say y/n, but I know she doesn't know much. Now let's start with some questions. At buckylookslikeahippy-"

"Hey!" Bucky pouted.

"Well Buckybear, she or he isn't wrong, but hey we're flower children together.... Maybe a shave at least wouldn't hurt. A lady walked passed us the other day saying you looked like Jesus."

"Maybe I'll shave the beard tomorrow." He smiled

"Everyone's agreeing me included. Anyway the question was when did you know you loved each other?" Wanda awed.

Bucky began to talk while unzipping the bag, "Well at buckylookslikeahippy, I knew I fell in love with y/n when she gave me this beautiful speech to encourage me to be myself. I think I knew before, but that's when I knew for sure she is my heart."

You blushed looking down before looking at him. "Call it cheesy but I fell in love with him at first sight. I know it's not as romantic as Buckybears, but it's the truth."

Bucky picked up light foundation and the beauty blender putting it on.

"Boop boop boop." Bucky dotted your face before blending. "She is like a blank canvas. An inspiration. She is also my muse. The medium, the paint, to create a picture perfect. Though the blank canvas is beautiful in itself so the beholder can see the canvas as his own." Bucky said in a French accent.

"Man, that was deep, also good accent. The next question is for y/n. At stevedateme asks How did you come up with Buckybear?"

Bucky continued to makeup your face as you giggled. "Well Bucky really likes to cuddle as do I. I know to a lot of you it's probably stupid, but I cuddled with stuffed animals before all the way up until one night when I had a nightmare. I went to go see Bucky, and he just cuddled me talking to me till I finally fell asleep. After that we both were more open to cuddling each other so it's like he was my very own teddy bear, but he's my Buckybear eheh."

"Aww. At buckyandy/naregoals says thank you Bucky and y/n for your relationship and sharing some of it with us. Your relationship is an inspiration, and I want a relationship as strong as yours."

Bucky looked to the camera smiling while you looked at him, "Thank you at buckyandy/naregoals. My advice is to find someone who loves you for you and is open to try new things. Another thing is to make sure your ready to be in for it just as much as your significant other because you can't just let one person carry the weight of it all. I mainly speak of that because I saw it with my Ma and Pa, but I don't want that for y/n and me."

Bucky looked back to you and pouted his lips holding up lipstick. You pouted out your lips trying not to giggle.

"Oh my everyone is blowing up the comments asking one thing. Are there wedding bells in the air?"

Bucky brought a Kleenex to your lips telling you to blot it off. Then you looked at the camera.

"Maybe... Sometime in the future though not anytime soon. Bucky and I are really just trying take things slow though marriage would be nice." You nodded.

"This is for Bucky at jeffhatcutie wants to know, hey I know you both said you weren't getting married anytime soon, but where would you want to propose to y/n, or maybe when?"

Bucky laughed as he continued to do your makeup, "I can't tell that. I would say maybe in the _____. It's y/n's favorite season after all."

"At imsleepyandobsessive asks do you want kids someday? If you do girl, boy, both?"

"First of all love your username." Bucky said, "and yeah I'd like a kid or two. We've kinda talked about kids on occasion. I want a little girl and a little boy. The order wouldn't really matter as long as they were safe and healthy."

"Since I am only child I kinda only want one, since I've never had to put up with another person. I just want one, a little girl, but first we have to get married before any of that happens. Also by then I might be a little more open. Who knows." You held onto Bucky's free hand.

"Tada! My masterpiece.... Is complete." Bucky smirked speaking in his French accent being dramatic.

You turned around and gasped giggling because you knew he was actually good with makeup... Well the makeup trends of the forties.

"Bucky that's amazing... How did you do that?"

"Well I guess it's why I want a boy and girl, it was me and my sister Rebecca. Ma was a busy woman trying to put food on our table. Rebecca wanted to look like the other girls so I had to learn how to do her make-up. When she got older she refused to do it herself because she liked when I did it."

"I'm sorry of the circumstance, but that's really sweet. Well I was hoping this would be funny, but the cuteness has overloaded it all. Do either of you have anything to say?"

You whispered something into Bucky's ear and he nodded.

Then Bucky spoke, "Check back on Wanda's channel tomorrow. From the rest of the day today until tomorrow at five, we'll be raising funds for the Mothers United foundation (I made up... If their is one then it's not this one...)  We don't have a goal yet, but all donations will be appreciated."

You leaned onto his shoulder continuing, "When we decide a goal, even if it is not met, I'll be shaving Bucky's beard live at five so stay tuned."

You and Bucky both waved at the camera talking in unison, "Thanks for letting us share this time with you all. Love to each and everyone of you, from flower children." You both raised your free hands making peace signs giggling.

"Well that's all the time we have. See you all soon my glowbugs." Then she finished the video.

"You guys really are the cutest. Thanks for staying."

"I had a good time actually." You smiled.

"Yeah wasn't too bad Wanda."

You and Bucky both walked out and you yawned. "You want to take a nap babydoll?"

"Yes... Can we go get a burger and fries first though?"

"You always know how to read my mind."

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