I'll Be Your Warmth

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It all began one winter when the heater decided it wasn't going to work, and no one could come fix it till next week since the "science Bros" weren't at the tower.

Since nobody knew how to fix it (let's just say that Tony doesn't want any repair men working on his tower), most of the team stayed together in the living room. They gathered all the blankets they could and huddled together. Unfortunately at this point, Bucky Barnes hadn't had the chance to really get to know much of the team, so while the others were huddled with someone sharing blankets, he was alone. He was alone, lonely, and cold. His metal arm didn't make it any better. In fact it caused him to lose heat quicker. This is where you are introduced into Bucky's story.

"Why are you all just cuddled up here?" You walked in to the living room with a snack.

"Freezing our butts off." Clint stated

"Freezing? Freezing? Really? I'm really hot."

"Of course you are." Nat added.

"Oh whatever. Where's Stevie?"


"Steve at this hour? Asleep? He must be sick."

"No. He's not sick. He's just tired with all the stress of his art class."

Steve thought it would be a good idea to teach art classes for fun, but lately they've only been coming for Captain America and not Steve Rogers and his art class, something he was so passionate about.

"Oh... Well I'm gonna go check on him depending on if he's awake or not." With that you left them all with one Bucky Barnes already observing you trying to determine what kind of person you were.

He still was looking in the direction you left for quite some time. Then outta the blue he talked out loud

"Who is she? Is she Steve's dame?"

"Nat what does dame mean"

"Clint, honey it means woman. Sorry about him. That was y/n, no she's single. Her and Steve call themselves the only children, but honorary siblings."

Bucky nodded and got up walking to his room. All the other Avengers that we're in the living room managed to fall asleep with all the blankets and covers. He thought maybe there would be a blanket in his room. He was wrong.

He sighed and went back to the living room; his metal arm making him feel colder and colder by the minute. He thought about stealing a blanket from one of the sleeping Avengers, but then he quickly changed his mind. He went back to where he was sitting trying to focus his mind on you instead.

"Steve's gone back to sl.. oh everyone's asleep... Except Bucky?" You whispered to yourself.

"Hmm. He... He looks rather cold. And I bet Nat and Wanda stole all his blankets. Now that I think about it they probably stole mine and everyone else's too... Well if I had my blankets, I'd let him use them... Especially since I'm so hot. Wait a minute. I feel so stupid. It's his arm. He's really cold because of his arm. I'm hot. He's cold. If I cuddle him my body heat will transfer to him, and I'll get some of his cold. The only thing is will he want me to cuddle him... He doesn't really know me and I honestly don't really know him. You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm gonna cuddle him, so that he'll sorta be warm." You nodded to yourself and walked over to the couch.

Before Bucky could say anything you sat down on his left side taking his metal arm wrapping it around you then snuggled into his side. You sighed at how cold his arm was, and you swore you heard him sigh, probably at how warm you were.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll be your own personal heater. I'll be your warmth. You can't help that your arm causes you to lose body heat or rather make you cold. Your always cold, and I'm always hot... Temperature wise, so why not me be your heater, and you can be my ice pack... In a nice not weird way. Eheh"

You looked into his eyes and you saw a little glint in them. You even saw his lips go up for a second.

"Why would you do this?"

You put your head on his chest closing your eyes sighing "Because I can. I'm sorry I haven't been able to get to introduce myself, but I've seen how you look. You need a friend. You need someone to see past all that happened before and see you as who you are now. You need someone who you can talk with and spend time with. You don't want to feel alone or left out. I know because that's really how I feel. Left out. Alone. You may not know it, but we are somewhat similar even though I've not had to go through the same experiences you have. We really don't talk much and Steve is really the only other person we confide in. I want to be your friend. I want to get to know you for you. And I also want to make sure your not cold anymore eheh."

After your little speech, you felt a small weight on your head. Then you realized, "Bucky... Are you crying?"

"No. I'm not crying." His voice wavering.

You lifted your head up looking at him, "Bucky it's okay to cry. I'm not going to judge you. Instead I'm going to be right here for you."

You hugged him rubbing his back already feeling his silent tears wetting your T-shirt.

"I'm right here Bucky. I'll be your warmth. I'll be your friend. I won't ask you to change. I'll be with you for anything you need. I'll love you as you are. You won't have to worry about being the lone wolf anymore. I'm right here. I'm right here Bucky Barnes."

"Thank you so much y/n. Thank you. Thank you doll. You have no idea how much your little gesture means to me."

That's when he pressed a tiny little kiss on your check before putting his head back on your shoulder. It made you smile knowing that you potentially made his day better.

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