Will Ya?

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Forties Bucky

Life has been amazing lately. The war has ended, and the best thing was that my Bucky returned home. My brother Steve came back from the war too, and he brought over a girlfriend from England named Peggy.

The only bad thing was that Bucky brought back something I figured he and my brother would both get. PTSD.  It returned home with many of the soldiers that made it out. Many nights Bucky would wake me up (since I'm a deep sleeper) crying. I'd sing to him and run my fingers through his hair to calm him down. My poor Bucky's emotions could change at the drop of a hat. He would sometimes yell at me then apologize later crying, and I kissed his forehead telling him it's okay. I also had to learn about things that would trigger Bucky's PTSD like how we couldn't be anywhere near fireworks because the sound made him think of cannons and gunfire. It was all okay though because we were working together. We had each other.

With the money Bucky and I had been saving, we moved to the countryside to get away from the city. Steve and Peggy still lived in Brooklyn, and they would come visit us. Bucky and I would also go to visit them, but since Bucky has more PTSD Steve and Peggy are often the ones that come to our house.

                      Now our story begins.

"Hey doll, I was just wandering if you wanted to go for a picnic out on the field for lunch today?" Bucky asked from the kitchen where he must've already been making lunch.

"I'd love to Bucky. Do you need some help in the kitchen?"

"No darlin', but why don't you come in here, sit with me, and keep me company?"  He pulled off a cute face with puppy eyes.

"Of course." I pulled my chair to the kitchen and watched as he grilled some chicken. He was quite the chef, and he said he might want to go to culinary school so we could open a food and arts restaurant store thing. Yeah, just like Steve I went for art. (You can change what you want to be if you want)

Bucky and I talked for some time until he said he was done. I got the basket, dishware, silverware, napkins, glassware, and blanket while he put the food in containers. We helped each other put everything in the basket, and after we walked arm in arm out to the front of our yard.(you live in the middle of nowhere sort of surrounded by fields) Bucky hummed what only could be that of Sinatra. We were in bliss. We were the epitome of a young couple in love.

We placed everything out and sat down on the lovely day. Not to hot. Not cold. White, fluffy clouds in the sky. Just right. Bucky's cooking was amazing as always.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere ya hear baby doll?" Before I could question him he kissed my lips and ran back to the house. What on Earth could be be doing? I picked some of the flowers around me and started to weave them together while I waited.

Bucky came back and I lightly giggled looking at what he had brought back and the goofy smile that was on his lips. "Bucky honey, why'd ya bring the record player out here?"

"Can't a man dance with his gal every now and then?" He stretched his hand out.

"Only because it's you." He pulled me up then began the player with... Sinatra of course. Steve was the best dancing partner a girl could ask for, up until Bucky stole that title from him what seemed like ages ago.

"Bucky." I gazed into his eyes.

"Yeah." He looked right back.

"I love you."

He kissed my lips. "I love you to sweetheart. Um... There's something I wanted to tell you."

I nodded my head and gave him all my attention.

"Well, you know we've been together for seven years now. You have been with me through so much. You've been there for the good times, the bad times, and the times when I just needed someone to comfort me when I was down. You've been my best pal, other than Steve, since we were kids. We've made memories. We've made mistakes, and we've learned from that. You were the first one I saw when I got off that train, and I know I shouldn't have been scared. The thing I was most afraid of was that you'd moved on, and the fact that we didn't get letters or were allowed to write made me feel like I was in a void of constant worry. But there you were. You moved in with me, since there was no one else in my life. You helped me and help me to this day with my constant struggles. We managed to get a house and well, maybe we shouldn't live together. Not as boyfriend and girlfriend anyway. Maybe we can live together as husband and wife from now on? That is if you say yes. I even asked Steve if I could marry you and he gave me his blessing. I love you
y/f/n, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. I know the start will probably be rocky, there will be times when we fight or get upset with each other, but I know that we will come back to each other. Our love is strong. I know that no matter what happens, no matter where we go, we will make it because home is where you are with me. You have my heart. So will ya? Will ya make me the happiest man and marry me?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes. I'd love to be your wife." That's when he pulled out a velvet black box. He opened it to reveal a gold band with a pearl on the top. (picture)

"Bucky... How... How did you afford this? It's so beautiful."

"I might have gotten a few jobs across the years to save up for the right ring, for the right day, for the right gal, my gal."

"Bucky... You didn't have to do that. I would have been fine with a plain band."

"I know, but you've done so much for me. Besides I can splurge just once in a blue moon. Also I think I'm gonna have to get used to that phrase now what was it? Oh yeah happy wife happy life."

"James you are too adorable."

"Thank you Mrs. Barnes."

"I'm already liking the sound of that Mr. Barnes."

         Love was made for you and me.

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