Little Steve, No More

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This probably will be the last to the little miniseries where Steve has been a toddler.

Steve opened his eyes and instantly felt cramped. He looked around and noticed he was... In a crib? He got out but immediately fell down. When he could finally stand, he looked around noticing he was in your room. Mainly because you and Bucky were asleep in bed. Then he looked at the pictures around, and he saw pictures of you, Bucky, and... a miniature him. That's when he remembered all that happened. He remembered hearing Bucky and you talk about how you couldn't have children, and Steve felt saddened by that.

He left your floor and everyone was shocked to see him in his true age. They were prepping for a mission, and Steve being Steve, was ready to join them.

You and Bucky woke up, and the first thing you did was check on Steve. Then you realized he must've gotten older.

"I guess little Steve is no more." You frowned, "but I enjoyed the time we had."

"Yeah. Me too doll." Bucky kissed your forehead.

You both made breakfast then went down to the main living room. It was so quiet in the room, and no one was around. Pepper did show up. She ended up telling you both that Steve had indeed gotten older, and he and the others were on a mission.

You and Bucky decided to make a big dinner for when they returned because Pepper said they'd be back by night.

After you finished cooking, you and Bucky watched movies the rest of the time. Then you both got up when you heard the elevator's bell ring. Everyone began to walk out, and you and Bucky greeted them. You didn't notice Steve walk by to another room.

"We made you all dinner." You smiled.

"Foooood. Thanks y/n and Bucky." Clint smiled as he walked to the kitchen. Everyone else also started to go to the kitchen.

"Y/n, Buck."

You heard Steve and turned around to face him.

"Hey Stevie." You whispered. He hugged you both, and you and Bucky were about to walk him to the kitchen when he stopped you both.

"Can y'all follow me real quick? I need to show y'all something."

Steve then lead you to a smaller living room, and in front of you were two children, little girls to be exact, and they were around the age of four. It was so odd because they looked like mini girl versions of Steve and Bucky.

"They're sisters. Their parents worked with shield, but they died on the battlefield a week ago. Shield was about to take them to an actual orphanage, but I told Phil I knew two amazing people who would love to raise these little girls as their own."

You and Bucky stood in shock. You couldn't believe what Steve was saying.

"I have the adoption papers right here. They could be Rebecca Jane and Sadie Joyce Barnes. All you have to do is sign the documents." Steve smiled and pointed to which one was which. Rebecca was obviously the brown headed sister, and Sadie was the blonde.

You couldn't help but run to Steve hugging him tightly as tears slipped down your cheeks. You pulled away and walked to the little girls taking hold of Bucky's hand.

"Are you gonna be our new Mommy and Daddy?" Rebecca asked.

"Yes. If you'll let us." Bucky replied smiling.

The girls nodded, smiles appearing on both their faces since the week of their parents death. They both ran to you and Bucky hugging you both in a group hug.

You and Bucky signed the documents, and the girls were now your children.  You picked up Sadie, and Bucky picked up Rebecca.

Rebecca looked up to Bucky, and even though she didn't know his nickname, Rebecca looked up to Bucky smiling, "My name is Becky."

Bucky's heart melted as he looked down to her. "Well you're just my little sweetheart."

"Me too?" Sadie looked to him.

"You too." Bucky looked to Sadie tickling her.

Then you all, including Steve, went back to the kitchen where everyone was waiting.

"We have new members of the family. Bucky and y/n are parents to their two lovely daughters." Steve nodded for you both to introduce your daughters.

"This is Sadie Barnes." You said looking to her.

"And this is Becky Barnes." Bucky added giving her a hug.

Everyone walked to Bucky, you, and your girls, giving you all hugs. They were so sweet to Becky and Sadie introducing themselves, and the girls were nice in return.

You all ate together, and the girls became sleepy yawning. You and Bucky took them to your floor. You were both thankful that the cribs turned into small beds. You tucked them in kissing both their foreheads. .

"Goodnight girls." Bucky whispered as they fell asleep.

You both walked out, and Bucky hugged you. You also hugged him as more happy tears escaped your eyes.

"I guess we'll have to get them new clothes." You giggled.

"I guess so doll, but it's worth it. We have the cutest girls." Bucky smiled as he squeezed your hand.

"We really do, and thanks to little Steve we have experience. Thanks to big Steve we have our kiddos." You added.

"I'm so glad we didn't try to make Steve older through science stuff."

"Agreed." You kissed his cheek as you both checked on your girls that were already asleep cuddling little Steve's stuffed plushies.

"I love you." Bucky whispered

"I love you too Buckybear." 

"And we both already love our Becky and Sadie." You both looked to each other smiling, thankful for all that had happened in your lives.

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