Ripped in half

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By Silverwings_dragon pleaded by Fro.akie (meaning she forced me to write this)
PaRappa was skateboarding
He had been practicing in his free time way more often to see if he could maximize his speed. His goal; to get to his house faster than his bus could. It was something really stupid to do, but it had just become habit now. He didn't even care if the bus got to his home before him every single time. It was just fun in it's entirety, something out of the norm, like himself.

He was getting ready for his favorite part of the ride- the final hill. This hill was so steep that PaRappa often slowed down as not to trip and hurt himself. But this time things were going to be different. PaRappa was feeling brave today (well not all day just right now). He felt as if for a moment his skateboard could start to get lift and leave the ground. He was looking towards his house. The future seemed clear and calm. Just when he was just getting comfortable with being this fast, one of his front wheels hit a rock.
It worried him greatly that he was going to have such a hard fall. Because of the angle of the hill and the way the rock hit the wheel PaRappa went out instead of down.
That was where he lost his hat for the second time.
As you all may know nobody really knows what is underneath PaRappa's hat. For the sake of this fanfiction he just has a head of fur like on the rest of his body with no hair hair. In their world that would considered bald. Yes that means that PJ is bald, but he also doesn't wear any clothes so I can assume that he doesn't care.

Anyway PaRappa had fallen a far distance. He had fallen so far that he almost got his head crushed by upcoming traffic. His hat on the other hand, had flung itself off his head as soon as rock hit wheel.
Unfortunately Gaster, the rabbit thief, saw the hat on it's own. He was parked right there waiting for the light to turn green. Gaster reached down from his van window and picked up PaRappa's hat casually. He the started playing with it, enjoying his easy steal. Hats like those went up in price due to PaRappa's growing popularity.
When PaRappa finally got to grips with his predicament, he saw that Gaster indeed had his hat. He was really embarrassed to be without it. At this point in time he was tired of Gaster randomly stealing his things. He didn't know how to really react. He walked over to Gaster's van and put his hand out.
"Give me my hat back Gaster," PaRappa said trying to be assertive. He was hoping that Gaster in being caught red hat handed would just give up.
"What hat? I ain't ever ever seen no hat," Gaster said hiding the hat in his lap.
"I know you have it just give it up!" PaRappa was worried that the light would turn green any second now.
"Ok you can have it," Gaster extended his arm with the hat in it, but right on the last second Gaster pulled it back up.
"HaHaHaHa! you oh..." Gaster said before seeing that PaRappa had caught the hat. He was trying to tug it out of his hands.
"Gah! Give it back!" PaRappa said starting to pull.
"No!" Gaster said thrushing his body into the van to pull. That was when the red light turned green. Gaster's van started to drive away. With both Gaster and PaRappa pulling on the hat and the van making it stretch even more. It snapped.
"Ow!" PaRappa shouted. He was left with the top half of his hat while Gaster had the bottom half.
"Blaaaaaa!" Gaster stuck his tongue out as his van driven by his partner Groober went off into the distance. PaRappa angrily put on the top half of his hat on his head and continued skating home. He had other hats, but now his trademark favorite hat had been destroyed. He was angry, but that feeling couldn't last too long for someone like him. He soon later forgot.

(The joke name of this chapter is "fist fast fost") (man that's an old drawing now. I might replace it)

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