The most Unpredictable Matt, gets abducted (again)

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PJ knocked on Matt’s door. Matt walked over and opened it.
“Here’s your welcome mat,” PJ said holding a welcome mat.
“Uh thanks,” Matt took it and placed it on the floor.
“You’re welcome Matt,” PJ said walking away. Matt wheezed. It was so stupid and unexpected. PJ came back in smiling. He made Matt laugh.
“You missed a lot last night,” PJ said.
“We did?” Paula said. She had been napping.
“Yeah, What’d you guys do fall asleep right after a ski trip?” PJ continued.
“You’re one to talk. You sleep all the time,” Paula said. She then exploded. It surprised PJ so much that he woke up. “Did you even hear what I said?” Paula continued perfectly fine.
“Just because i’m asleep doesn’t mean I still can’t hear you,” He said. Sometimes reality and the dreamland blended together. What’s real can be blurred for PJ. 
“Katy and Sunny were hanging out with PaRappa last night. They almost died too,” PJ said.
“What!?” Matt said, “More of that. You guys just don’t know when to quit it. It’s sick,” Matt fell through the floor. Paula rushed over to the hole and looked in along with PJ.
“Are you ok?” She said. Matt gave a thumbs up under some rubble. “I guess we’re gonna need another hotel room. I’m surprised they don’t throw us out for all the damage we cause,” Paula said.
“Bad things keep happening to me!” Matt cried.
“Aren’t you sure it’s just normal randomness?” Paula asked.
“Nope! I think i’m gonna wear helmet from now on,” Matt said.
“You’ll look like a dork,” Paula yelled down.
“A safe dork!” Matt said, “I think If I get struck by lightning one more time i’m gonna diiiie,”
“Or you’ll become a superhero,” PJ said.
“That too,” Matt said. “You wanna just get out of here?”
“Yeah,” PJ and Paula said. They went downstairs without saying anything about the hole in the floor. Outside 2 giant metal raptor heads with wire cords as necks stretching far up into the distance were waiting for them.
“What the hell…” Matt said trying to figure out where the cords ended. They didn’t want to go outside anymore.
“Are you guys seeing that too?” PJ said.
“How far does that go??” Paula asked.
“I don’t know but It looks like trouble,” Matt said. They were all looking through a glass door in the lobby. One of the heads noticed them. It gently nudged open the door and entered.
Paula and PJ went in separate directions while Matt froze. The head moved it right towards him like it was trying to sniff him. It flexed it's eyebrows, and then with one quick snap trapped Matt in it's metal skull. Paula and PJ went up to the raptor and started punching it. That did nothing but hurt their fists. That didn’t stop them though. The raptor head entraping Matt went limp dragged itself outside by the cord. It then started going up and up as Matt continued screaming "Not again!!" Both Paula and Matt called 121 at that point.

“Hello?...I'm being abducted,” Matt said.
“We don’t cover NtN abductions. You're owned by us now,” 121 hung up.
“Hello? My friend is being abducted,” Paula said.
“Please hold,” an automated voice said. Jazzy elevator music played as they both just watched the head go higher and higher into the air. The other head was already gone.
“Well I guess that’s that,” PJ said, “I’m sure he'll be fine,”
Matt screamed.
Eventually Matt was taken up past the highest building, mountain, and even the atmosphere. It was cold in there, and he had given up screaming. If only he could see the view. Suddenly the head made a clunk and the mouth opened. The back wall of the head pushed him put into a small white room the size of an interrogation room.
“Is this thing on?” a girl’s voice said. Matt gasped and ran to the back wall. The wall in front of him had a glass display the showed 2 sets of eyes. One pair was black and white like most, but they were perfect circles. They others were bright red rectangles that changed shape fluidly they had no pupils, they were just red rectangles that blinked.
Do not be alarmed,” the red’s eyes said in a man’s voice.
“Wait I wanna try a thing,” The black eyes said. Orchestral music started to play for a little bit.
I don’t think he’s that type of monster,” The red eyes said. The music stopped.
“Ok ok. Let’s scan,” The black eyes said, “ talk?” Matt nodded,
“Oh, hello!”
“Uh hi?” Matt said. He sat down, “Where am I?
“S P A C E,” She said, “Have you ever been in space?”
“Yeah,” Matt nodded.
“Was it willingly? Because you’ve got a chip in your head,” The black eyes said.
“I do!?”
It has a berserk code. Not good at all. We can get it out, Unless you wanna eat only bread forever. You’re being controlled by… dwarf dragons, probably pirates. How monstrous,” The red eyes said in monotone, all except for the word monstrous which he said in disgust.
“You were abducted by dwarf dragons?” the black eyes said.
“I guess!? I was abducted by someone,” Matt said. A little ding was heard. Both of the eyes gasped loudly.
“That’s a lot of chaos!” The black eyes said.
Is this some kind of je-joke? What are-are you gonna do?! If you wanna kill us just make it quick! Trust me I’ve had enough fun!” The red eye’s stuttered.
“Relax Error. You saw him on the head cam, he probably just wants to live a normal life,”
Normal?! Have you seen this planet!? We leave for 5000 years and this place is crawling with chaos! He’s probably brainwashed everyone to playing his subtle game. Go ahead and kill ma-me. I dare you,” Error said.
“Error! You’re scaring him! He doesn’t understand. Plus I want you alive,” The black eyes said. Error whimpered and then started to cry.
“Can I ask what’s wrong?” Matt asked while sitting in a corner.
“You have a whole bunch of chaos magic surrounding your body. You don’t seem to be aware though, you’re also not using any of it. We abducted you because in your area there is a great presence of chaos and evil. You came up on the chaos side of the coin. I guess you just don’t know how to unlock it,”
“Oh I know how to unlock it,” a familiar voice said through the intercom, “I see you’ve captured an alternate me. I don’t care what you do with him. Hey Matt, how you unlock it is simple. Just-”
“Nononononononono! SHut up!” Brent said on the intercom.
“You can’t make ME shut up. Lesser beast you’re, at 47%. F%#@ off,” alternate Matt said, “Call me Mitt please. How many people are watching you right now huh?”
“4?” Matt guessed.
“Technically yes, but Silverwings and Error are one person,” Mitt said.
“Then who else is here?”
“I’ll give you a hint. There’re looking at you through a screen,”
“NOOOOO! Get OUT of HERE! You’ll kill us ALL!! It has to be JUST RIGHT,” Brent screamed.
“Look into their eyes,” Mitt said.
“Don’t look! Not yet!” Brent shouted.
Gah!” Error leaped through the wall separating him from Matt. Matt screamed because Error was 3 times his size, and a frogen (the clunky dragon). Error was white with red outlines and was made completely out of metal, so was Silverwings but she had black outlines. He grabbed Matt by the scruff of his shirt with his mouth and ran to out of the room as quickly as possible. Matt didn’t understand what was happening as they turned homey-looking corners. Despite Silver and Error being made of metal, they seemed to like being comfortable. Error dropped Matt down and put a number code into a doorway.
“Error where are you going?” Silver asked walking down a carpeted hallway.
Planet Flatland to watch over this fool,” Error said as the door opened revealing an escape pod.
“Can’t you just fly there?” Silver said.
Yeah but it would probably kill him,” Error said entering the pod. He picked up Matt with a red claw and placed him in the pod, “You know what? You can go in this pod alone. I’ll be right behind you. I wanna stretch my wings,” Error excited the pod and pressed another button on the dashboard.
“Nano! SpaceCookie!! Can’t you see them!? It’s easy! Oh I give up,” Mitt shouted from the interrogation room’s intercom.
“Have you ever heard about the eyes?” Silverwings asked Error.
Yes. I don’t understand anything about them though. Apparently chaos beasts can see them. I tend not to think about it,”Error said. He pressed a button and Matt and the Pod was shot into space.

(The Matt and the chaos subplot is probably the most abstract and spontaneous thing I've ever written. I'm not even sure how it will end.

I do know that he's going to do something he regrets, and he's going to go where no pile of living pixles has gone before, but I don’t know what he's going to do.

Sidenote: Error originally has red text, but it's just bold here because there isn't too many options.)

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