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Following the 2 robots PaRappa was eventually led to the storage area. Inside of a crate the size of a class room was a robot bar. They sat at a table as the waiter came over. The robot waiter pointed to the menu asking what they wanted. There was tinfoil in different folded shapes and water.

"I'd like a tin foil paper airplane and some water," PaRappa said.

"I'll have tin foil scraps please," said the two robots said simultaneously. The waiter walked away.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me?" PaRappa said.

"Well seeing that you like freeing everyone here, I should give you some tips,"

"Tips? Ohh do tell!" PaRappa said.

"Well, there is a wireless, thing that sends signals back and forth from the... thing to all robots in certain sections. They have a big core on them. Smash that and one third of ALL the robots will be deactivated and freed," The robots got a little riled up from the mention of being freed.

"Well if you know about all this why don't you just free yourselves?" PaRappa asked. The waiter came with his water.
"We would, but codes prevent us from doing any sort of things like that. It's like being influenced by smoke golem smoke. There is sometimes flaws in the system thought, like once we. Wait i'll show you," Brethda's robots started making different odd frequencies. The robots in the bar all rolled their eyes. After a little beep of finished business, Brethda bot's started singing an odd song that PaRappa didn't understand. Then it hit him, he could see it. The chamber with the giant core stuck in the wall. It was like somebody had placed screens on his eyeballs.

"How did you do that!" PaRappa asked amazed.

"Echolocation! And a little magic," The Brethda said simultaneously, "Now, I know that this type of work is, well, dangerous. So I have come up with a reward for you,"

"Reward? Like what?" PaRappa was curious.

"Well let's see what you might be missing... Oh, ohh! I have something perfectly fitted for a lost pup like yourself," Brethda said after looking deep in his eyes.


"You're the lostest person i've ever seen in my entire life! I'll give you a gift just so that you have something to think of when you do come back," The two robot's started singing their strange tune, and thus PaRappa became sleepy.

He was in a dark room being hugged by a nice thick blanket. In front of him was the dim light of a television depicting events he was too unconscious to concentrate on.

"PaRappa! Why are you falling asleep? This is the best part!" Sunny said shifting her gaze off the TV and onto her half awake guest.

"I'm watching it," PaRappa lied.

"Then what just happened?" Sunny asked.

"You just yelled at me," PaRappa said slowly.

"No, in the movie," Sunny said.

"I don't..." PaRappa trailed off in his daze.

"Aww! is Pappy Rappy tired?" Sunny said going up to him. PaRappa nodded in response, "Well then Pappy Rappy can sleep if he wants. I'll pause it, ok?"

"Oh kay," PaRappa closed his heavy eyes and listened to Sunny rewind the movie, pause it, and turn off the TV. She then walked back to him, and quickly kissed him on his nose. Sunny then went off someplace He slowly smiled as the memory faded away.

"Who's that?" Brethda asked after she was done her siren song.

"The lovely Sunny Funny," PaRappa said thinking about her while also twisting his hair with one finger.

"Do you love her?"

"I-I guess I do. I never really thought of it like dat. Well, heh, maybe I have. What was that you did?" PaRappa said.

"I just replayed a memory of yours," Brethda said casually. The waiter came back with the tin foil treats.

"You mean to say that that actually happened?! I must be PaRappa after all," He said, "That also means that Sunny must love me too! Oh what a day to be alive am I right!" The robots in the bar rolled their eyes, "Oh, sorry. That was a little insensitive. Well I would say that it's a deal, not that I wouldn't come back if I didn't get that uh-"

"Song," Brethda said.

"Song. Let's shake on it," PaRappa said putting his arm out.

"Ok!" One of Brethda's bots then proceeded to shake PaRappa's hand, "Well, What are you going to do now?"

"I'm gonna break one of those er, mega cores. Could you help me to it? I don't know my way around here,"

"Sure thing!" Brethda got up with PaRappa and was suddenly followed by the rest of the bar. PaRappa looked at them worryingly.

"Are they angry that we didn't pay?" PaRapa asked walking out.

"No! Haha. Nobody get's paid anything there. It's just pretend. They're probably only curious as to what we're doing," Brethda said.

"I don't think they're deaf Brethda. Maybe they just wanna see us free em," PaRappa said.

"That too," One of Brethda's robots went dark and fell over, "AHHHG!" She screamed.

"What's wrong!?" PaRappa was startled.

"Somebody's disconnecting me from my work bots! Look, I'll sing you the way real quick before this bot goes offline too ok!" She then started singing. PaRappa saw the path as weirdly dreamy as it was. It went down a hall into manufacturing then across manufacturing into a trap door, down a ladder, and into a room the room led to a hallway. The song stopped there as Brethda's other bot fell to the floor.

"Oh gush," PaRappa said at his misfortune, "Do any of you guys know the way?" He asked the bot's following him. They all looked at each other and shrugged, "Of course you don't," PaRappa started on the way he did know, and hoped he would just stumble upon it. The robots cocked their heads and stopped following him as he went down the hall to manufacturing.

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