bad raps and camp

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"My ears are burning," PaRappa said way across town.
"Huh?" Anton didn't understand what that phrase meant.

They were out near the increasingly shallow lake cooking and eating fish.

"I think somebody's talking about me," PaRappa said explaining the phrase, "Are you sure these are safe to eat?"
"Yeah! We just gotta cook em real good. Oh! Also look where you're eating just in cause something's wrong with the fish," Anton said wading around looking at all the fish traps.

"What would I look for?" "I don't know

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"What would I look for?"
"I don't know. Probably just uncooked stuff really," Anton said walking up to the shore to put down the caught fish.
"Oh ok," PaRappa looked at the fish flopping around and felt sad that they were dieing.
"Don't feel down PaRappa. We aren't going to waste a single thing from these fish. Dogs are carnivores after all, well at least mostly," Anton said to try to make PaRappa feel better.
"Heh, are you a dog?"
"What?" Anton said preparing the fireplace.
"You said dogs are carnivores mostly. Are you a dog?" PaRappa smiled.
"Erm, sure. I'm a dog," Anton said trying to diminish his mystery.
"Yay!" PaRappa gave him a thumbs up.
"Haha! Aww" Anton said rubbing two sticks together to create a spark on some dead moss.
"Why do you wear that mask all the time eh? It's kinda creepy," PaRappa said. He imaged taking it off only to find a black hole which he was promptly sucked into. While he was thinking Anton had said something he didn't catch."Huh? Say it again? Sorry I was distracted,"
"I wear my mask to hide my ugly doggo face,"Anton joked.
"Ha! I'm sure you're have an awsome face," PaRappa said, "I wouldn't care if you're face was really disfigured or whatever. You seem like a nice person. Especially since you keep helpin' me out and hanging out with me. And I don't even know you,"
"Well I know you," Anton said.
"Oh...Are you one of my friends that I forgot when I became a dog dog?" PaRappa said softly.
"No. I, I know you from.... what the people in my camp said about your heroic feats. You blew up the factory. We could hear it from where we reside!" Anton almost fell over his words, "Someone who is willing to do what many of us are too scared to do deserves appreciation,"
"Wow. Thank you. Ya know, I thought i'd be alone in this, but it seems I have allies that I can lean on,"
Well guess what?! The world isn't gonna give you somebody to lean on. Everybody is too worried about themselves to care about anyone else! We are too complicated of beings to be close. Asking for help is just a stupid cry that no one can answer. You know why Anton?
Because they need help too. *cough* Ow.
"YES you can lean on us as much as you like! We make lots of stuff that you can borrow,"
"Cool! What do you think might be useful?" PaRappa was curious.
"We have bows and arrows, stone axes, slings. I love slings," Anton put the lit dead moss into the sticks and dried grass of the fire. He blew on it a little to get it going. Suddenly it began crackling in the most satisfying way.
"What's a sling?" PaRappa had never seen a sling in any movies he had seen.
"It's like a small rope with a place in the middle that cradles the stone. It's hard to explain but it just makes a stone the size of your palm really dangerous," Anton said.
They sat there for a moment. Looking at the fire, "Do you think that bad people cry?" PaRappa said out of the blue.
"Do you think people who hurt other people feel bad about it?" PaRappa asked.
"Well yeah. It depends on the person. People who don't feel bad about hurting others is a sociopath. They are mentally unstable," Anton watched as the fire got bigger. He got a clay pot with water and put the fish inside.
"Have you ever met a sociopath?" PaRappa asked.
"Um, I think so," Anton cleaned off a rock he found in the water and placed it gently in the fire.
Ashes to ashes dust to dusk I'm lucky to make it everyday without rust. I trust you this much to keep me stay clean. I'm so sorry if I ever come across as mean. My half functional forearm makes it hard to go on. I hope you can understand, i'm not perfect, I do things wrong.
"What are the rocks for?" PaRappa didn't understand.
"They heat up faster than the pot does. I'm gonna put them in the pot with the water and the fish. It'll boil immediately," Anton said.
Rap is dead. It's pathetically unpoetic and just what people do in bed. I always liked to kick the genre and lay some other topic on ya. But it seems people just like to listen on late night scores instead of chores.
"Oh. I never thought of it like that. How long will we have to wait?"
"Uh, I don't know exactly but, i'll just know it when it's done," Anton looked at the fire. Smoke was getting in PaRappa's eyes so he got up and stood a little aways.
"Ow *cough*" he said.
"You ok?"
"Yeah it's just a bit of smoke. I'll live," PaRappa said standing.
"Oh, ptt! yeah. Of course.. Why do I even ask?" Anton was over reacting. PaRappa looked over across the forest and spotted something.
"Uhhh letsgetoutofhere," He said grabbing Anton by the arm.
"Huh? why?"
"Someone's there. Let's move!" They both rushed into the bush as Bugger Plus came out of one, at the other side of the lake.
"Huh? It's the masked guy from before. He got knocked out by the ogre yesterday. My dudes from camp took him in but it looks like better now," Anton whispered. He was looking at the fire still lit and burning. It was a sure giveaway that somebody was just here. Especially if you understand the cooking process.
"He's been chasing me. He was in the factory looking for me in there too. I don't know if he works for the factory or not but I'm not gonna let him touch me," PaRappa said.
"He's chasing you?" Anton was onto something.
"Uh huh,"
"Then he must be the masked mechanic!"
"And what does that mean?"
"He's really good at making stuff,"
When the night was half done and so was I, I tumbled around to the masked mechanical guy. He dragged me around because I was half dead, he hacked off the weight and gave me a metal side instead. I never knew what he wanted of me to do, because he got arrested for keeping me contested. Metal was not meant to be a part of a flesh guy, but if he didn't do anything than I surely would die.
"Like what?" PaRappa asked.
"Ehhh like an arm...."
"Like a cyborg arm?"
"Yeah sure," Anton didn't want to talk about that anymore. They looked over at Bugger Plus as he started wading his way into the water. As soon as he dipped into the deeper stuff he pushed on back. He didn't want any water in his filters. He could swim, but it was difficult with the extra weight of the green and keeping his head all the way up the entire time was a challenge on it's own.

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