Snap Trap

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PaRappa got on his bike and started off the way he came. A little after he smelled something that was oddly familiar. He stopped his bike to tried to identify it. He smelled where it was coming from and left his bike in the pursuit of it. He knew this was a total dog thing to do, but he let it go. He then smelled home. He wondered why home would be in an alleyway. PaRappa was too focused on what he was smelling to notice a bear trap under some leaves right in front of him. As soon as he fell in a sharp pain entered his leg and started pulsing it's red hot signal across to other places. He screamed immediately. The trap had chopped right through his skin, muscles, and only stopped at the bone. Moving his leg at all caused great chaos because his muscle was ripped in half. He couldn't believe he had fallen for this. A sour crowla flew off from a dumpster and circled the area. It was being really loud. A little far aways was a pillow from PaRappa's house. That was the smell of home, but what was the other smell?
He didn't know or care. He was stuck and he didn't know how to get himself out without hurting himself more. He panicked and tried the only next thing he could do.
"Help! H-help! PLEASE! Gah! HELPHELPHELPHELPHELPHELP! PLEASE SOMEONE! Nahh! HELPHELP HELPHELP HELP!" PaRappa said with all his might. He was panicking so much now. If nobody came he felt like he might die for real. He started sobbing it hurt so much and he just wanted to go home where it was nice, and it smelled like him.
Suddenly Stone cold came in from the opposite side of the alleyway.
"Oh thank god! You have no idea how grateful I am right now. I thought I was gonna be trapped here forever!" Stone walked slowly over with no expression wielding a silver axe, "Mr. Cold? MR. COLD!" Stone brought down his axe right at PaRappa's head. PaRappa with his good leg jumped backwards out of the way. The axe instead hit the chain that the bear trap was connected to. The chain had link shattered! PaRappa hopped as fast as he could on one leg away from him. That didn't stop Stone Cold Killa.
Stone rushed with his axe in both hands. When he caught up to PaRappa he tried his best to chop any part of  him off. PaRappa tossed himself out of the way landing on his bad leg. Luckily Stone had got his axe stuck in the sidewalk and was struggling to pull it out. PaRappa got up due to adrenalin and limped into the road. If anyone drove by his problem would become theirs. A car turned the corner and was heading their way now. PaRappa was so relieved. Stone knew he would be caught if anyone saw him chase a person with an axe.
"IF YOU TELL ANYONE THIS I'LL KILL SUNNY TOO! I DON'T CARE IF I GET LOCKED UP! I'LL KILL HER! I'VE GOT FRIENDS! SHE WILL NEVER BE SAFE AGAIN IF YOU TELL!" Stone said as he rushed into an alleyway without his axe. He was surprisingly agile for someone his age. PaRappa took note of his statement.
The car went to a slow. The man walked out of his car and called 911 on his clunky phone. That's when PaRappa fainted.

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