PJ Land

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While riding into PJ land PaRappa wondered why he was here or where he was going. "friendship?" Would he find someone that would help him out of this supposedly increasing danger in the future? He just decided to listen to what his teacher had said. He was in a lush field of flowers currently. His horse was heading towards a rather large kingdom in the distance. PaRappa wondered if what he was seeing was a dream. He decided it was, but then again weird stuff happened to him practically all the time. It wouldn't surprise him if he had been kidnapped by a magical faun who wants to take him to a place called "friendship" for some odd reason. He bit his lip hoping that he would get back to normal soon. Too much weird had long lasting effects on people. That's where weird people come from. Not that being weird was a bad thing, it just makes it harder to make friends.

PaRappa's horse stopped another gate guarded by two knights.

"Who goes there?" One knight said before gasping.

"Sir PaRappa! We must escort you to the king at once! Ohh the way you defeated your many evil clones was astonishing!" The knight said in awe. The other knight nodded with vigor.

"Oh well uh... You said the king wanted me?" PaRappa pointed to himself.

"Indeed Sir PaRappa!" the knight said steadfast.

"Why do you guys keep calling me that?" Because it's your name you froghead.

"Because you are Sir PaRappa! The hip-hop hero!" The knight stated, "Come this way!" the knight ran forward through the newly opened gate excitedly. PaRappa rode next to the childlike knight as people around him stood in awe. Some of them even bowed. "This way! this way!" The knight bounded. PaRappa rode up crowded by peasants who seemed to eat dessert all day.

One of them, a blue lizard, took one look at PaRappa and dashed to the castle. She burst into the throne room followed by two knights trying to stop this scaly peasant.

"Sorry sir she's super fast," Said a panting knight. They had obviously eaten like PJ lately.

"King PJ, PaRappa has returned," She said panting. PJ sat up in his throne.

"What?!" He gasped. A donut fell from his hand (If you want you could imagine this in slow motion). PJ got up and looked out across his fabulous kingdom. He could see crowds gather around a character sitting high atop a horse climbing the rolling hills of the kingdom. It was indeed PaRappa.

He immediately started on his way down the stairs as quickly as he could.

"Sire! Where are you off to?!" The tired knight asked. PJ did not answer. Outside the castle he stood up high atop a hill.

"PARAPPA! OVER HERE!" He shouted using his hands as a megaphone. PaRappa stopped his horse and saw PJ, but he didn't know PJ. His horse quickly galloped over to him. "Hey buddy. What are you doing here. I haven't seen you since well, since I lost you at the park," PJ said. PaRappa looked in his memories for some sort of hidden part of it that contained PJ. He couldn't find it.

"I'm not sure, what I am doing here." PaRappa said worried that he might hurt PJ's feelings by not knowing who he was.

"That's fine. You hungry? I got a whole bunch of snacks!" PJ offered as an invitation.

"Sure! What type?" PaRappa asked getting off his horse.

"ALL the types," PJ smiled.

"Woah," PaRappa got a little excited. The dinner he had with the werewolves wasn't to his liking. It was noodles. Yuck! He didn't eat much of it.

Inside the massive dining room of the castle the two friends sat at one end of the table made for 50. All they had to do was pound a fork and knife on the table 3 times while saying what they're next meal would be, and it would fall from the ceiling.

"Wafels! wafels! Wafels! Way more than a pawful! My plate can't wait for the taste so great! Add the syrup, and I might just tear up, at the wonderful food you've made!" PaRappa said on the spot while keeping the fork knife beat.

"Wow that was great!" PJ said,"I wish I could rhyme that quick,"

"Oh thanks! It isn't as easy as it looks," PaRappa sighed, "PJ you've been amazingly nice to me, but I don't think i'm the person you think I am. I'm, Putt, not PaRappa. You've got me confused with someone else."

"You've gotta be kidding. There's no way you aren't PaRappa. You act too much like him. But that really doesn't matter seeing this is just a dream and you are a figment of my imagination," PJ said wishing he didn't say that. Saying it out loud made the dream seem more plastic and fake. Despite that, from PaRappa's point of view PJ seemed even more real.

"You know we're in a dream?" PaRappa asked with curiosity.

"Yeah. I have this same dream every time I sleep. It took a lot of work making it just right," PJ said proud of his mental handywork.

"Oh. How did you even do that?" PaRappa asked.

"Excessive sleep," PJ said making being asleep all the time seem cool.

"But that doesn't make any sense. This is my dream," PaRappa was getting to something.

"No it's not. I have this dream every day. You're a part of my dream this time around. If you're aren't a part of my dream then tell me something you did yesterday,"

"I was helping Jessica and Gabe find their football. I also bounded with my familiar by giving him a candy," PaRappa pushed his words in an argumentative way.

"What's a familiar?" PJ asked.

"It's like you, but after you die as an animal. Mine is a bird," PaRappa tried to draw the bird in the air with his finger.

"I never knew that. Hey wait a minute, I never  knew that! I don't know how to rap either! How could you be a figment of my imagination If I can't imagine The stuff you do!?" PJ's eyes widened.

"Because i'm real," PaRappa felt he was winning the argument.

"Who... are  you?" PJ squinted his eyes trying to look deeper. He then looked at PaRappa in a worried way, "Didn't you turn into a dog dog PaRappa?"

"I'm not a dog dog anymore,"

"Wha-!" Everything disappeared. PJ had woken up. PaRappa was now sitting by himself in a black void. "Dang," He was still hungry.

(I have given PaRappa hair because I think that It's too hard to imagine him bald. I can't even draw it. It's like the equivalent of trying to imagine a bat flying.)  

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