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When he finally got to the door of the factory wall PaRappa saw that it was very much locked. Luckily for him there was a vent on the floor that was very rusted. He took his chisel and mashed at the screws. As he did this he thought about how this moment was probably going to be the safest he'll be all day. What crazy horrors would meet him this time? He did not know.

But he did know that these robots were once people and that they were trapped. From what he could gather, they were freed from shattering the circles on their chests. Their cores. For now he decided that he wouldn't break every core he saw in case this caused pain or that breaking them caused the specters to become in greater entrapment than before.

PaRappa was finished opening the vent so he decided to look inside of it.

"MEW!" Shouted a cat. PaRappa glaced at it. He was a little busy. The cat went over to him and rubbed it's side on his leg anyway. Crowla popped up next to the cat.

"Aww!" Crowla said using a wing to pet the semi feral cat. The cat was a little confused and skidded away. PaRappa chuckled. He then looked down into the vent again. He couldn't see the bottom which spelled out bad news. At first he had planned to toss a pebble down the shaft but Crowla decided to hover down and take a look for himself.

The vent was not that deep down. Crowla crowed to signal down. Taking a deep breath PaRappa jumped into the vent. At the floor of the vent he began to crawl forward. It was the only way to go and luckily for him he could see light up ahead. The first light was below the vent. Looking down into it, he saw two spear wielding red eyed robots twitching their heads in a very bird like manner. They walked past goosestepping like soldiers. PaRappa was glad that they did not see him.

Crawling ahead, PaRappa was met with another light from above. He could see that it was in the stairwell that he walked through when he was hypnotized with smoke. It was also the opposite side of the locked door he couldn't get through. He could see a door to the toy storage area that he was discovered by a smoke golem in.

Suddenly the knob to the door leading to outside jostled violently. Somebody was at the other side. PaRappa decided to continue forward, he had left the vent wide open. For presumably Bugger Plus to follow him in. He needed to get away. Up ahead there was no more light, so PaRappa had to feel around like some sort of mole.

There was a dip going further down into what seemed to be an endless pit. That's when he realized he could not turn around. The walls started to feel like they were pressing down on him. How much air could even move past him now? Would he run out? PaRappa started to panic when Crowla pecked on his shoes. Crowla was not having any trouble breathing. This reminded PaRappa that it was all in his head and he needed to stay level.

Crowla had been through this layout before. He knew there was no dangerous drop down below. He stated pushing PaRappa into the dark empty pit.

"Crowla stop that!" PaRappa shouted. Crowla continued anyway until PaRappa fell on his face. Looking below him at first he couldn't see anything, but when his eyes adjusted he could see that below him was a room full of tiny red lights. On closer inspection he could hear  someone breathing too. It was a soft, gentle, and relaxed breathing of someone who was sleeping with their mouth open. He couldn't see who it was. Unfortunately for him the room with the snoring person was the only way out, as he was literally sitting on the vent door. There was no other vent halls or anything.

PaRappa started to unscrew the vent door he was sitting on. He had a slight fear that this vent was somehow going to be harder to open and that he was going to become trapped. That didn't make any sense. He decided he would rather worry about the fact that the object he was standing on was becoming more unstable. He was finished the 3rd screw when the vent unexpectedly bent over the last screw like a trap door. PaRappa was so startled that he walked backwards into a sea of switches that glowed red.

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