forgetful hot water

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PaRappa had decided there was nothing else left for him to do. It was too dangerous to go out anymore anyway. Not when his nose could be tricked into going to false homes. Knowing that Stone had stolen a pillow from his house also made Parappa nervous, especially when he slept. He felt like a sitting duck. He would sometimes call PJ on the phone for a chat, or watch a VHS movies. He didn't really care too much about anything anymore. He considered his life over, but he had no intention of suicide or even self harm. He just floated from room to room in hot water. Eating and sleeping his life away.
His scariest moments were when his brain started getting effected even more so than it ever had before. He started forgetting stuff. Years of information lost. When he realized something was gone he cried, and then fell asleep again. Sometimes he had nightmares about Stone that woke him up like a bite. While other times he had dreams that everything was fine again, only to realize that that it wasn't true. PaRappa's reality had become just a bunch of shattered memories. Sometimes he wondered if outside the house even existed. 2 days after that he wondered if outside his room even existed.
PaRappa looked at himself in the mirror. His face was different, but he couldn't remember what it was like before. His clock was stuck at 5:30 due to low battery. He couldn't read the clock though. The numbers just looked like things.
"The clock stopped ticking, forever ago.
How long have I been up? I don't know,
I can't get a grip, but I can't let go, There wasn't anything to hold on to though
Why can't I see?! Why can't I see?! all the colors that you see?
Please can I be, Please can I be! colorful and free?...
What the hell's going on can someone tell me please?!
Why i'm switching faster than the channels on TV?
I'm black then i'm white no! Something isn't right.
My enemy's invisible I don't know how to fight

The trembling fear is more than I can take
When i'm up against
the echo in the mirror," He sang. (SONG- Echo by Crusher-P)
"Nice singing PaRappa!" Papa clapped from the living room. He hadn't quite listened to the lyrics. PaRappa was surprised that anyone else lived in house. He walked silently on all four of his dog legs to check out the intruder.
"Who are you?" Parappa asked him when he got close enough.
"I told you ten minutes ago. I'm your pa!" Papa said like the ghost of christmas present.
"You're my paw? But that doesn't make any sense. You don't look like a paw. And how can you be my paw if I have all of mine!?" PaRappa said confused.
"No sport I mean i'm your dad," Pawpaw said.
"Oh. Well you do smell friendly. I've smelled you before haven't I? I guess that means you must be telling the truth," PaRappa hopped onto his dad's lap and followed his gaze to the tv.
"Why do you like staring at that thing," He asked.
"It's Soccer. See? They're kicking the ball," Papa pointed. PaRappa looked a bit closer. The camera for the event zoomed in from the far away view to what one player was doing. PaRappa then recognized the face and it clicked.
"Ohh! It's a person!" PaRappa jumped out of Papa's lap and walked over to the TV. He clawed at the screen a little with a paw.
"No don't do that!" Papa said.
"Why not?" PaRappa said continuing to do it. Papa got up to stop PaRappa from scratching the screen. PaRappa just ran away and around.
"HAhaha! I did something wrong!" He said running in a circle happily. PaRappa went up to the tv again and started scratching it. "Look! I'm doing it again! Will you chase me again if I do something wrong again?!"
"No. because then you will do it again," Papa said. He was annoyed, but he also found this oddly hilarious.
"Awww! Come on chase meeeeee!" PaRappa said doing the play bow.
"No PaRappa, I'm tired," Papa said. PaRappa after hearing his own name again realized that he was acting like a dog when he should be acting like a person. He didn't know why, he just had that desire.
"Sorry dad," PaRappa said, "I should be acting like a person better,"
"That's ok PaRappa," Papa said.
"Is it?" PaRappa asked.
"Is anything ok anymore?"
"Heh, I don't know," PaRappa said in a silly voice,"What were we talking about again?"He didn't remember things well because the human type memories couldn't be stored in his dog brain. PaRappa's thoughts that were filled with words were slipping away. At this point he didn't care at all. He would rather run around and chase stuff with his dad than talk. Objects started to not have any names attached to them. They were just themselves. He still knew he was called PaRappa, but he didn't know what his dad was called. He was a friend. Pinto was also a friend.
His school friends were devastated. They all assumed the worst had come, and due to his encounter with the bear trap he had died early somehow. One day they all came in with the missing PaRappa in their minds. They all seemed out of it keeping a close eye on their own desks. Daydreaming, zentangling, It was a mess. Sunny walked up to Matt to comfort him during 3rd period.
"What's the matter Matt?" Sunny said guessing that he knew already.
"It's PaRappa! He's gone. I'm exhausted from grieving. He waS such a nice dUde and i'm never gonna see him again. Sorry if you haven't heard, but he said I could talk about it after he was gone," Matt took a deep breath and twiddled his pencil.
"He's dead?! Already?! Since when?!"
"I'm not sure. I heard he had an accident on a tuesday night. We haven't seen him since," Matt said taking another slow deep breath. Sunny knew that he had been gone, but she hadn't thought of the possibility that he was dead. She didn't hear about any accident. She started to worry.
"I should probably call him-"
"Don't. His dad always picks up and then hangs up immediately. I've tried," Matt explained.
"Well maybe he's just... on vacation and the housekeeper is too shy to answer calls," Sunny said denying that PaRappa was dead. He was still alive in her mind, writing songs in his room while looking out the window. Matt shrugged.
"That's a thought. But why would he be on vacation if he had an accident recently? Your theory only explains the odd phone calls," He said, "Ug, I think I should go home. I can't focus on anything today. Bye," Matt got up and went for the door.
"Wait, you can't just leave school!" Sunny said.
"I'm going to guidance to see if I can go home," Matt explained.
"Oh, ok," Sunny saw him leave. The teacher just shrugged. Sunny was now alone (well not really, there are other students in the room, she just doesn't know them). That tuesday was the day she saw him last. She wondered if she was the last one to see him alive. Sunny hoped that the mallowolf didn't get him, but she was more distraught by the thought of him taking his own life. She still saw him alive and well in his room. Sunny sighed, she didn't know what to think.

(I really encourage you to search up the songs in this that I didn't write. I try to pick ones that, at most fit and are not commonly found. Meaning that you probably haven't heard of them.

Listening to them will probably make it so that you aren't so lost when it comes to "What's the beat and timing?" and etc. You don't have to like all of them, but if you do... well you have a new song to listen to!)

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