Sunny's quest begins

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Anton woke up to his candles melted and his face uncovered.

“Huh?” He sat up from his uncomfortable slab. He looked over at PaRappa, who had vanished. He saw my face didn’t he? “Oooooh!” The nine year old whined. I sure hope he can’t put 2 and 2 together it’s a good thing I didn’t tell him I was a time traveler!
I sure hope you can put 2 and 2 together at this point.

“Goooood Morning Anton!” Lucio said. He spat out 4 chicken eggs that he was housing in his mouth.

“Oh Lucio, it doesn’t seem to be a good morn for me, as I have awoke troubled,” Anton said.

“Uh, What?”

“I’ve just realized that something terrible has happened,” Anton tried to be more clear.

“What would that be?”

“My identity has been uncovered! I just knew asking him to just not look would make me too vulnerable! Now PaRappa has seen my face and has fled to the hillside!” Anton dramatically fell over on his back.

“Well what’s wrong with that? PaRappa just probably needed to get somewhere and he didn’t have time to tell you. Why did you need to hide anyway?”

“I’m a time traveler Lucio. I come from the future, and PaRappa is a prominent part of my life in the future,” Anton said softly.

“You come from the future!!? So do I! Uh I think. I don’t exactly belong here… But continue. Who is PaRappa to you?”

“He’s my Pa... my... Dad,”

“Ooooh! So, you think he knows?” Lucio lit up.

“Eh, No. Now that I think about it I don’t think he would make such an assumption. I never told him I was a time traveler so I guess he’ll just think of me as any other kid,”

“Good, well that went well. I’m sure he’s a good father-”

“No... he really isn’t,” Anton said bluntly.

“Oh, do you mind if I?”

“He was the casualty of a rather serious event that caused him unbearable pain for the rest of his life. With that constant pain he grew sour, and irritated all the time. So he kinda started having negative outlooks on life and a little patience too,” Anton played with one of his petals.

Lucio imaged being stung by bees for the rest of his life and how it would affect him. I’d probably be super angry all the time too, “That’s why I came back to the past. PaRappa was tellin me stories about what happened to em and I felt so bad. It just seemed like everyday is a living hell for him just cause of this stupid incident. I am kinda stuck here now though,”

Lucio started clapping, “What selfless behaviour Anton. Time traveling to help a guy who wasn’t exactly the nicest to you. That takes heart,”

“Aw shucks Lucio. You don’t have to applaud me,” Anton said turning red.

“Yes I do. Good deeds deserve good recognition,”

A knock on the door was heard so Lucio answered it. It was Sunny Funny. As soon as Anton saw that it was her he panicked.

“Is Anton here?” Sunny asked him. Anton jumped out the window.

“Uh you know what, he just left,” Lucio said sweating.

“Really? Oh gush I just missed him. May I come in? This is his house right?”
“Uh yes! Go ahead come in!” Lucio let her come on in despite not really knowing who she was. Then it hit him. Pedals.

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